英语人>词典>汉英 : 有势力的 的英文翻译,例句
有势力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
influential  ·  mighty  ·  mightier

更多网络例句与有势力的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their protests are frequently backed, if not orchestrated, by Campania's powerful organised-crime group, the Camorra, which makes succulent profits from disposing of waste in illegal dumps.

他们的抗议背后通常有坎帕尼亚力量强大的有组织犯罪团伙克莫拉(译注:Camorra ,1820年前后在意大利那不勒斯组成的一个秘密团体,一度发展成颇有势力的政治组织,后因从事诈骗、抢劫等非法恐怖活动而被取缔[1911])-它通过在非法垃圾场处理垃圾而获得丰厚利润-的支持,如果不是由它精心策划的话。

But no, life is too much for the mighty Condor.


Murchison was a shopkeeper and he had many influential friends who always voted for him at every election.


As the protege of the most powerful man in the country, his success is guaranteed.


As the protege of the most powerful man in the country, his success is guarantee.


As the protege of the most powerful man in the country,his success was guaranteed.


The protege of the most powerful man in the country, his success was guaranteed.


At Punjab University in Pakistan , there is a large and powerful student group called IJT.

在巴基斯坦的旁遮普大学﹐有一个庞大和有势力的学生团体叫做 IJT 。

Branches many, subequal or occasionally with a dominant branch replacing main culm.


The most influential of the two was at first the sect of school known to us as the Casuists, all of them in spiritual communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and nearly all of them affiliated to one or other of her religious orders.


更多网络解释与有势力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big gun:有势力的人,名人

bid up price 哄抬物价 | big gun 有势力的人,名人 | big lie 大骗局

Bossed:有浮雕的, 有突起的

bossdom | 政治领袖之势力范围, 政治领袖对政治之控制 | bossed | 有浮雕的, 有突起的 | bosseyed | 斜视的,单面的,乖僻的

of consequence:有势力的;重要的

in consequence of...的结果,因为...的缘故,由于 | of consequence有势力的;重要的 | take the consequences自食其果,承担责任

of consequence:有势力的;很重要的

in consequence of...的结果,因该...的缘故,由于 | of consequence有势力的;很重要的 | get the consequences自食其果,承担责任


3.influential 有影响的,有势力的 | 4.evocative 唤出的,唤起的 | 5.adoration 崇拜,爱慕,受崇拜(或爱慕)的对象

friend at court:有势力的朋友

friedcake 油炸饼 | friend at court 有势力的朋友 | friend 朋友


influence 影响 | influential 有势力的 | influx 流入,注入


mighty works 奇迹 | mighty 有势力的人 | mignon 可爱的


我们有必要谨慎使用"有势力的"(powerful)这一词语,因为在日本长久以来名义上的权力(权威)与实权之间有区别. 首都的大贵族家庭可能有足够财富与"权力"动员资源垦地,但这不意味着他们有实权维持土地的实际控制. 实权较有可能由地方小贵族拥有,


feudal 封建制度的 | overmighty 有势力过于强大的 | guild (中世纪的)行会