英语人>词典>汉英 : 望而却步 的英文翻译,例句
望而却步 的英文翻译、例句


direct the eyes upon ... and step back · shrink back at the sight of
更多网络例句与望而却步相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The technology Deep lock palace of the princess, only to favorite adorer prohibitive, difficult to become attached to.


At every turn the IT devoted capital of 1 million and safeguard let numerous enterprise flinch, continue to use primitive fixed backup means act against one's will.


However, there are reasons why leaders in both China and my home country of the United States should not be complacent in thinking about the threat posed to our economies by prohibitively expensive gasoline in the future.


Currently gaining access to these networks through one of the aforementioned companies is cost prohibitive unless you are a biller with millions of monthly bills; however, if you are a biller with less than 500K bills a month you can access the network through a billing service provider.


This kind of thing is called metaclass hacking and is generally considered fearsomely esoteric--deep black magic.


Traditional writers in overlooking this point place St. Luke at variance with St. Paul, and attribute to the charism properties so contrary as to make it inexplicable and prohibitively mysterious.


About everything without realizing the extraordinariness of the tools. Even more regrettable is


But around 7,000 yuan per square metre price for his numerous projects in the former flinch.


I eat many food what I liked before, and I flinch it every time, what's reason?


But the existence of a variety of problems, let medium and small businesses flinch to running software however.


更多网络解释与望而却步相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2) fascination 魅力,迷惑力 | 3) forbidding 望而生畏的,望而却步的 | 4) muster 鼓起


"动机"(incentive)的角度来说,"假定有罪"会产生一种威慑(deterrence), 让那些不符合条件的人望而却步,不敢来冒险或是碰运气. 美国经济的复苏,不仅仅拉动了经济增长,还刺激了美国人增加消费,从而形成了一个良性的复苏循环,

This feature of the book would be enough to inhibit a lot of people from reading it:该书的这个特点足以让许多读者望而却步

(1) His poor English inhibits him from communicati... | (2) This feature of the book would be enough to inhibit a lot of people from reading it. 该书的这个特点足以让许多读者望而却步. | 7. deter... fro...


中国最早接触35毫米自行高炮,应始于英国"神枪手"(marksman)双管35毫米炮塔. 自德国"猎豹"双管35毫米白行高炮出现后,其设计布局就成了各国陆军心目中自行高炮的理想模式. 但是,诸如"猎豹"一类的复杂自行高炮由于系统过于复杂、价格较高而使得很多国家望而却步.


为了阻止麦克斯韦尔的敌意收购,乔瓦诺维奇和HBJ董事会决定调整公司资本结构(recapitalization),这是当时流行的反收购策略. 所谓调整公司资本结构,其实就是大肆举债,借钱向股东发放丰厚股息,安抚股东,而公司的巨额债务亦让敌意收购者望而却步.


比如读英文诗,一个初学者开始就读莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的十四行诗(Sonnets),一定会望而却步,也许还会把书塞到哪个角落里,甚至想最好永远忘记它. 可要是先读彭斯(Burns),雪莱(Shelley),济慈(Keats),再读拜伦(LordByron),

Hernando De Soto:《赫南多.德.索托>

事实上,据著名的秘鲁经济学家赫南多.德.索托(Hernando de Soto)估计,这些非正规的企业的生产总计可能占到发展中国家经济的40%~70%. 在许多发展中国家,由于手续烦琐、注册条件苛刻,加之政府机构贪污腐败,注册小企业的费用也往往使贫困人口望而却步.