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有关 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
relate  ·  relates

bear on · bear upon · in reference to · relate to · with relation to
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In chapter 6, it highlights the fallowings: the name of the Maritime Injunction and the system of the Maritime Procedure Law, because the name of the law terms should embody its legal property; the definition of the Maritime Claims. Misunderstanding may arise without a clear definition; the content and reasons of the application to court, because they are quite general, so we can refer to the Mareva Injunction on this point; the time and ways in the application of the Maritime Injunction. There is no specific stipulation in it, we can refer to Mareva Injunction, too; whether it is possible to grant a Maritime Injunction to a third person, the answer is yes. The inexecution of the Maritime Injunction, what to do if the purpose cant be realized through the punishment; the exterritorial effectiveness of the Maritime Injunction.


Even though Deng Jianjin's early paintings were related to dreams, love, sex, pornography, peeking, and self-absorption, they provided no entertainment at all. Instead they gave a representation of exaggerated, dead serious, and even overcorrect individual heroism. They bore the historical baggage of China's 5000 years of civilization and all the suffering and oppression of Chinese people in modern Chinese history. They were a diligent and honorable means of salvation.By the end of 1990s, Deng Jianjin's series 'About the Witness's Dreams' continued to carry on his signature style of being 'expressive' and 'intimate', but cynicism and jokes had also started to prevail among his paintings heavy in colors and opened up a way out for 'sentimental youth' and 'heavy-hearted moods'. Ever since then, Deng Jianjin has obtained a sense of uninhibited freedom and been able to let his thoughts flow on this paintings.


The results showed that: the influence of the aquaculture process on aquaculture water determined by type of aquaculture; the influence of aquaculture process on the water temperature, salinity and pH value were not wide.the descent of pH value was related to feed coefficients ; the dissolve oxygen of water in outfall was lower than the water in infall,but the concentration still maintained at the saturation level, is mainly affected by density of aquaculture ,rate of feed and artificial measures of increasing oxygen ;the major form of inorganic nitrogen was nitrate-N;the concentration of inorganic nitrogen and the organic matter tended to increase ,but the ammonium to decline ,this was relation with density of aquaculture ,rate of feed and variation of the different inorganic nitrogen form ; concentration of phosphate-P was low in outfall of pond , related with phosphate-P precipitating, as flowing water speed slowly in outfall;This phenomenon that the total number of bacteria and coli form group of water in outfall was lower than the water in infall , this caused by measures of sterilization and disinfection .

结果表明:养殖过程对水体影响与养殖类型有关。养殖过程对水体的水温、盐度和pH影响不大; pH下降与饲料系数高有关;溶解氧含量排水口比进水口低,但仍维持在饱和状态,与养殖密度、投饵率和人工增氧有关。硝酸氮是无机氮的主要存在形式,无机氮和有机物含量有升高趋势,氨氮有下降的趋势,与养殖密度,投饵率和各种无机氮之间的相互转换有关。活性磷酸盐含量在排水口含量下降,与排水口流水速度慢,磷酸盐沉淀有关。生物指标细菌总数和大肠杆菌总数在排水口比进水口低现象普遍存在,这与养殖场杀菌消毒等措施有关

In this paper, thereare four sections. In the first section, we introduce the basic theory. Inthe second section, we give out the recent main results of multivariateLagrange interpolation. In the third section, we get some theories ofno posed set of nodes from a kind of recursive method of constructingposed set of nodes for bivariate Lagrange interpolation, and we get akind of abnormal posed set of nodes for interpolation form the reversethought of that theory.


According to geological characteristics of mineral area,geological conditions of mineralization,geochemical characteristics,material sources of mineralization,mineralization patterns,as well as physical and chemical conditions of mineralization,it summarize the mineralization pattern and genesis of ore deposit of Xianghualing mining areas,considering that mineralization materials in this deposit mainly come from magma,genesis patterns of deposit include high-temperature gas-liquid Nb、Ta deposit related to albitization laying in or on the edge of granite rock bodies,median-high temperature Skarn Sn,Be deposit related to skarnized laying at the inner contact-belt of granite and carbonate rock bodies;median-high temperature cassiterite -sulphide mineral deposit related to skamized laying at outer contact-belt of granite and carbonate rock bodies and median-low temperature hydrothermal liquid Pb-Zn-Ag deposit related to silicification,fluorite, propylitization laying in wall rocks;Series of generalized magma- hydrothermal liquid type Sn-polymatellitic related to magmatic activity in Yanshan period as a whole.


Ltd. That case, I think, authorizes four propositions first, that, where a contract is ex facie illegal, the Court will not enforce it, whether the illegality is pleaded or not; secondly, that, where, as here, the contract is not ex facie illegal, evidence of extraneous circumstances tending to show that it has an illegal object should not be admitted unless the circumstances relied on are pleaded; thirdly, that, where unpleaded facts, which taken by themselves show an illegal object, have been revealed in evidence (because, perhaps, no objection was raised or because they were adduced for some other purpose), the Court should not act on them unless it is satisfied that the whole of the relevant circumstances are before it; but, fourthly, that, where the Court is satisfied that all the relevant facts are before it and it can see clearly from them that the contract had an illegal object, it may not enforce the contract, whether the facts were pleaded or not.


