英语人>词典>汉英 : 最高的荣誉 的英文翻译,例句
最高的荣誉 的英文翻译、例句


blue ribbon
更多网络例句与最高的荣誉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The people in the world boast about their own skills and intelligence and power, but


She won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair.


Now, that will earn you an Eco Hero badge of honor.


In every facet of his life he gave God the foremost honour and praise.


The greatest honor of a man is in doing good to his fellow men, not in destroying them.

Thomas Jefferson 人之最高的荣誉是做对同伴好的事情,而非破坏他们。

Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would soon graduate from college with the highest of honours.


These were just some of the accomplishments that contributed to Lader's receiving the highest distinction The Rotary Foundation bestows on its alumni, the Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award.


We'll be getting top honors!


A CONTROVERSY prevailed among the beasts of the field as to which of the animals deserved the most credit for producing the greatest number of whelps at a birth.


Their full title is "Academy Awards", and the first awards took place in 1929, when films had only just begun being "talkies", and not silent movies.


更多网络解释与最高的荣誉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blue ribbon:蓝绶带

实际上,在西方,蓝绶带(blue ribbon)是用来代表最高荣誉的,是类似于桂冠(laurel)一类的荣誉象征. 所以,蓝带啤酒就是指最好的啤酒,蓝带体育用品就是说最好的体育用品,栏绶带学校就是一流的学校的意思,blue ribbon用来表示最好,最佳,


10. blue stocking:女学者 | 11. blue ribbon:蓝绶带;最高的荣誉;一流的 | 12. blue-pencil:编辑;修订;删除

Blue stocking:女学者

9. a blue joke:下流的笑话 (记住,不是yellow哦) | 10. blue stocking:女学者 | 11. blue ribbon:蓝绶带;最高的荣誉;一流的

the highest order of chivalry a monarch can bestow:国王所能给予骑士的最高荣誉

It is, as you know,|它是 你知道的 | the highest order of chivalry a monarch can bestow.|国王所能给予骑士的最高荣誉 | Your Majesty,|陛下

The greatest honor a man can ever achieve:一个男人能取得的最高荣誉

But remember this:|但是请牢记... | The greatest honor a man can ever achieve...|一个男人能取得的最高荣誉 | ...is to live with great courage and to die with his countrymen...|乃是为敢做敢为而生,为保家卫...


值得注意的是it'sworthnotingthat... | 值得最高荣誉的palmary | 值得尊敬的worshipful


palmaris /掌侧/掌肌/ | palmary /值得最高荣誉的/卓越的/杰出的/ | palmate /手掌状的/

summa cum laude:享有最高荣誉

1935年他以享有最高荣誉(summa cum laude)的殊荣获得了都灵大学医学学位. 然后他在意大利军队当了三年军医. 随着意大利法西斯政府与德国联合,把意大利卷入第二次世界大战(1939-1945). 鲁利亚是犹太人后裔,所以他离开意大利以求安全.

summa cum laude with highest distinction:享有最高荣誉

sui generis of its own kind, unique, peculiar 别具一格的 | summa cum laude with highest distinction 享有最高荣誉 | tempus fugit time flies 光阴似箭

Agustin Delgado:德爾加多

厄瓜多尔锋线核心球员奥古斯丁.德尔加多(Agustin Delgado)在足球界最高的荣誉面前激动的说:"我经常做梦能够成为世界冠军并有机会高举奖杯. 今天在我目睹了奖杯之后,我更希望能够拥有它. "随后大力神杯中途经过了明星云集的洛杉矶后来到了亚洲.