英语人>词典>汉英 : 有嫩枝的 的英文翻译,例句
有嫩枝的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Young bine submits square column form, rod by silver-colored gray scale, burgeon skin celadon, have the leather opening of a lot of slit, add gradually when burgeon thick, lignification degree is strengthened, cuticular by ash green turn into gray, leather aperture turns garden into drop record.


The caducous shoots have bud scales at the base, but these are lost soon after the branchlets develop.


It was a monstrous big river down there -- sometimes a mile and a half wide; we run nights, and laid up and hid daytimes; soon as night was most gone we stopped navigating and tied up -- nearly always in the dead water under a towhead; and then cut young cottonwoods and willows, and hid the raft with them.


Sheaths of upper culm leaves closed for 1/20–1/5(–1/4) of length; lower glumes (1 or)3-veined; lemma commonly with a bronze-yellowish band below apex, lateral veins mostly faint; vegetative shoots all or mostly extravaginal; p

上面秆叶的鞘为长度的1/20-1/5(-1/4)关闭;更低的颖片(1或者)3脉;有低于顶的一根青铜淡黄带子的通常的外稃,侧脉主要微弱;多数的营养体的嫩枝全部或extravaginal(多数很少是intravaginal); p 2

For example, hoofed animals with longer necks could reach the juiciest leaves on tall trees and therefore tended to eat well, live longer, and reproduce more successfully than others.


I stared dully at a little pile of shavings on the ground; obviously a gorilla had sat here peeling the bark off a twig before he ate it, and I looked at one of the guides interrogatively.


Male inflorescence pendulous, solitary in leaf axils toward base of branchlets or in paniculate clusters on lateral or subterminal shoots; flower solitary and scattered on rachis; perianth calyciform, 4-7-lobed or more lobed; stamens 4-7 or fewer, filaments slender; staminodes small.

托叶早落。雄花序下垂,叶腋单生向基部的小枝圆锥状簇生或在侧或上嫩枝;花单生和在轴上星散;花被calyciform,4-7 有叶或者更有叶;雄蕊4-7或者更少,花丝纤细;退化雄蕊小。

Rubescens, three new diterpenoids,together with seven known diterpenoids, two triterpenoids and tritriacontane.


Small European deciduous shrub with fragrant lilac-colored flowers followed by red berries on highly toxic twigs.


The panda yells back,"Hey, man, I'm a panda. Look it up!" The bartender opens his dictionary to panda:"A tree-climbing mammal of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves."


更多网络解释与有嫩枝的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

venetian blinds:软百叶窗

椴木(Basswood):用于软百叶窗(Venetian blinds)的椴木板材的厚度一般为9/4英寸(57.15mm),在净划面上允许有黑色和棕色的矿物条痕. 休眠期的嫩枝芽头(Dormant twig buds)不视作缺陷.


这种同一植株上具有不同叶形的现象,称为异形叶性(heterophylly) 异形叶性的发生,有两种情况:一种是叶因枝的老幼不同而叶形各异,例如蓝桉.嫩枝上的叶较小,卵形无柄,对生,而老枝上的叶较大,披针形或镰刀形,有柄,互生,且常下垂.

spruced up:打扮整齐

这种酒就是用普通的啤酒加入从云杉树嫩枝中煮出的精华来调味(而不是用啤酒花). 不管口味如何,至少它给习语"打扮整齐(spruced up)"提供了出处. 因为华盛顿的部下们在喝了一天一夸脱的定额后,的确变得更精神,更有活力了.


枫树与七叶树(buckeye)和马栗树(horse chestnut)属于远亲. 枫树原产于欧洲,亚洲中部和东部,非洲北部和北美洲. 枫树大约有100多个品种. 很多动物都从枫树上获取食物,比如松鼠(squirrels)吃枫树的翅果,鹿和兔子吃枫树的嫩枝,豪猪(porcupines)吃里层的树皮.