英语人>词典>汉英 : 最厚处 的英文翻译,例句
最厚处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thick  ·  thicker

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In the axisymmetric section, the axial strain in excircle is maximum, but the maximum radial strain is in inner bore, and the radial strain contrast is used to reflect the variation trend of wall thickness in this ring section.


Studied present measuring methods" advantages and disadvantages, and presented the necessity and importance of researching propellant transient heat transfer.2.according to 130 and aeronautic 90 rocket projectiles" structure, analysed and acquired physical and mathematical models for propellant transient heat transfer, also designed propellant temperature field simulation units for test.3.acquired discrete transient heat balance equation and temperature calculation program, and gave contrasting curves between experimental temperature values and program calculating temperature values as well as maximum errors and average square root errors between them.4.by programs based on the first class boundary condition, worked out temperature distribution in propellant temperature field simulation units at different time, analysed temperature field distribution law and main elements affecting heat transfer, acquired propellant mass weighted average temperature and one at the half position of propellant maximum thickness as well as maximum errors and average square root errors between them.5.established transient heat transfer mathematical model and temperature calculation program for the third class boundary condition, drew contrasting curves between temperature experimental values and calculation values and gave maximum errors and average square root errors between them, got temperature distribution in the simulation unit at different time and main elements affecting heat conduction, figured out propellant mass weighted average temperature and one at the half position of propellant maximum thickness as well as maximum errors and average square root errors between them.

分析了现有测试方法的优缺点,提出了研究推进剂瞬态导热的必要性和重要性。 2。根据130和航90两种火箭弹的结构,分析得到了推进剂传热的物理模型和数学模型,设计了推进剂温度场模拟实验装置。 3。得到了离散形式的瞬态热平衡方程和温度场计算程序,给出了实验温度与程序计算温度值的对比曲线及其最大偏差与均方差。 4。利用程序求出了第一类边界条件下、不同时刻推进剂温度场模拟装置中的温度分布,分析了温度场的分布规律和影响传热的主要因素,求出了推进剂质量加权平均温度和最大肉厚1/2处的温度时间曲线并给出了两者之间的最大偏差与均方差。 5。建立了第三类边界条件下的瞬态导热数学模型和温度计算程序,求出了温度实测值与计算值的对比曲线并给出了两者之间的最大偏差与均方差,得到了不同时刻温度场模拟装置的温度分布与影响导热的主要因素,求出了推进剂质量加权平均温度和最大肉厚1/2处温度及两者之间的最大偏差与均方差,讨论并确定了能代表130和航90推进剂温度的特征点的位置。

"71" Glacier is located 116 kilometers southwest of Jiayuguan City Department Qilianshan hinterland, it is by the Lanzhou Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences of the scientific and technological workers and the former Soviet Union experts in glaciology July 1, 1958 discovered and named after the date of discovery of a Plateau glaciers.xie gua in the slope of the glacier is less than the slopes of 45 degrees, the average ice thickness of 78 meters, the Department up to 120 meters thick, Bingfeng 5150 meters above sea level, 4300 meters above sea front tongue.

"七一"冰川位于嘉峪关市西南116公里处的祁连山腹地,它是由中国科学院兰州分院的科技工作者和原苏联冰川学专家于1958年7月1日发现、并以发现日期命名的一座高原冰川。该冰川斜挂于坡度小于45度的山坡上,冰层平均厚度78米,最厚处达120米,冰峰海拔5150 米,冰舌前沿海拔4300米。

Results: The labrum was the widest at the point of anterosuperior 90°(8.82±2.20) mm and the thickest at the point of midsuperior (5.56±1.56) mm.


Bamboo variation ofmicrodensity of all age-degree and all height bamboo from bamboo green tobamboo yellow as follows:The downtrend ladder of microdensity the firststage from bamboo green to bamboo yellow is relatively large,normally at theplace 0.35 from bamboo hull(the thickness of from bamboo hull to bambooyellow is 1)micro-density downtrend ladder begin to get smaller,variancerange of microdensity is smaller.When reaching near bamboo yellow area,microdensity reaches its minimum value,and when reaching bamboo yellowsection density increase rapidly,the minimum density of bamboo is only 50% orless of maximum density.Bamboo yellow is comprised of stone cells whichhave thick cell wall,so its density is high,normally 50% to 100% more thanminimum density.Bamboo yellow′s lay thickness is thin,normally the samethickness for all age-degree and all height bamboo,about 0.8mm.From 1 age-degree bamboo to 2 age-degree bamboo during growth,the increase of averagedensity is mainly in bamboo pulp section,from 3 age-degree bamboo to 4 age-degree bamboo,the decrease of average density is mainly decrease in the pulpsection.Same age,same height,the less the density ladder of bamboo radialthickness,the higher the mechanical strength.


The smaller bismuth ruthenate partical is, sheet resistivity is lower and temperature coefficient of resistance is more positive and the refiring change ratio is nearer to zero.


