英语人>词典>汉英 : 未削弱的 的英文翻译,例句
未削弱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未削弱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although the extreme heat sapped our strength,we didn't stop working.


One of the greatest dangers we face today is the snare of Satan to weaken the will through unsanctified, uncontrolled emotions.


Had rarely or never used protective;(11) MiceGrayAuto had realized the automatic processing of video data from the sexual preference observation system of rats, and MiceGrayManu had accomplished the analysis of images of sexual behaviors of rats;(12) Peripheral given of high dose androgen to female rats before its brain sexual differentiation had caused masculinization and defemininization in female rats, therefore led to homosexuality, and based on the results, we had established the female rat homosexual model;(13) Peripheral given of estrogen to male rats before its brain sexual differentiation had little effects on the sexual preference and sexual behavior of adult rats;(14) Peripheral given of estrogen antagonist to male rats before its brain sexual differentiation had markedly reduced masculine sexual behavior and interfered male sexual preference, but had no effect on feminine sexual behavior, and based on such results, we had established the male rat homosexual model, however the model have to be improved for better sensitivity;(15) The volume of sexually dimorphism nucleus of the preoptic area of the high dose androgen-treated female rats was significantly greater, while on the other hand the volume of AVPV of which was significantly lesser, than the female rat control.


The results show that the weaken of crack directors has a little influence on stress release and little influence on stress distribution when the crack directors is uncracked. Once it cracked, the tension stress in the arch dam will reduce greatly.


The star has always been a foundation stone of logo design, rife with symbology that varies from jingoistic federalism to quality and celestial guidance.


更多网络解释与未削弱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

erode: v.1:腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损 2.削弱,损害

unimpressed: a.没有留下深刻印象的,未受感动的 | erode: v.1.腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损 2.削弱,损害 | obsess: v.1.使着迷,使心神不宁 2.困扰


事实上,莫斯卡最先提起的受惠(indebtedness)的问题(1902,1907),已经被削弱为一个"未被承认的优先性"问题(鲁伊奇.伊诺第(Luigi Einaudi),1934;塞勒诺(Sereno)、梅加罗(Megaro)、萨尔维米尼(Salvemini),1938).


4.地质力学名词:重叠(overlaying)是指在大规模上升或下降地区,一个较老的构造体系之上叠置另一较新构造体系的全部或部分的复合现象. 前者隆起的部分显得被加强,但实际并未得到加强;而沉降的部分显得被削弱,实际也未削弱.