英语人>词典>汉英 : 杂种繁殖 的英文翻译,例句
杂种繁殖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
interbreed  ·  interbreeding  ·  interbred  ·  interbreeds

更多网络例句与杂种繁殖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But harmful effects are more common in groups with a history of interbreeding over several generations.


On the basis of DDRT-PCR technique we found that:Total of 331 differential displayed cDNA bands from 1161 were displayed in the 4x4 diallel cross combinations with 30 pairs of primers, which shows the differences of gene expression between hybrids and their parental lines were very obvious in quantity and quality.


This course systematically describes the structure and function, transmission, expression and regulation, and evolution of genetic materials, covering basis of cytology for inheritance, molecular basis of genetic materials, Mendel's principles of inheritance, linkage and sex linkage, genemutation, variations in chromosome structure and number, quantitative genetics, inbreeding and heterosis, inheritance of bacteria and viruses, extranuclear inheritance, gene engineering, genomics, gene expression and regulation, developmental genetics, population genetics and evolution.


In this paper, Platycodon grandiflorum was studied to explore the method and technology of using heterosis in sexual reproduction medicinal plant, which is to la.


Mayr also introduced the biological species concept that defined a species as a group of interbreeding or potentially interbreeding populations that were reproductively isolated from all other populations.


Individuals crossing exclusively within the same population produce more progeny than those crossing in both directions and thereby use up some of their gametes for the production of inviable hybrids.


In the experiment ,a study on the polymorphisms of the 62bp of Prepro-orexin gene in ten breeds including Erhualian, Large White and Landrance × Large White × Erhualian crossbreeds was performed by mean of PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP.The litter size and growth performance between different genotype of some breeds were analysized.


Results of interpopulation crossing test of mating, fertilization rate, embryo growth and hatchability under the condition of cage feeding indicated that:(1) due to difference in body size, morphology, habits and characteristics and reproducing season, crossing fertility between wild Japanese quail in China and domestic quail population was lower than that of intrapopulation mating, but fertilized egg through reciprocal crossing could be incubated and produced F1 without prezygotic isolation;(2) crossing of wild male quail ?female small-type domestic quail produced the best effect among all combinations of reciprocal crossings.


更多网络解释与杂种繁殖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capital construction statistics:基本建设统计

hybridist [生]杂种繁殖者,杂交工作者 | capital construction statistics 基本建设统计 | spy glass 望远镜


cross fertilisation 异体受精 | crossbred 杂种 | crossbreeding 杂交育种,杂交繁殖


crossbred 杂种 | crossbreeding 杂交育种,杂交繁殖 | crossing over 互换,交换


在七十五年来,由这二十种野 "种"又产生了超过三十种的"栽培品种"(Cultivar),即人工培养出来的品种. 各野种之间是可以随便交配的,一种Saintpaulia与另一种配种,是轻而易举之事,甚至一些业余研究杂种繁殖的人,也可以把家中所种的两三种品种互相交配.


hybrid 杂种 | hybridism 杂种 | hybridist 杂种繁殖


terminal files 终端仿真文件 | hybridist [生]杂种繁殖者,杂交工作者 | capital construction statistics 基本建设统计


hybridism 杂种 | hybridist 杂种繁殖者 | hybridity 杂种性


interbranch 分行往来 | interbreed 使杂种繁殖 | interbreed 混种


我们也应用这个研究成果来讨论同域物种形成(sympatric生物多形现象(Biological polymorphism)是指在某一物种(species)杂种繁殖(interbreeding)的群体(population),并存两种或两种以上不同的型态(morph,表现型),

intercalary growth:节间生长

interbreeding 杂种繁殖 | intercalary growth 节间生长 | intercalated bed 夹层