英语人>词典>汉英 : 期货契约 的英文翻译,例句
期货契约 的英文翻译、例句


forward contract
更多网络例句与期货契约相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The breed setting up here , managing equally includes maximal USA forward market- Chicago commodity exchange and Chicago futures exchange: Finance bill futures contract , exchequer debt futures , treasury bill futures , stock exponent futures and call-option business etc.


Forward contract is hedging you will be exposed to the movement in the price of the market.


Forward contract is hedgingyou will be exposed to the movement in the price of the market.


That the forward contract is hedging you will be expo sed to the movement in the price of the market.


Fut. Business Commodities or stocks bought or sold upon agreement of delivery in time to come.


This paper examines the price discovery process and information transmission between Taiwan stock index futures contracts、Mini Taiwan index futures contracts and underlying spot index, using a modification of Hasbrouck's (1995)"information share" market microstructure model.

中文摘要本研究使用 Hasbrouck(1995)所提出的资讯比例市场微结构模型,探讨台股期货契约、小型台指期货契约以及台股现货三者之间的价格发现过程与资讯传递现象。

In addition, those theories predict different market conditions have impact on the market depth. This study explores the market depth under different market conditions based on the ultra-high frequency data of Taiwan index futures contracts traded on TAIFEX.


更多网络解释与期货契约相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

binding transaction:定期交易,期货交易

252binding contract有约束力的契约 | 253binding transaction定期交易,期货交易 | 254black figure余额,顺差

dried cocoon:干茧

Treasury Bond)期货及期货选择权契约日本横滨商品交易所(YCE) 乾茧(Dried Cocoon)及国际生丝(International Raw Silk)期货及期货选择权契约日本大阪商品交易所(OME) 棉纱(Cotton Yarn)、羊毛纱(Woolen Yarn)期货及期货选择权契约日

contract for purchase:承买

contract for future delivery 订 期货 | contract for purchase 承买 | contract goods 契约 货品

option forward contract:期货的远期合同

option exchange contract 选择权外汇契约 | option forward contract 期货的远期合同 | option function 选择功能

forward current rating:额定正向电流

forward contract 期货契约 | forward current rating 额定正向电流 | forward current 正向电流

futures contract:期貨契約

但交易商密切关注石油输出国组织(OPEC)成员国伊朗,该国选举结果遭到质疑,在周末引发暴力抗议.内容简介:Finance Management风险管理与选择权简介 主讲:郑华清 June,16,2004 一、期货契约 期货契约(Futures contract)是由交易双方约定在未来的特定时点,

futures contract:期货合同

期货合同(Futures Contract)简称期货(Futures),是指必须通过商品交易所进行买卖的契约,契约规定买卖双方将按特定的价格,于未来的某一特定的时间,对数量标准化的商品或金融工具交货和付款.

buying hedge:买入对冲

就货币市场而言,表示对货币的投资期间比借入期间短暂. 就证券交易而言,是指证券商所持有的证券多于契约到期应交割的数额. 而就期货交易而言,指业者预期行情将上涨而采取买入对冲(buying hedge),此时业者便处于多头头寸.

Perpetual Bonds:永久债券

概述永久债券 (Perpetual Bonds) 没有指定赎回期之债券. 相关词条 无息债券 到期孳息率 盈利率 粉饰橱窗 估价 联合交易所赔偿基金 认股权证相关的股份 信托契约 交易规则 投资期 香港联合交易所有限公司 优先债券 证券交 易商 证券及期货事务监察委员会

Long Straddle:买入跨式部位,下跨式部位

Long currency future contract 买入外汇期货契约 | Long Straddle 买入跨式部位,下跨式部位 | Long strangle 买入不同履约价格的跨式部位