英语人>词典>汉英 : 未完成的作品 的英文翻译,例句
未完成的作品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
torso  ·  torsos  ·  torsi

更多网络例句与未完成的作品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paraphernalia of that young lady's favourite pursuits were scattered about the room--drawing-materials, unfinished scraps of work, tangled skeins of silk, and all the other tokens of a careless damsel's presence; while Miss Audley's picture--a pretty crayon sketch of a rosy-faced hoyden in a riding-habit and hat--hung over the quaint Wedgwood ornaments on the chimneypiece.


One reslt of this encounter with the great masters of the early 18th century was Mozart's imitation of Handelin the unfinished Suite in C (only the first three movements were completed), from which Courante is drawn.


So I have like 50 unfinished works of art.


His best known work is the unique, still unfinished church of Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família ( Expiatory Temple of the Holy Family), often simply called the Sagrada Família.


Same with Susini, Tacca was the student and follower of Giambologna. Giambologna left many works unfinished when he passed away. Most of them were completed by达卡 who served the Medici family instead of his teacher with fame and praise.


The brushwork is loose and undescriptive.


Your creative work will not be judged, even when it has to be finalized.


So far this year he's turned up as a character in Dan Simmons' Drood and Matthew Pearl's The Last Dickens, both of which deal with his final, unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood.


"This revised and expanded fourth edition of Andy Warhol Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne 1962-1987, with 1700 illustrations and full documentation, presents the artist's complete graphic production, from his first unique works on paper in 1962 through his final published portfolio in 1987, including trial proof prints and unpublished prints."

&这是《沃霍尔版画作品全集》第四版修订增补本,按时间顺序收录了 Andy 自1962到1987年间的版画作品,有 1700张图片和满满的相关资料。该书展示了这位艺术家所有的版画作品,从1962年第一辑奇特的版画到1987年最后出版的画作,包括未完成的版画样张和其他未出版的作品。&

Sharp's murder became the inspiration for fictional works, most notably Edgar Allan Poe's unfinished play Politian and Robert Penn Warren's World Enough and Time.

夏普遇刺时间成为了作家的创作素材,比较有名的作品是埃德加·爱伦·坡未完成的戏剧《Politian》以及罗伯特潘沃伦的《World Enough and Time

更多网络解释与未完成的作品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Torso 未完成的作品,残缺不全的东西 | Aught 任何事物,零 | Mileage 里程


之后,墨尔本大学的简妮.安德生(Jaynie Anderson)在著名的艺术杂志>(Burlington)上对这幅作品进行了详细论述,简妮认为这幅画是提香确凿无疑的真迹,它可能是一幅家庭肖像性的作品,最终未完成的原因是提香所接的订单太多,


flying spot CRT 飞点阴极射线管 | torso 未完成的(不完整的)作品,残缺不全的东西 | brake flange 闸凸缘


舒伯特几乎将旋律、结构美、原诗的涵义与情感,以及钢琴伴奏的微妙触键结合得完善无瑕. 行家们说,在他那里,歌曲变成了一件完整的艺术作品. 第八号,b小调,"未完成"( Unfinished)钢琴与弦乐的五重奏,A大调,"鳟鱼"(Trout )流浪者(Wanderer)幻想曲

unpublished works:未完成的作品

措辞含糊:vaguely worded | 未完成的作品:unpublished works | 欢迎宴会:welcoming banquet

Who's next:下一个

第3谁人乐队(The Who)-->(Who's Next) 在创造过强力流行乐和摇滚歌剧之后,The Who在他们的第五张专辑中继续创造着舞台摇滚. >中的第九首歌曲是从Pete Townshend野心勃勃的大制作>(至今仍未完成)中解救出的一首作品,