英语人>词典>汉英 : 有效限制 的英文翻译,例句
有效限制 的英文翻译、例句


active restriction
更多网络例句与有效限制相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper the reason of rapid increase of single phase short circuit current in 500 kV substation is analyzed. Through the calculation it is proved that neutral grounding by small reactance is an effective measure to reduce the single phase short circuit current, and the calculation method of the zero\|sequence reactance after autotransformer neutral grounding by small reactance being applied is expounded.


If you have any questions regarding this Value Limit, please direct them to your intended counterparty rather than to e-gold.com.

如果你有任何问题看待这个有效限制,直接到你想要返回的帐户比到EG好的多。em02 em08

The present work solves the ELD problem with Lineflow constraints through effective appli- cation of GA, considering the system transmission losses, power balance equation as the equality constraint, limits on the active power generations of the units and limits on currents in different lines as the inequality constraints. Two test systems, i.e.

目前的工作,解决了在ELD 问题lineflow的限制,通过有效的应用-阳离子遗传算法,考虑到该系统的传输损耗,权力的平衡方程作为等式约束,限制,有源电力几代人的单位和限制电流在不同的线路( lineflow限制)作为不等式约束。

The proposed method has fast current response, and can limit the current error and the switching frequency with good current tracking performance.


In chapter 4, the case of risk asset allocation with allowed sell and restricted short sell is discussed, especially in case of restricted short sell, the efficient frontier piecewise partition is determined by using duality theory in parametric quadratic programming. And the concept of tripartition is introduced, economic meaning stated and algorithm to determine efficient frontier proposed.


The fifth part is presumption about the relevant problems referring to promissory competing-for-job-prohibition in our country, therefore this part is the essence of this paper. Based on previous analysis, it proposes the plausible standard for the recognition of promissory competing-for-job-prohibition and discusses the prerequisite of the properness for the dismiss of the contract, responsibilities concerning each parties as well as the jurisdiction court.


It provides the link between the theoretical background for limiting the voltage stress on each switching component and the range of voltage variation for an imbricated cell of flying-capacitor multilevel inverter.


Approximate theoretical calculation model was determined for quantum wires on nonplanar substrates, with which the lateral effective width of quantum wires was estimated.Ⅵ.


The article has fully discussed the working status and functioning mechanisms of the shotcrete layer, reinforcement fabric, anchor bar and the advanced vertical high-pressure injective paste anchor pipe support, as well as the effective confining and supporting function on the deformation failure of the soil mass on the ground, in the side walls and beneath the foundation


Thus effectively limits the drift angle of bit.


更多网络解释与有效限制相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

placental abruption:胎盘早剥

休克的共同特征是有效循环量不足,组织和细胞的血液灌注虽经代偿仍受到严重的限制从而引起...妊娠20周后或分娩期正常位置的胎盘在胎儿娩出前,部分或全部从子宫壁剥离,称为胎盘早剥(placental abruption)胎盘早剥是妊娠晚期的一种严重并发症,

active restriction:有效限制

action variable 酌变量 | active restriction 有效限制 | actual 真实的


受理该案的美国南方地区法院驳回了Sealift的主张,其认为"租船者"(charterer)在合同中表明当事人对租船无效时提交 仲裁事项加以限制的企图. 法院指出"null and void"一词用在公约中应作非常狭义的解释以促使仲裁协议的有效. ...




对于下腰椎的骨关节病,单纯的塑料或纺织品围腰(corset)即可达到治疗作用. 支架是制动的较有效的形式. 虽然不太提倡使用,但必要时可用普通弹力绷带限制病患关节过度运动. 整个下肢坐骨结节半环支架减少持重的压力,膝关节另用皮革套制动.


其他的非功能需求包括系统与外部世界的外部界面,以及对设计与实现的约束. 约束(constraint)限制了开发人员设计和构建系统时的选择范围. 还有一项称为可用性(usability)的质量属性,它规定了业务需求中"有效"(efficiently)一词的含义.

impose restrictions on:对...实施限制

23. settle down effective laws 制定出积极有效的法律 | 24. impose restrictions on ... 对...实施限制 | 25. short-sighted 目光短浅的


在证书颁发时,证书中所载明的签署人(signatory)控制着签名生成数据; c. 在证书颁发之时或之前签名生成数据是有效的;d. 用于鉴别签署人身份的手段;e. 签名生成数据或证书使用的目的或价值方面的限制(如果认证机构意图作出这种限制的话);

time limit:时间限制响应

[时间限制响应](Time Limit) 时间限制响应是一种限制用户进行可交互有效时间的响应类型. 即只要用户在规定的时间内没有做出交互选择,交互图标就会执行符合条件的时间限制响

Watch list:监视清单

"监视清单"(Watch List)有效地弥补了"限制清单"的上述缺陷. 所谓"监视清单",是指当金融机构由于可能拥有有关某种证券的高度敏感的信息而不便将其列入限制清单时,应将其列入一更为机密的清单,只供少数高级管理人员掌握.