英语人>词典>汉英 : 未放置的 的英文翻译,例句
未放置的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未放置的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

E0301:Tray unit error: Returned component is not placed correctly on the traverser station.


E0300: Tray unit error: The component is not placed correctly on the traverser station. If


The effect of diminishing labyrinth hydrops after opening and placing streptomycin on LSC has not been found.


Starting with the same number of resistant and nonresistant mosquitoes, they found that after nine generations the resistant type made up 70 percent of the population -- raising the possibility of replacing regular mosquitoes with resistant ones that don't spread disease.


However, the memory it allocates is unconstructed. Users of allocator must separately construct and destroy objects placed in the memory it allocates.

但是,它分配的内存是未构造的, allocator 的用户必须分别 construct 和 destroy 放置在该内存中的对象。

The ureteral stents were kept between 6 to 14 days.The types of ureteral stents were resinic ureteral ducts and doluble"J" ureteral ducts. Results:The data of 364 patients who went through pneumatic lithotripsy before June 2004 were studied retrospetively.

结果:2002年5月~2004年6月,术后未放置输尿管支架管的89例患者中, 42%(37/89)出现输尿管绞痛、感染、尿外渗、发热和无尿等并发症;2004年7月~2006年3月,所有患者术后均放置输尿管支架管,术后无一例出现并发症。

ResultsFracture did not reach anatomical repositioning, improper selection and placement of the implant, unpromptly nonunion treating, long time placing of the implant, inappropriate functional exercise postoperation, premature loading were the main reasons for implant rupture.


Discard cooked, unrefrigerated foods after 2 hours at room temperature, regardless of appearance.


Results: Nasal crusts in group A were obviously fewer than in group B at week 4 after surgery.


The BORUI software belongs to the field of computer software technology, and is characterized by that after the BORUI software is mounted in computer, when the mourse is placed on the icon of an unopened file, one window can be automatically ejected, the file contents or preset contents can be displayed in the window, after the file is opened, the preset contents also can be looked up by means of software function; in the computer said BORUI software has several functions; inhibiting deletion, enciphering deletion function and making reference and comparison between various files with different types and different forms.


更多网络解释与未放置的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


15、应抛球(DROP)的地方,未抛球而放置地上,罚二杆. 40、瞄球(ADDRESS)后动球,罚一杆,在原有处再打. 14、未除去球印(MARK)推杆,罚两杆.


问(Q): 热转印中的承印物(Work Piece)与夹具(Clamp)的关系如何?答(A): 夹具设计合理与否,对承印物的转印质量,效率有着不可分割的关系,首先在未正式转印 时,要设计的夹具,保证承印面获得最大的承托力,其次要使承印物在放置与卸下时尽可 能方便快捷,


宠物味,是天然的除臭剂;(2) 稳定情绪.松驰身体.舒缓疲劳.启迪思维.增强记忆力;(3) 预防.治疗疾病.强健身心.愉悦精神; 薰香的使用 点燃薰香的未端,放置于点香架上即可 可选香型: 桂花(OSMANTHUS);绿茶(GREEN TEA);玫瑰(ROSE);


1.3.2 最小杀菌浓度(MBC)测定 将菌未生长示有抑菌作用的各药基管中,分别加入1.5ml沙堡基础液基,放置 26 ℃孵育 2h,充分震荡将原接种的菌液洗脱在液体培养基中,再将液体培养基倾入事先准备好的含有3.5ml沙堡液基的灭菌试管中,

Black Panthers:黑豹

Afeni是黑豹+(Black Panthers)的成员. 她因为参与了一个准备在银行和商城中放置炸弹的密谋而坐牢. Shakur家庭接着从东岸般到西岸. Tupac在1990于Digital Underground合作时曾发现他的母亲在吸毒. Afeni得到所有Tupac未推出作品的出版所有权.

Club Face:球杆面

说明:以用"球杆头(Club Head)"正确地打球为前提,以杆头的哪一部分打球都可以,规则中未要求必须用球杆面(Club Face)打球. 说明:在比杆赛(Stoke Play)中必须要履行击球进洞,对不作标记而将球拿起的行为加罚1杆后将球重新放置回原位置继续打球.