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有关节的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
articulate  ·  articulating  ·  jointed  ·  articulates

更多网络例句与有关节的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The static model of torsion joint is based on that of bending joint. The effects of structure parameters inside air pressure, initial angle, rube average radius, rube shell thickness on the turning angle are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the relationship between the angle of torsion joint and the inside air pressure is basically linear, the angle of torsion joint increases with the initial angle and rube average radius, the angle of torsion joint decreases while the rube shell thickness increases. The kinetic equation is built for torsion joint. Simulating experiment implies that the time of inflating and deflating process is extremely shorter than that of kinetic process. So the pneumatic process can be ignored in actual system design and control. The factors that affect the dynamic features of torsion joint, such as shell thickness of rubber tube, average radius, initial angle, connector's outlet area, moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient, are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the change of rube shell thickness has no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure while greatly affects the turning angle of torsion joint; when the rube shell thickness is small, the torsion joint has a bigger turning angle, no overshoot and long risetime, when the shell thickness is big, the turning angle of torsion joint is small, but has high response speed, overshoot and low shock; when the rube average radius increases, the turning angle of torsion joint increases and the overshoot increases too; when the initial angle of torsion joint is big, the turning joint is big, the overshoot is small and shock is low, but the risetime is big; the connector's outlet area affects the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure greatly, but has no effects on the dynamic process of turning angle; moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient have no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure, but affect the dynamic process of turning angle greatly.


Any of various predominantly aquatic arthropod s of the class Crustacea,including lobsters,crabs,shrimps,and barnacles,characteristically having a segmented body,a chitinous exoskeleton,and paired,jointed limbs.


Abstract] objective to provide the experience on treatment with the internal fixation to the fractures combined with/without dislocation on peripheral amphiarthrodial joint.methods from january 2000 to january 2005,62 cases were follow-up visited and evaluated on imageology,imaging,joint function and complication,et al.results serveral problems were observed on these cases.first,when the internal fixation were pulled out,some of the patients were observed the disturbance,even loss on joint function,and their quality of life were limmited.second,some internal fixations had been broken before they were pull out.conclusion we should sufficiently allow for not only the stabilization and the union of the fracture,but also degrade the complication to minimum limit and maximally recover the joint function.

目的 通过对微动关节周围骨折和合并关节脱位的内固定治疗后的疗效分析,进而为临床治疗提供经验。方法对2000年1月~2005年1月期间62例患者进行随访,并从影像学及关节功能、并发症等方面进行评估。结果治疗该类创伤病例存在着以下几个问题:(1)部分患者的关节功能在内固定解除术后,存在着不同程度的功能障碍,甚至丧失而影响到患者的生活质量。(2)并发内固定断裂情况时有发生。结论治疗微动关节周围骨折尤其在合并有关节脱位时,应充分考虑到既要修复因创伤引起的骨折使其愈合并使该关节稳定,又应该最大限度地恢复关节功能,并将并发症降低到最小限度。

Abstract] objective to provide the experience on treatment with the internal fixation to the fractures combined with/without dislocation on peripheral amphiarthrodial joint.methods from january 2000 to january 2005,62 cases were follow-up visited and evaluated on imageology,imaging,joint function and complication,et al.results serveral problems were observed on these cases.first,when the internal fixation were pulled out,some of the patients were observed the disturbance,even loss on joint function,and their quality of life were limmited.second,some internal fixations had been broken before they were pull out.conclusion we should sufficiently allow for not only the stabilization and the union of the fracture,but also degrade the complication to minimum limit and maximally recover the joint function.


Complete and articulated fossils such as these suggest that the lakes present at that time were fairly deep, to allow the anoxic conditions required for preservation.


By separation and combination analyses of nuclear rDNA ITS and the cpDNA (matK gene, rpl16 intron and atpB-rbcL spacer) sequences, the interspecific relationships were discussed, and the classification review and biogeographic analysis were done for all species bearing raceme or spike of one to many umbels with prophylla at base.

