英语人>词典>汉英 : 替罪羊 的英文翻译,例句
替罪羊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
goat  ·  scapegoats  ·  whippings

更多网络例句与替罪羊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Antibes were stripped off their title and the team's manager banned, though it was widely believed he was a scapegoat, Villaplane and two team-mates with whom he had previously played at Sète suspected of being the real plotters.


"Azazel:In the Old Testament, the evil spirit in the wilderness to whom a scapegoat was sent on the Day of atonement."


He is just a whipping bly in this accident.


Western criticism has bolstered those in Tehran whose instinct, at the first sign of trouble at home, is to seek foreign scapegoats. At the top of the list comes Iran's favourite bugbear, Britain.


Sometimes, a fall guy may not realize he is the fall guy until he is the victim of a bum rap.


As usual, he was left to carry the can.


The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.


The old curmudgeon found a new ''.


Sir Fred Goodwin is a bad banker and a dishonourable man; he is also a dangerous distraction


I hate being used as a doormat.


更多网络解释与替罪羊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


柯瑞娜教授给大家详细讲解了赎罪日当天,在圣殿中举行的各项仪式及大祭司在其中的角色. 非常有趣的是关于替罪羊(Azazel)的相关内容,学术界对于Azazel究竟是什么有着不同的见解,并且怀疑这样复杂繁琐的仪式是否真正举行过.

A scapegoat, someone to demonize. The same thing happened to Galileo:一个被妖魔化的替罪羊, 和伽利略同样的遭遇

- You didn't do anything wrong. - Yes, but society always ne... | A scapegoat, someone to demonize. The same thing happened to Galileo.|一个被妖魔化的替罪羊, 和伽利略同样的遭遇 | Really? That's unbelie...

The Fall Guy:替罪羊

1921 收藏家 The Rent Collector | 1921 替罪羊 The Fall Guy | 1921 贝尔合 The Bell Hop

fall guy;whipping boy:替罪羊

替死鬼/whipping boy | 替罪羊/fall guy;whipping boy | 天花乱坠的自吹/snow job

But you need a fall guy,fine:但是你们需要一个替罪羊

4. But it's going to make collaboration kind of hard.不过这样合作起来就不那么容易了. | 5. But you need a fall guy,fine. 但是你们需要一个替罪羊. | 6. Can I hitch a ride?我能搭个便车吗?

In other words, we need a fall guy:换句话说 我们得找个替罪羊

Yonica's bridegroom must be blamelessly pristine.|尤妮卡的新郎... | In other words, we need a fall guy.|换句话说 我们得找个替罪羊 | How about your homeboy outside with the perforated septum?|外面那个穿鼻...


[15]而在基督教文化传统语境中,这种"牺牲品"就是>中"替罪羊"(scapegoat)以及>中"受苦的仆人"(suffering servant:指基督). 但西蒙又有不同于基督之处,他的死并没有把孩子们从无知和恐惧中解救出来,也没有给小岛带来救世的福音.

The Scapegoat:替罪羊

Hall Caine 霍尔 凯恩 | The Scapegoat 替罪羊 | Lewis Carrol 刘易斯 卡罗尔

whipping boy:[史]古时替王孙公子受鞭挞的少年人; 替罪羊, 代人受过者

the boys 一家中的男子 [俗]无女性参加的场合; 男性伙伴 政治上的跟班; 跟着混饭吃的... | whipping boy [史]古时替王孙公子受鞭挞的少年人; 替罪羊, 代人受过者 | wonder boy 事业发达的青年人; 在交际中深得人心的人

Be careful,or you'll be an unwilled fall guy:小心别当了替罪羊

47.fall guy替罪羊 | Be careful,or you'll be an unwilled fall guy.小心别当了替罪羊. | 48.after one's own heart情投意合的