英语人>词典>汉英 : 有意无意 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与有意无意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From amativeness to marriage,each other will have lots of changes,because the family will dense with the breath of two people,not only one,the behavior of each other would be in the collar unintentional ,the breath of each other will be change along with trifle.


It is described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the case ending of the noun, the adjective and the conjugation of the verb were not weakened. Old English was a highly inflected language.


But, it's hard to catch a good expectation because of the chinese employees training has a lot of misunderstand in experience and operate. It will cumber the development of the corporation if it ignores the staff foster randomly.


Besides, the late Qing denunciatory novels, either by design or accident, adopted some narrative techniques under the influence of Western fiction and explored the new form of representation. In consequence, they bore heavily on formation and evolution of modern Chinese fiction.


With the character of precision of modern staff, maybe we have forgotten its ancestral form-neum, and because we compose melody using major-minor key system commonly, we always disremember the eight Mode which Gregorian chant uses in the middle ages origined from eastern worldThe history of...


On the other hand, imminent eschatology steers Paul away from active involvement in social and political issues.


In my opinion the administration of the law is thus prostituted consciously of unconsciously for the benefit of the exploiter.


In his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand (perhaps accidentally, perhaps not) upon the joker 's heart.


Facing the global integration macroclimate influence, the Chinese movie has lost the direction, the constantly pursue big manufacture, discusses the spare-time university piece, moves towards Oscar, the trend world, but unintentional desalination own national characteristic this characteristic.


On the one hand the Orientalist consciously or unconsciously attempts to control and manipulate the process of dialogue and communication, on the other hand they are frustrated again and again because they meet the elastic resistance of the sophisticated and wise India civilization. As a result, the contact and the communication between the West and the East were spoiled, suspended and even aborted, making both sides frustrated and upset.


更多网络解释与有意无意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Raising Arizona:抚养亚历桑纳

只是有一点作者搞错了(无论有意无意),>(Raising Arizona)比>要早上映(1987年3月13日),若冰跟娜妮特不可能会在戏院看到>的预告片.


赫斯特似乎也是在有意无意地显示着他的深不可测的财力--2007年展出的镶嵌了价值50万英镑的钻石头骨"为了上帝的爱"(For the Love of God)和2008年在苏富比拍卖行展出、估价9500万英镑的"心中蕴藏的美丽"(Beautiful Inside My Head),更为关键的是,



larval masturbation:隐蔽性手淫

隐蔽性手淫(larval masturbation)特指一种手淫行为. 即成天将手放在裤袋里,有意无意地玩弄和刺激生殖器.

Communist Manifesto:共產主義宣言

唯有升值的艺术能够进入教科书,这种情形有时候看起来像是在合理化拍卖结果. 正式的艺术史教育有意无意地倾向跟随艺术市场. 金钱对艺术的胜利,是马克斯(Karl Marx)在>(Communist Manifesto)中论述的纯资本主义精神的最终胜利.


话说生肉(RAW)一开始吃的话还真很紧张别扭呢,平时的话有意无意的瞄一眼字幕就很轻松了,现在的话差不多每集都有三五句没听懂的,八九句猜出来的,虽然我觉得已经挺满意了=w=话说主人公唱的那首歌啊= =总共也没听清几句,


她喜欢穿紧身的(skintight)低胸 T-Shirt以及迷你短裙(mini-skirt). 她经常在我的跟前有意无意的(unconsciously)弯下腰,更要命的是在别的男人面前她从不这么做. 要说她没有诱惑(tempt)到我,向毛主席保证,那是我在撒谎. 直到那一天,

fair territory:界内地区

如果击球员碰触了另一个击球员区小三角内的球,不管有意无意均判击球员出局. [24]:界内地区(Fair Territory) 从本垒经一、三垒边线其延长线直到挡墙或围网(包括垂直面的空间)以内的区域叫"界内地区". [25]:守场员(Fielder) 进行防守的任一队员叫"守场员".


就要和相处一年的女友结婚了,毫无疑问(undoubtedly),我很开心(happy). 现在唯一困挠我的是:我未来的小姨子(sister-in-law),一个20岁的PLMM. 她喜欢穿紧身的(skintight)低胸 T-Shirt以及迷你短裙(mini-skirt). 她经常在我的跟前有意无意的(uncon


文化研究的任务之一就是要解构这一过程,探讨媒体有意无意中采取的意识形态立场. 为了便于实际研究和分析,霍尔还详细探讨了意义创造过程中"编码"(encoding)和"解码"(decoding)这两个不同的阶段⑥,主流意识形态的传播正