英语人>词典>汉英 : 期待的 的英文翻译,例句
期待的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
expectant  ·  expectants

更多网络例句与期待的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is a far cry from what I expected .


Presented to you by international popculture collective ACHTUNG RADIO (www.achtungradio.com), this promises to be one of the years most memoriable

国际组织ACHTUNG RADIO呈献本次演出,这有可能是本年度最受期待的表演。

Presented to you by international popculture collective ACHTUNG RADIO ( www.achtungradio.com ), this promises to be one of the years most memoriable shows.

国际组织ACHTUNG RADIO呈献本次演出,这有可能是本年度最受期待的表演。

This said, he sat; and expectation held His look suspence, awaiting who appeer'd To second, or oppose, or undertake The perilous attempt; but all sat mute, [ 420 ] Pondering the danger with deep thoughts; and each In others count'nance read his own dismay Astonisht: none among the choice and prime Of those Heav'n-warring Champions could be found So hardie as to proffer or accept [ 425 ] Alone the dreadful voyage; till at last Satan, whom now transcendent glory rais'd Above his fellows, with Monarchal pride Conscious of highest worth, unmov'd thus spake.

V1:一席话说完,他坐下,眼光里显露期待的神情,等待众人的赞成或反对,或起而表示自己甘冒风险一试。可是大家都默坐,相视无言,思虑那危险而面面相觑,各从别人的脸上照出自己的心惊胆战。就是在天战中最勇敢的精英,也没有一个自告奋勇承担起这个可怕的远征。直到最后,撒旦,那时他的荣光超群,自恃力量最大,俨有寡君的骄矜,神态自若地开口说道: V2:这样说后,他坐下,眼光里显露期待的神情,等待谁来赞成,或反对,或起而表示自己甘冒风险一试。可是大家都默坐,噤若寒蝉,沉思那危险而面面相觑,各从别人的脸上照出自己的心惊胆战。就是在天战中最勇敢的精英,也没有一个自告奋勇敢于承担这个可怕的远征。

Vermicelli made from bean starch is right of Gu Ge expecting is to be opposite a kind when new technology expects reincarnate.


Further, the research also identified how certain demographical factors would affect the expectations of the customers, providers and managers, and found that the age, education and religion factors seem to play an important role in the formation of expectation.


Some of features are long awaited and most waited features, such as labels which is similar to categories.


He strutted around the court with his now customary swagger, torpedoing balls with complete disregard to the score and occasion that underlined his high expectations.97年,safin的第一次kremlin杯比赛中,在输了第三个抢七之后败给了老手 Kenneth Carlsen.


Like an expected father in the waiting room of maternity hospital. He's expecting but not for baby.


Irony: A contrast or an incongruity between what is stated and what is really meant, or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Three kinds of irony are (1) verbal irony, in which a writer or speaker says one thing and means something entirely different;(2) dramatic irony, in which a reader or an audience perceives something that a character in the story or play does not know;(3) irony of situation, in which the writer shows a discrepancy between the expected results of some action or situation and its actual results.


更多网络解释与期待的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这个遗址最初被认为是"波斯乐园",之后事实逐渐清晰,所期待的(anticipated)乐园并未发现,而另一种有价值的考古发现崭露头角且取而代之. 各土层的大量的(A plethora of)的文物被揭开. 从公元前三千年时期的土层中,

Easily Understood:清晰易懂的

Expected 期待的, 盼望的 | Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的 | Easily understood 清晰易懂的,


expectation state 期望状态 | expectative 期待的 | expected behavior 预期行为

Expected:期待的, 盼望的

Admire 钦佩的, 羡慕的 | Expected 期待的, 盼望的 | Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的

fascinating:迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的

Expected 期待的, 盼望的 | Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的 | Easily understood 清晰易懂的, 明了的

long-cherished aspirations:长期期待的愿望

同胞 fellow countrymen | 衷心地 from the bottom of one's heart | 长期期待的愿望 long-cherished aspirations

And to top it all off, there's gonna be a gala wedding. Isn't that great:最值得期待的是,那还有一场 盛大婚礼,了不起吧

Not to mention the people o... | And to top it all off, there's gonna be a gala wedding. Isn't that great?|最值得期待的是,那还有一场 盛大婚礼,了不起吧 | Seems like a pretty elaborate cover. I'm gonna b...


an accident(本义)事故 | anticipating(本义)期待的 | awkward(本义)行动不便


eating for two(本义)吃双份饭 | expecting(本义)期待的 | an expectant mother(本义)期待的母亲


to knock up(本义)敲门叫人 | lady-in-waiting(本义)有所期待的女子 | to learn all about diaper folding(本义)学叠尿布