英语人>词典>汉英 : 有礼貌的 的英文翻译,例句
有礼貌的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
civil  ·  civilised  ·  courteous  ·  couth  ·  decorous  ·  housebroken  ·  mannerly  ·  obliging  ·  polite  ·  politest  ·  respectful  ·  genty  ·  truebred  ·  politer

更多网络例句与有礼貌的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I know many of you are extremely civilised and I am very proud of you.


He seems to be a most conscientious and polite young man, upon my word.


Good form n appropriate, mannerly behaviour.


There was a reward system in the manners class that the politest child would receive a reward for being nice to the rest of the class.


Being on time to an appointment or work is polite; being tardy is bad manners.


How are you,I am the master of www.0000.com, I have read your messeage and feel so sorry ,please kindly accept my apologize for the unpleasure taken to you,I have delete the article,thanks for your understanding in advance.


Politeness in Chinese is often achieved by using honorific alternatives, prefixing or suffixing a word with a polite complement, or simply by dropping casual-sounding words.


B polite act 有礼貌的表现: I recall his many polite nesses over the years .


But after the ending party, Hong gi said to the producers "If anything, because of Geun suk hyung, I was able to act with more responsibility" Because of my younger co-actors who were so wellmannered likle hong gi, I was able to act more comfortably.


You might tolerate the odd roadhog, the rude and inconsiderate driver, but nowadays the wellmannered motorist is the exception to the rule.

该句字面意思很简单,即&你可能会容忍怪异的、粗鲁无理、不替别人着想的司机,但是有礼貌的司机对于这个规则来说是个例外&,在此&the rule&指的是其前半句&You might tolerate the odd road hog, the rude and inconsiderate driver&乍一看似乎有些悖于常理,&不替别人着想的司机人们能容忍,而讲礼貌的司机,人们却不能容忍&,而实际上,人们不能容忍讲礼貌的司机是由于很少见到这种司机,也就是说讲礼貌的司机太少了,人们对那些粗鲁的司机已习以为常。

更多网络解释与有礼貌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

courtesy n.1:谦恭有礼2.有礼貌的举止(或言词)

courteous a.彬彬有礼的,恭敬的,谦恭的 | courtesy n.1.谦恭有礼2.有礼貌的举止(或言词) | courtyard n.庭院,院子

courtesy n.1:谦恭有礼 2.有礼貌的举止

municipal a. 市的,市政的 | courtesy n. 1.谦恭有礼 2.有礼貌的举止 | stout a. 1.发胖的,胖而大的 2.结实的,牢固的 3.勇敢的,大胆的,顽强的[联想词]


decorative 装饰的 | decorous 有礼貌的 | decorously 有礼貌地




mannerless 无礼貌的 | mannerly 有礼貌的 | manners 礼貌

polite adjective:有礼貌的,有教养的

impatience noun 急躁 | polite adjective 有礼貌的,有教养的 | abroad adjective, adverb 往国外/海外

Interrupting politely:有礼貌的介入

>You are right in a degree,but... 一定程度上你是对的,但... | ⑤有礼貌的介入 Interrupting politely | Sometimes you have to interrupt politely.When you do so,you can say / 有时候你必须礼貌地介入讨论. 这时候...

politesse f:礼貌,礼节,客气,有礼貌的行为/话 NULL bru^lerla~不告而别

4487 police f. 治安,警察,警局,侦探事务所,保险单 NULL postede~派... | 4488 politesse f. 礼貌,礼节,客气,有礼貌的行为/话 NULL bru^lerla~不告而别 | 4489 politicien,ne n.;a. 政治家,从政者,贬]政客;贬]政客 NUL...


politer 有礼貌的 | politest 有礼貌的 | politic 精明的


politeness 有礼 | politer 有礼貌的 | politest 有礼貌的