Series BDS roller screen which obliquities of screen face are changes in turn. The maximal one in inlet then become small gradually. It can realize fast filter and not easy blocking. Best for washy coal.

BGS 变倾角等厚系列滚轴筛,筛面倾角依次变化,入煤处最大,角度逐渐变小,实现快速等厚筛分,不易堵筛,适用于大水分弱粘煤的筛分。

Horny layer is the outmost layer of epidermis, its thickness is decided by different parts of human body, it's about 0.02mm at the thinnest parts, and 0.5mm at the thickest. It is made up of 5-10 layers of enucleated cornified cells that contains keratin and horny fat, which has the capability of resisting weak acids and weak bases , they array closely and become a natural barrier to moisture content and some chemical substances, so as to prevent the water logging of bodily fluids and endosmose of chemical substances.


The paper discusses the design thoughts about the mixing proportion of big volumed concrete. The causes of concrete's heat of hydration and contraction are analyzed even the corresponding settlement methods are offered and compartment analysis is made.

临汾污水处理厂是我公司承建的一大型污水处理工程,它不但工程量大(80 0 0m3 以上),而且其中大部分为大体积混凝土(最厚处达 3 。3m),抗渗要求P6,同时多为暴露工程(要求混凝土具有高耐久性)。

On the termination date, the cultured explants were all examined by Western blot, HE and transmission electron microscope. Our results showed that after 12-days in culture, the cultivation treated with AS-ODN reduced the synthesis of AMBN and had a deformed dental cusp with thinner enamel matrix. Ultrastructure analyses showed that there was hardly any cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the ameloblasts at the tip of the cusp of AS-ODN treatedexplants. However, on average the enamel matrix was thinner compared with that in the control group. Furthermore, the collagen fibers in extracellular matrix were found disorganized. These findings seemed to provide a direct experimental evidence that tended to indicate that the arrested AMBN translation in cultured tooth germs might result in the delay of the tooth development.

经用Western蛋白印迹检测表明,所设计的反义核酸对AMBN InRNA具有良好的封闭效果并成功阻断了牙胚对AMBN的表达;在缺乏AMBN情况下,与对照组相比,实验组牙胚在体外可以继续生长发育至钟状晚期,出现成釉细胞和成牙本质细胞的分化,成釉细胞可以分化成为分泌期型成釉细胞,胞浆中缺少合成蛋白质所必需的粗面内质网和高尔基氏体,缺乏溶酶体,表明对蛋白合成和脚的能力降低;实验组牙胚有牙尖形成和基质分泌,但牙尖形态异常,基质形成减少,牙尖周围基质最厚处为O.6卜m,明显薄于对照组的5.spin,基质中胶原纤维粗细不等,排列稀疏, 3 第四军医大学硕士学位论文未见钙化现象,充分证明了AMBN在牙胚发育中参与釉质基质形成和矿化过程,影响胶原纤维和牙本质基质的合成,促进成釉细胞对蛋白质的合成和釉质基质蛋白降解。

更多网络解释与最厚处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stratum corneum:角化层

角化层 (stratum corneum)在皮肤最表面,由多层扁平的角化上皮细胞组成,其厚度不等. 腹壁皮肤、头皮等处角化层少,但在足底、手掌等易受摩擦部位的皮肤角化层明显增厚,最厚达2mm以上. 显微镜下角化层细胞为均质状,呈嗜酸性,其核及细胞器均消失.

penetrating power:穿透能力

伽玛射线的穿透能力(Penetrating power)是所有辐射中最大的,能贯穿数米厚的混凝土, 或数十厘米厚的装甲! ii.中子射线-处於高激发态的子核,往往都是中子过多的不稳定核,它的激发能往往 高於它核内中子的结合能,因此子核便可透过发出中子回复到稳态,




(1)硬斑病(morphea) 在局部性硬皮病中最多见,可发生在任何部位,以胸背部、四肢、面颈部为多见,表现为皮肤斑块样变硬变厚和萎缩:开始时病变处皮肤出现红肿,呈圆形、椭圆形或不规则形,边缘紫色,一个或多发,直径可达数厘米,逐渐增大,


绵鳚科(Zoarcidae)约80种长形海产鱼类的统称,见於冷水,盛产於南北极区. 体鳗状,唇厚,背、臀、尾鳍相连,近鳃处或有小的腹鳍. 底栖,从浅水到深水均有分布. 体长可达90公分(3呎)上下,但一般最多45公分. 有些种类卵生,其他,

Wilkes Land:威尔克斯地

冰盖的平均厚度为2000米左右,其中威尔克斯地(Wilkes land)平均厚度为4000-4500米,最厚处是查理高地(dome Charlie),雪厚达4776米. 在这么厚的雪重压下,使不同深度的雪层发生很大的变化. 新降的雪轻松柔软,由于降雪天往往伴随着狂风,