Ex facie illegal, evidence of extraneous circumstances tending to show that it has an illegal object should not be admitted unless the circumstances relied on are pleaded; thirdly, that, where unpleaded facts, which taken by themselves show an illegal object, have been revealed in evidence because, perhaps


The religious tales that about the origin of the vocation , the religious tales canonizing the vocation, the tales about sheltering great masters, the obligations of the careermen and the incantations which they use during the process of making dresses will be closely discussed.


The opium exudes pacifies with the opium itselffunction related, sells the opium rich profit with the kind related, with leader of laws"s ruling idearelated, with Suiyuan area unique geographical environment, special management system related,was in flood with at that time the opium China"s macroenvironment to have, the modern opiumexudes pacifies concerns with the imperialist nation carrying out invasion of China strategy.


The following factors, among others, could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those set forth or contemplated in the forward-looking statements: defaults on or non-renewal of leases by tenants or renewal at lower-than-expected rent or failure to lease at all or on favorable terms, decreases in real estate values and impairment losses, increased interest rates and operating costs or greater-than-expected capital expenditures, our failure to obtain, renew or extend necessary financing, re-financing risks, risks related to our obligations in the event of certain defaults under co-investment ventures and other debt, risks related to debt and equity security financings, difficulties in identifying properties to acquire and in effecting acquisitions, our failure to successfully integrate acquired properties and operations, our failure to divest properties we have contracted to sell or to timely reinvest proceeds from any divestitures, our failure to contribute properties to our co-investment ventures, risks and uncertainties affecting property development, value-added conversions, redevelopment and construction (including construction delays, cost overruns, our inability to obtain necessary permits and public opposition to these activities), our failure to qualify and maintain our status as a real estate investment trust, risks related to our tax structuring, failure to maintain our current credit agency ratings or to comply with our debt covenants, environmental uncertainties, risks related to natural disasters, financial market fluctuations, changes in general economic conditions, global trade or in the real estate sector, inflation risks, changes in real estate and zoning laws, a continued or prolonged downturn in the U.S., California or global economy, risks related to doing business internationally and global expansion, risks of opening offices globally, risks of changing personnel and roles, losses in excess of our insurance coverage, unknown liabilities acquired in connection with acquired properties or otherwise and increases in real property tax rates.


更多网络解释与有关相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Must be associated with code:在必须与代码段有关的位置上出现了数据段有关的项

AX,LENGTH CS:VAR".其中VAR是数据段中的变量名. | 45 Must be associated with code在必须与代码段有关的位置上出现了数据段有关的项. | 46 Multiple base registers同时使用了多个基址寄存器.

Must be associated with data:在必须与数据段有关的位置上出现了代码段有关的项.例如

43 Operand must have segment运算符SEG用错. | 44 Must be associated with data在必须与数据段有关的位置上出现了代码段有关的项.例如:MOV | AX,LENGTH CS:VAR".其中VAR是数据段中的变量名.

context-sensitive language:上下文有关语言

上下文有关求助 context sensitive help | 上下文有关语言 context sensitive language | 上下文有关本文 context sensitive text

Context-Sensitive Grammar, CSG:上下文有关文法

上下文有关,文意辨认 context sensitive | 上下文有关文法 context sensitive grammar,CSG | 上下文有关求助 context sensitive help

coxcombry exaggerate inflation puff:和浮夸有关的词

和无聊有关的词 fastidium vacuity hollow inanity | 和浮夸有关的词 coxcombry exaggerate inflation puff | 和烦躁有关的词 fidget fret peeve vexation annoyance

ferocity brutality sanguinariness imbrute:和残忍有关的词

和邪恶有关的词 depravity improbity malignancy villainy | 和残忍有关的词 ferocity brutality sanguinariness imbrute | 和杀戮有关的词 slaughter massacre slay annihilate

depravity improbity malignancy villainy:和邪恶有关的词

和烦躁有关的词 fidget fret peeve vexation annoyance | 和邪恶有关的词 depravity improbity malignancy villainy | 和残忍有关的词 ferocity brutality sanguinariness imbrute

fastidium vacuity hollow inanity:和无聊有关的词

和郁闷有关的词 depression droop slump chill lose dreary | 和无聊有关的词 fastidium vacuity hollow inanity | 和浮夸有关的词 coxcombry exaggerate inflation puff

Chocobo Lure:增加遇到陆行鸟的概率. 概率与级别有关

Enemy Lure:增加遇敌的概率. 概率与级别有关. | Chocobo Lure:增加遇到陆行鸟的概率. 概率与级别有关. | Pre-Emptive:增加背后偷袭敌人的概率. 概率与级别有关.

Enemy Lure:增加遇敌的概率. 概率与级别有关

Exp Plus:增加战胜敌人后角色获得经验的数量. 增加量与级别有关. | Enemy Lure:增加遇敌的概率. 概率与级别有关. | Chocobo Lure:增加遇到陆行鸟的概率. 概率与级别有关.