英语人>词典>汉英 : 望远镜星座 的英文翻译,例句
望远镜星座 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Telescopium  ·  Telescope

更多网络例句与望远镜星座相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

NGC 1512 in the southern constellation of Horologium is located 30 million light-years away, relatively nearby as galaxies go, it is bright enough to be seen with amateur telescopes.

ngc 1512年在该国南部星座horologium位于3000万光年距离,相对附近星系去,它是光明的,足以看出与业余望远镜。

Located about 500 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros, CoRoT-7b was first discovered in February by the French and European space agencies' CoRoT space telescope.


This infrared image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows the Rosette Nebula, a pretty star-forming region more than 5,000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros.


To put a telescope to rewarding use, you first need to know the constellations as seen with the naked eye, be able to find things among them with sky charts, know something of what a telescope will an d will not do, and know enough about the objects you're seeking to recognize and appreciate them. The most successful, lifelong amateur astronomers are often the ones who b egan with the least equipment. What they lacked in gear they had to make up for in study, sky knowledge, map use, and fine-tuning their observing eyes.


Ara: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the constellation s Norma and Telescopium.


It is located about 12 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation and is one of the brightest galaxies that can be seen from Earth through telescopes.


Located about 12 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation, M81 is among the brightest of the galaxies visible by telescope from Earth.

位于约1200万光年之遥,在大熊星座主要星座, M81 ,是其中最亮的星系由地球的望远镜可以看得见。

One of the new telescope's first images shows a favorite of astronomers, the nearby galaxy Messier 81, located in the constellation Ursa Major, which includes the Big Dipper.

新型望远镜发回的首批图象中有一张显示了天文学家的最爱---位于大熊星座(大熊星座包括了北斗七星)的邻近银河系Messier 81。

The Rosette Nebula spans about 100 light-years across, lies about 5000 light-years away, and can be seen with a small telescope towards the constellation of Monoceros.


The Rosette Nebula spans about 100 light-years across, lies about 5000 light-years away, and can be seen with a small telescope towards the constellation of Monoceros.


更多网络解释与望远镜星座相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


星群 (asterism)是指恒星所组成的熟悉图案,但不是正式被承认的88个星座之一. 举例来说,北斗七星 (Big Dipper)是位在大熊座的星群. 这群位在北天的鹿豹座 (Camelopardalis; 长颈鹿)内,用双筒望远镜就可以看见的鍊状群星,


今年稍早,当一颗18.5星等(光度)的天体缓慢横越夏日的蛇夫星座(Ophiuchus)时,位于加州帕萨迪纳市,加州理工学院的Michael Brown及Chadwick Trujillo使用帕洛马(Palomar)48吋望远镜发现了他们称为'Quaoar'的天体.


空间站成员可以进入**"开普勒"(Kepler)太空望远镜(镜片0.95米),将寻找星际行星. 此后,将需要中继卫星系统"(TDRSS)从"龙"太空舱向SpaceX公司任务控制中心传输遥测数据的. constell-星座计划_09年动态-评审(PDR)Do :初步设计评审(PDR)


现代通用的星座有 88 个,其中有些是近代才加添的 (例如望远镜座 (Telescopium)). 同一星座内的恒星通常没有实际的连系,恒星之间的距离可以非常遥远. 对地面观测者来说,当天球自转时,星座也随之起落. 地面观测者所处之位置限制了他可以看见的星座.


现代通用的星座有 88 个,其中有些是近代才加添的 (例如望远镜座 (Telescopium)). 同一星座内的恒星通常没有实际的连系,恒星之间的距离可以非常遥远. 对地面观测者来说,当天球自转时,星座也随之起落. 地面观测者所处之位置限制了他可以看见的星座.


telescoping-boom crane 可伸缩吊杆起重机 | Telescopium 望远镜星座 | telescopy 望远镜学


Telescopium 望远镜星座 | telescopy 望远镜学 | telescrile 电话录音机


三角星座(Triangulum)围绕仙女座星系旋转的模拟图. 模拟图覆盖的时间跨度达到300万年,是根据设在夏威夷的天文望远镜观测到的实时数据制作的. 根据最新的研究,因为仙女座巨大的引力,三角星座围绕其旋转,而且三角星座的恒星被仙女座拖拽走.


在该项研究中,斯匹策红外望远镜在距HD 189733b大约60光年的狐狸星座(Vulpecula)测定了来自该行星的红外光线,通过25万个原始数据点得到了整个行星表面的温度图像.

telescoping gauge:伸缩规

Telescopii 望远镜星座的 | telescoping gauge 伸缩规 | telescoping screw 套管螺旋