英语人>词典>汉英 : 有氧的 的英文翻译,例句
有氧的 的英文翻译、例句


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I think I did try that particular aerobic dvd a couple of times...


NO -x in the leachate effluent was still above 50 mg/L , which was mainly contribut2


Taking place in the presence of oxygen.


Staying aerobically fit is as simple as substituting nonimpact endurance activities for running.


Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment.


Rubisco can also act as an oxygenase breaking down ribulose bisphosphate in the presence of oxygen to glycerate 3-phosphate and phosphoglycolic aid. This reaction forms the basis of PHOTOREESPIRATION.


Lower pH measurements result in restricted cell growth and enzyme activity. So ensiling involves preserving forage, excluding oxygen, and be cut with sicklebar or drum mowers and be allowed to wilt in windrows in the field


Yeasts and molds will degrade the forage in the presence of oxygen.


Very recently, though, Indians have gone in for the diets and aerobics classes that are popular among the rest of the world's elite.


J. Biol. Chem. 254:6505-6511.Hashimoto, K. and S. Watabe, 1988. Changes in color and water holding capacity of tuna meat during frozen storage.

而van den Oord (1974)报告指出,在有氧的情况下met-Mb并不能被还原,似乎对肉色的安定性无影响。

更多网络解释与有氧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质 | adrenal 肾上腺的,肾上附近的 | aerobic [微]有氧代谢的


目标昌透过竞争得到优胜;后者不一定有特定的规范和竞争对手,常以促进个人健康为目的. 如以能量代谢分类,可分为有氧运动(Aerobic)和无氧运动. 前者透过耐力煅炼,以促进心肺功能为主;后者常运用重量或阴力进行,以加强肌肉骨胳为主.

aerobic respiration:有氧呼吸

有氧呼吸(aerobic respiration)是指细胞在氧的参与下,通过酶的催化作用,把糖类等有机物彻底氧化分解,产生出二氧化碳和水,同时释放出大量能量的过程. 有氧呼吸是高等动物和植物细胞呼吸的主要形式,因此,通常所说的细胞呼吸就是指有氧呼吸.

aerobic respiration:有氧呼吸作用

由于脑部的正常功能要依赖大量的ATP,而这些能量就是依赖粒腺体透过有氧呼吸作用(aerobic respiration)将食物转化为能量,Kasahara及其研究团队因此推论,粒腺体中的DNA突变,导致的能量下降应该是影响行为改变的原因之一.


Cooper, 1931年生, 医学博士, 也曾官拜美国空军中校, 古柏有氧运动中心的创办人, 也是有氧运动领域的先驱, 其1968年出版的著作"有氧运动" (Aerobics) 介绍了如何使用他所建议的计分公式去有效改善身体的"循环"与"心血管"系统.

Facultative anaerobe:兼性厌氧菌[在有氧条件下也能发酵产能并维持正常生长繁殖的厌氧菌]

factor I|(凝血)因子I | facultative anaerobe|兼性厌氧菌[在有氧条件下也能发酵产能并维持正常生长繁殖的厌氧菌] | facultative heterochromatin|兼性异染色质

citric acid cycle:解作用后进 有氧呼吸的重要反应

3. product inhibition: 产物抑制效应 | 4. citric acid cycle: 解作用后进 有氧呼吸的重要反应 | 5. substrate-level phosphorylation: 非电子传递链产生高能磷酸键的磷酸化反应

substrate-level phosphorylation:非电子传递链产生高能磷酸键的磷酸化反应

4. citric acid cycle: 解作用后进 有氧呼吸的重要反应 | 5. substrate-level phosphorylation: 非电子传递链产生高能磷酸键的磷酸化反应 | 6. oxidative phosphorylation: 藉由电子传递链产生高能磷酸键的磷酸化反...

Thanks. Hydrate:谢谢 有氧运动

I'm gonna take you some time.|有时间我要带你一起去 | Thanks. Hydrate.|谢谢 有氧运动 | Cool, what's your catch phrase gonna be?|酷 那你的口号会是什么呢?

Cool, what's your catch phrase gonna be:酷 那你的口号会是什么呢

Thanks. Hydrate.|谢谢 有氧运动 | Cool, what's your catch phrase gonna be?|酷 那你的口号会是什么呢? | I don't think it's gonna be like that, Frankie.|我认为不是你想的那样 弗兰奇