运用nrDNA ITS及cpDNA(matK、rpl16、atpB-rbcL)序列的单独和联合分析探讨了这些类群的种间关系,并对世界菝葜属中具有一至多个伞形花序排列成圆锥花序或穗状花序、花序梗上有关节的所有种进行了分类学研究及生物地理学研究。

Whatever methods you chose, the destruction of the TMJ was also found. At 3 days posttrauma hemarthrosis could be seen in most of the joints of both groups. Fibrous effusion was seen in a joint of surgery treatment group at 1 month posttrauma. 3 months later, fibrous ankylosis was found in the conservative treatment group.


On clinical examination there was no evidence of arthritis in the left ring finger PIP joint. We confirmed the paucity of joint damage in the PIP joint of the left ring finger using more modern imaging modalities such as musculoskeletal ultrasound and MRI scan of the small joints of the hands.


Mr. Stuelke's results include a Barbie with flaming orange hair and articulated white leg bones; a skeletal iPhone with a dizzying array of connections that resemble a fantastical, tricked-out city; and a translucent wind-up bunny whose internal mechanisms are disturbingly reminiscent of a bomb.


Results 1、 Generally, we can see the original blue and white, shiny, no cracks in the articular surface of the cartilage after the stress increases gradually yellow, surface roughness, cracks appear; when the pressure decreases, the yellowing, rough, the color of the fracture restore gradually and become shiny.2、the shiny smooth surface can be seen under a light microscope, formation, cell distribution, tidy, clear the level of cartilage at the articular surface stress increases, the surface roughness changes, defects, disordered cells, uneven dyeing ; when the articular surface of the pressure gradually decreased, the cartilage gradually repair and the surface of cells at the surface appear only disorder.3、immunohistochemical observation can be seen throughout the observation period, cartilage cells are type Ⅱ collagen expression and expression after 3 weeks gradually weakening, when the seventh week begin to strong gradually.4、 electron microscopy shows that when stress increases the articular surface, the cartilage cells became flat, the cytoplasm in the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus decreased with collagen disorders; and when stress decreases the articular surface, cartilage cells gradually returned normal, cytoplasm in the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body gradually restore quantity; collagen fibers with a gradual rules.


更多网络解释与有关节的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当关节已经发生不可挽回的损坏,合并持续疼痛和软骨缺损时,就需要作进一步的整建手术. 过去,关节固定术(Arthrodesis)是治疗的唯一选择. 但是近年来,人工关节置换术逐渐被当作另一种治疗方式,也有不错的结果.

articular cavity:关节腔

(3)关节腔(articular cavity)是关节囊所围成的腔,里面含少量滑液,有润滑和营养关节 软骨的作用. 关节滑膜发炎时,腔内大量积液,伴有关节的肿胀和疼痛,影响关节的活动. 腔内为负压,这对于维持关节的稳固有一定的作用.


arrmature 电枢 | articulated 接合,链接,有关节的 | assemble 集合, 聚集, 装配


Estonian 爱沙尼亚语 | double-jointed 有屈曲关节的 | PST Pacific Standard Time(太平洋标准时间)

shoulder joint:肩关节

属于平面关节.是肩胛骨活动的支点,关节的上方有肩锁韧带加强,关节囊和锁骨下方有坚韧的喙锁韧带连于喙突.囊内的关节盘常出现于关节上部,部分分隔关节,关节活动度小.1.肩关节(shoulder joint) 由肱骨头与肩胛骨的关节盂构成,


wrinkling /皱纹/ | wrinkly /有皱纹的/易生皱纹的/ | wrist /手腕/腕关节/手头的力气/腕/


Arthurian 亚瑟王的 | Articulata 有关节类 | Articulata 关节海百合亚纲


biapiculate 有两尖顶的 | biarticular 有两关节的 | biarticular bone cutting forceps 双关节咬骨钳

biarticulate:有两个关节的, 由两个关节组成的

biarsine | 联胂 | biarticulate | 有两个关节的, 由两个关节组成的 | biaryl synthesis | 联芳基合成


geniculate 弯曲成膝状的 | geniculate 有膝状关节的 | geniculatenodosenodulated 有节的