英语人>词典>汉英 : 有活性的 的英文翻译,例句
有活性的 的英文翻译、例句


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Based on the cloning FeSOD gene of the HZNH, the recombinant prokaryotic expression vector, PQESOa/FeSOD, was constructed and digested with restriction endonuclease BamH I and Pst I to check its construction. The PQE30a/FeSOD was then transformed into E.coli Ml5 and induced with IPTG. The high expression in vitro was obtained and analyzed on SDS-PAGE gel. The*results showed that the target proteins held a 37% portion in whole bacterial proteins and consisted of two parts, the soluble proteins and inclusion bodies. The soluble proteins in the aqueous layer, checked by means of activities of FeSOD enzymes and analyzed by means of activities of isozymogram from PAGE, demonstrated the induced expression proteins had the active nature of FeSOD enzymes.

以克隆的特异种质烟草HZNH的FeSOD基因为基础,构建了原核表达载体PQE30a/FeSOD,经限制性内切酶BamH Ⅰ、Pst Ⅰ双酶切鉴定后,再转化入大肠杆菌M15中,通过IPTG诱导,得到高效体外表达,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,表达的目的蛋白占总菌体蛋白的37%,可溶性和包涵体两种形式均有存在,上清中的可溶性蛋白经FeSOD酶活测定和同工酶活性谱带分析,表明诱导表达的上清中的目的蛋白为有活性的FeSOD酶。

The enzyme activity in the hemocytes of infected shrimp was remarkably different from the healthy ones. In the infected shrimp, it could also be observed that granules were expelled from hemocyte in a process of cytolysis. The enzymes were thus activated.


The biological activities of the metal complexes of derivatives of benzaldehyde nitrogen mustard were investigated against 〓,〓 and SMMC-7721 cell lines. The interesting results were found. When the non-activity ligand combines with cobalt and nickel , the complexes have good antitumor activity, while active ligand binds to the metal, the complex has no activity, indicating there are synergic effect and counteraction between the metals and the ligands.


Mn-complexes in which Mn atom ligand with the N atom within ligand can stimulate the recovery of electron transfer and oxygen evolution. The trinuclear Mn-complex is extremely sensitive to the addition of CaCl2. It is suggested that there is an interaction between Ca2 and carboxyl within the trinuclear Mn-complex during photoactivation and this interaction benefits the ligation of Mn atom to the apo-WOC and form an active WOC. Binuclear MnMn complex shows slightly higher efficiency than binuclear MnMn complex in restoration of O2 evolution activity. It is suggested from our results that recovery of electron transport and O2 evolution with synthetic Mn-complexes is affected by different factors. Cl- can stimulate the reconstitution of WOC at the concentration of over 100mM;the maximal recovery of O2 evolution activity requires the presence of CaCl2 and 33 kDa protein polypeptide together. Bicarbonate can stimulate the reconstitution of WOC.

锰配合物中锰原子与配体中的氮原子配位连接时,能显著恢复电子传递活性和放氧活性;三核锰化合物在重组时对CaCl2的存在非常敏感,我们认为Ca2 与三核锰化合物中的羧基之间存在一定的相互作用,而这种作用有助于锰原子的光配位进而使三核锰化合物易于组装成有活性的水氧化复合物:双核锰化合物MnMn比双核锰化合物MnMn在恢复放氧活性方面更有效;影响锰化合物电子传递能力恢复的因素与影响锰化合物放氧活性恢复的因素不同;在锰蔟重组过程中,氯离子的浓度必须在100mM以上,才能有效进行光重组;最大光重组效率的获得必须有钙离子和33kDa多肽同时存在;碳酸氢根离子促进锰化合物与去锰光系统II的光组装。

Transgenic tobacco plants were obtained through screening with kanamycin. The transgenic tobacco plants could delay TMV infection for about 25 days compared with non-transgenic tobacco plants. Pokeweed antiviral protein Ⅱ is expressed with high level in summer leaves. The expression of PAPⅡ is regulated by season. The total RNA was extracted from pokeweed (Phytolacca americana L.) leaves in summer using the method of TRIzol and used as template to amplify the PAPⅡ gene by RT-PCR and then the gene was cloned into E. coli expression vector and secreted expression pPIC9K vector. The two vectors with PAPⅡ gene were then transferred into E. coli strain BL21 (DE3)-plysS and Pachia pastoris GS115 strain respectively. The specific protein was produced induced by IPTG and methanol.


The transgenic tobacco plants could delay TMV infection for about 25 days compared with non-transgenic tobacco plants.Pokeweed antiviral protein II is expressed with high level in summer leaves. The expression of PAPII is regulated by season. The total RNA was extracted from pokeweed (Phytolacca americana L.) leaves in summer using the method of TRIzol and used as template to amplify the PAPII gene by RT-PCR and then the gene was cloned into E.coli expression vector and secreted expression pPIC9K vector. The two vectors with PAPII gene were then transferred into E.coli strain BL21 (DE3)-plysS and Pachia pastor is GS115 strain respectively. The specific protein was produced induced by IPTG and methanol.


30U、P30W、P30S1 and P30S2 were isolated from PIP30, and P60U、P60W、P60S1 and P60S2 were isolated from PIP60, and P1W、P1S1 and P1S2 were isolated from PIWE1-10, and P10W、P10S1 and P10S2 were isolated from PIWE10-100, and P100U、P100W、P100S1 and P100S2 were isolated from PIWE100 using DEAE Sepharose F. F. The proliferation rates of lymphocyte in vitro of each polysaccharide fractions obtained during the isolation and purification were detected in order to observe their immune activities. The results showed that crude polysaccharides both obtained from ethanol precipitation and ultrafiltrate had the promoting effects on lymphocyte proliferation in various degrees. P30U、P30W、P30S1、P30S2、P60U、P60W、P60S2、P1S1、P1S2、P10S1、P10S2、P100U、P100W、P100S1 and P100S2 had the promoting effects on lymphocyte proliferation.

