英语人>词典>汉英 : 木板路 的英文翻译,例句
木板路 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

lumber plank road
更多网络例句与木板路相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alexander Boardman, a railroad conductor, thought up the idea of constructing a wooden walkway from the beach into town as a means of keeping sand out of the hotels.


It is a popular resort and convention center with a famous boardwalk.


By 1884, if you didn't want to walk, you could travel along the boardwalk in a rolling chair.


The boardwalk is one of just a handful of similar ancient structures that exist in the U.K.


It is illegal to use profanity on Atlantic Avenue or the boardwalk.


Is makes the boardwalk, the flat roof and outdoor floor ideal should the thing.


I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.


Reduced oil and natural gas exploration means sales of board road and crane/dragline mats are unlikely to rebound anytime soon.


Perhaps sometimes on that roof, 40 stories above the East River, my mother imagined she could hear the Atlantic Ocean, breaking against the jetties16 of Rockaway Beach, and thought of old summer times walking along the boardwalk17 and of playland with its merry-go-round18, fun house, haunted house, loop-the-loop19, bumper cars, and hordes of hucksters20, selling cotton candy, popcorn, caramel corn, hot dogs, French fries, and candy apples.


The oldest known timber trackway in the country is the Sweet Track, which was built about 6,000 years ago across marshes in what is now Somerset.


更多网络解释与木板路相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Karelian birch:克若利安桦木板

Install wood strip flooring 安装地板条 | Karelian birch克若利安桦木板 | Kerf width 锯路宽度


与灯塔管理者交谈得知向南地路不或将通过,(陆地不行找水地)灯塔後面用小刀取得藤(VINES),再用藤将木板(BOARDS)绑在1起造木筏(RAFT)就可向WEST SHANBAR出发.注意;可放录音带给管理员听,能得到较多地信息.


木板路(boardwalk)是大西洋城的一道风景. 沿海而建,宽达六十尺,长达六英里的木板路一侧是皓瀚的大西洋,另一侧则集中了城内大部份的赌场. 木板路沿着海滩绵延四英里,除去唯美的自然风光,路边还耸立着酒店、商店和各种娱乐场所.

boardwalk:木板路, 木板铺成的散步道

boardroom | 会议室, 交换场所 | boardwalk | 木板路, 木板铺成的散步道 | boardy feel | 硬性手感


boardwalk 木板路 | boardwalk 木板铺成的散步道 | boarhound 用以猎野猪的大猎狗

Under The Boardwalk:木板路下

07 Satisfaction 心满意足 | 08 Under The Boardwalk 木板路下 | 09 Runaway 逃跑

Under The Boardwalk:走在木板路下

老布出过唯一一张CD: | 01 Under the boardwalk 走在木板路下 | 02 Respect yourself 自尊

Atlantic City Boardwalk:大西洋城木板路(新泽西州)

23. 圣地亚哥海洋世界(加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥) Cape Cod National Seashore | 24. 美国自然历史博物馆(纽约) American Museum of Natural History, New Yor... | 25. 大西洋城木板路(新泽西州)Atlantic City Boardwalk

K Karelian birch:克若利安桦木板

Jointless flooring 无缝地板 | K Karelian birch克若利安桦木板 | Kerf width 锯路宽度

Kerf width:锯路宽度

Karelian birch克若利安桦木板 | Kerf width 锯路宽度 | Khaya 非洲桃花心木