英语人>词典>汉英 : 有九条命 的英文翻译,例句
有九条命 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有九条命相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A blate cat makes a proud mouse.


You've got nine lives,bill leyden.


He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat


A cat is said to have nine lives because it is more tenacious of life than many animals.


My youth was actually far bleaker and darker than what is written in the book; I've got nine lives.


One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives.


The dark tabby transferred some of his own nine lives to his owner when a fire erupted in their shared apartment in a Toronto suburb on Thursday. The cat responded by jumping on the man and meowing loud enough to wake him up.


The state or fact of being an owner .The dark tabby transferred some of his own nine lives to his owner when a fire erupted in their shared apartment in a Toronto suburb on Thursday. The cat responded by jumping on the man and meowing loud enough to wake him up.


God said,"Cats have nine lives. Now you got eight."


If it's true that cats have nine lives,then Blacksad must have a few dozen.


更多网络解释与有九条命相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nine Lives:九条命

导演罗德里哥贾西亚(Rodrigo Garcia)在电视圈颇有名气,能编能导,是诺贝尔文学奖作家马奎斯之子,同时是优秀的摄影师,曾执镜>、>等片,2000年以自编自导的>在坎城影展拿下大奖,2005年则以>(Nine Lives)获得洛卡诺影展最佳

Nine Lives:有九条命

So you're like a cat, then?|你就像猫一样了吗? | Nine lives.|有九条命 | Oh, I figure it will keep on happening.|噢,我想我是不会死的


而把自己家旧的33.6K"猫"让给公家去喂,以此提高自己上网冲浪的效率称为性能优化. 调制解调器(Modem): 喜欢在电脑网络上蹦来窜去的家伙,奇怪的是它尽管经常掉线(off line)却总也摔不死,因此人们戏称它为"猫",猫有九条命嘛.

flaying cat:猫--猫有九条命

8,葫芦--葫芦像和尚的脑袋,光滑无毛--a famous monetary | 9,猫--猫有九条命--flaying cat | 10,棒球--只有大的游船才能有棒球场(铁泰尼克号可以)--the loss of Titanic

cats have nine lives:猫有九条命

一条命. . . one life | 猫有九条命...cats have nine lives | 一条新闻...news

cats have nine lives:猫有九条命,九死一生或幸运避开困难的人

(1)as cute as a kitten 可爱的,伶俐的 | (2)cats have nine lives 猫有九条命,九死一生或幸运避开困难的人 | (3)curiosity killed the cat 好奇害死猫,好奇心害死人