IP30经阴离子交换层析(DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow)得到分级多糖P30U、P30W、P30S1和P30S2,PIP60经阴离子交换层析得到分级多糖P60U、P60W、P60S1和P60S2,PIWE1-10经阴离子交换层析得到分级多糖P1W、P1S1和P1S2,PIWE10-100经阴离子交换层析得到分级多糖P10W、P10S1和P10S2,PIWE100经阴离子交换层析得到分级多糖P100U、P100W、P100S1和P100S2;采用体外刺激淋巴细胞增殖实验对离子柱分级分离的多糖进行活性实验表明P30U、P30W、P30S1、P30S2、P60U、P60W、P60S2、P1S1、P1S2、P10S1、P10S2、P100U、P100W、P100S1和P100S2是有活性的。P60W、P60S1、P1S1、P10S1和P100S1经凝胶柱(Sephacryl S系列材料)层析获得五个纯多糖组分P60w1、P60s1、P1SP1、P10SP1和P100SP1。

Our previous studies have shown that ubiquitous overexpression of HmgD caused hemocytes proliferation and the formation of melanotic tumors in the Drosophila larvae. To clarify the mechanism of melanotic tumors appearance,we also generated RT-PCR analysis to test the transcriptional changes of PPAE and Spn27A,which encode the key factors in the phenoloxidasecascade pathway from larvae samples of mid-third instar,late-third instar and prior to pupation relative to wild type flies.Our result showed that in the HmgD overexpression mid-third instar larvae,the expression level.of Spn27A was lower than wild type,otherwise the expression level of PPAE was higher than wild type.It suggests that overexpression of HmgD affects the PO cascade pathway.


Iba 2002. Both the Arabidopsis fad5 mutant, which lacks an active chloroplast x-9 fatty acid desaturase and accumulates high levels of palmitic acid (16:0), and the fad6 mutant, which lacks an active x-6 fatty acid desaturase and accumulates high levels of palmitoleic acid (16:1) and oleic acid (18:1), have reduced levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the chloroplast galactolipids.

两个拟南芥突变体的叶绿体半乳糖脂含有较少的多不饱和脂肪酸:一种是拟南芥fad5突变体,它缺乏有活性的叶绿体的X-9脂肪酸去饱和酶,因而积累了高浓度的棕榈酸( 16:0 );另一种是拟南芥fad6突变体,它缺乏一个有活性的 X - 6脂肪酸脱氢酶因而积累了高浓度的软脂酸( 16:1 )和油酸( 18:1 )。

The inclusion body was denatured, refolded by dialysis and purified by affinity chromatogram with purity higher than 90%.


更多网络解释与有活性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

activated carbon:活性碳

活性碳(activated carbon)的主成分为碳,并掺有少量的氢、氧、氮、硫等化合而成,为黑色且表面复杂的多孔性物质,结构则为碳所形成的六环状物,粒形可以从圆柱形粗颗粒到细粉末粒子,故有粒状及粉末状两种型态.


activated carbon 活性碳 | activated 有活性的 | activating 激活

barr body:巴尔小体

因此它命名为巴尔小体(Barr body). 在正常的XX个体中有两条XX染色体,而在它们的体细胞中有一个巴尔小体. 在正常xy个体中只有一 条X染色体和一条y染色体,而没有巴尔小体. 在带有多条X染色体的个体,只有一条X染色体是有活性的.


普通药理学将有活性的药物降低活性或使其完全失活的代谢过程称为解毒(detoxication)和灭活(inactiation). 但机体内药物经代谢反应不仅限于失活,很多药物在机体内首先进行代谢性活化(metabolic actiation)反应. 这些药物前体被激活后多数毒性下降,


种子到植物体,首先要经过萌发(germination)阶段. 风干的种子的生理活性极其微弱,基本上处于静止状态,即所谓休眠状态. 当种子吸收了充足的水分,在适宜的条件下,有活性的种子就可以萌发. 所谓萌发,可以从三个学科角度去描述和定义:


普通药理学将有活性的药物降低活性或使其完全失活的代谢过程称为解毒(detoxication)和灭活(inactivation). 但机体内药物经代谢反应不仅限于失活,很多药物在机体内首先进行代谢性活化(metabolic activation)反应. 这些药物前体被激活后多数毒性下降,


如胃蛋白酶原(pepsinogen)、胰蛋白酶原(trypsinogen)和胰凝乳蛋白酶原(chymotrypsinogen)等. 某种物质作用于酶原使之转变成有活性的酶的过程称为酶原的激活. 使无活性的酶原转变为有活性的酶的物质称为活化素.


如胃蛋白酶原(pepsinogen)、胰蛋白酶原(trypsinogen)和胰凝乳蛋白酶原(chymotrypsinogen)等. 某种物质作用于酶原使之转变成有活性的酶的过程称为酶原的激活. 使无活性的酶原转变为有活性的酶的物质称为活化素. 活化素对于酶原的激活作用具有一定的特异性.


输送到特定的部位,当体内需要时,经特异性蛋白水解酶的作用转变为有活性的酶而发挥作用. 这些不具催化活性的酶的前体称为酶原(zymogen). 如胃蛋白酶原(pepsinogen)、胰蛋白酶原(trypsinogen)和胰凝乳蛋白酶原(chymotrypsinogen)等.

active biomass:活有生命的物质质

active absorption 主动吸收 | active biomass 活有生命的物质质 | active carbon 活性碳