英语人>词典>汉英 : 更进一步地 的英文翻译,例句
更进一步地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
further  ·  furthered  ·  furthering  ·  furthers

更多网络例句与更进一步地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter 3, the animalcula of Dracaena cochinchinenis's wound were carefully isolated, it also argues the effect of fungi on the formation of the dragon's blood. Moreover, the loureirins of the liquid zymolysis products of some fungi were detected by HPLC, and the relationship between animalcula and the formation of the dragon's blood is further discussed.


In conclusions, the enhancement mechanism of additive on heat and mass transfer of absorption was studied in experiment and theory, the effect of vapor additive on absorption was validated, a new method to add additive in absorption chiller was presented, and the heat and mass transfer of absorber with air cooling was investigated too.


Islamic traditions further record that, in vengeful anger, Iblis promises God that he will lead as many humans astray as he can, to which God replies that it is the choice of humans - those who so desire will follow Satan, while those who so desire will follow God.


The representative minority cultural relic-pottery relic of Buyi minority and the two wooden masks is taken as the research object. Firstly, Hiscanner laser scan detector was adapted for data collection, and then obtain point cloud data which could be recorded on disc for permanent saving was obtianed; Furthermore, the new popular reverse engineering software Geomagic for some disposals of point cloud data was adopted in data condensing, data mending, data filtering, feature line picking up to obtain NURBS surfaces; and then the error between the reconstructed CAD model and the point cloud data was evaluated to guarantee the precision of surface reconstruction to keep the relics keep its original appearance. In the end, the NURBS surfaces are imported to 3D software Solidworks and entities of CAD are generated by surface sewing, mold loft and ablating and other instructions.

选用有代表性的贵州少数民族文物―布依族酒壶、水壶以及木制傩戏面具作为研究对象,采用Hiscanner激光扫描测头对其进行数据采集,扫描得到的点云数据可刻录到光盘上作为文物数据永久保存;更进一步地,采用目前流行的逆向工程软件Geomagic studio对点云数据进行数据精简、数据滤波、数据修补、提取特征线等处理后得到NURBS曲面;为保证曲面模型重建的精度,在曲面重建模型后对其误差评价,通过控制误差的方式指导曲面模型重建,使重建的文物曲面模型能真实完整地反映原状;最后,在功能强大的三维造型软件Solidworks中导人重构的NURBS曲面进行曲面缝合、放样等,将其生成实体CAD模型,并对模型的局部特征进行适当的再设计以实现文物实体模型的优化。

He harness may simply log to a text file but it may also provide a parsable format like XML or even interact directly with a database for result retention.

est harness 可能会简单地记录到文本文件中,但也可以提供像XML一样的可解释格式文件,或者更进一步地直接与保存测试结果的数据库直接交互。

The TECO Technology Competition on robotics this year is quite successful considering the number of teams participated. However, we expect a significant expansion of this competition next year to attract more excellent research groups. By properly protecting the intellectual right of the teams, this competition will become a very good vehicle to demonstrate the achievement of robotics research and development in Taiwan. The competition also encourages people to participate in the technology development and innovation.


The TECO Technology Competition on robotics this year is quite successful considering the number of teams participated. However, we expect a significant expansion of this competition next year to attract more excellent research groups. By properly protecting the intellectual right of the teams, this competitionwill become a very good vehicle to demonstrate the achievement of robotics research and development in Taiwan.


Even while the German Western Theatre is off blitzing France a higher-level AI can look at and consider a plan for the invasion of Britain and start thinking is this worthwhile, what units it will need, and start building them.


So, JiangZe-min as a deputizing for the Communist Party of China Third Leading Group is exploring how to build socialist democratic and political construction of characteristics of the China and according with the condition of China on base of the Communist Party of China Second Leading Group.


SABS can be improved by SAFU for Hyperspectral imageries. The proposed SAFU selects the sets of uncorrelated hyperspectral bands for each different class simultaneously while utilizing the inherent separability of different classes in hyperspectral images to reduce dimensionality and further to effectively generate a unique SAFU feature. The experimental results show that the SAFU approach is effective and can be used as an alternative to the existing feature extraction algorithms.


更多网络解释与更进一步地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

access control list:存取控制表

本架构会对於系统的存取控制表(Access Control List)进行监控并且产生即时的报表做为厘清问题的依据. 除此之外,本架构也落实变更(Change)及配置(Configuration)管理以提供一个持续改善的模型. 为了比较新旧问题,变更及配置的流程需要更进一步地分析.


收入比较方法是更"实际"地获得个人间利益(advantages)差异的方法的假设是很难成立的. 更进一步,我已经表明,从公共政策优先排序(public priorities)的角度讨论不同能力的价值的需要是一项财富,它迫使我们弄清在价值判断不能(也不应该)避免的领域,


而这只是外世界. 人的内心呢?却更进一步走向了狐独,这狐独的人群不可避免地走向疯狂和自怜(恋). 看啊,互联网时代不是疯狂的么?网络上的沟通和交流(CHAT)是多么的丰富和无耻,虚幻而精彩的E时代又是多么的滑稽和无奈.


Weick 更进一步指出,组织并不只是只对环境做出反应(react ),而是可以积极地构建(construct )和参与"制定"(enact )他们的环境. "制定"过程是一个"主体部分地与客体互动并构成客体"的过程(Weick ,1979,p.165). 也就是说,

furtherance:助长, 促进, 助成 (名)

further 更进一步地; 此外; 更远地 (副) | furtherance 助长, 促进, 助成 (名) | furthermore 此外; 而且 (副)



Philosophical Hermeneutics:哲学诠释学

因而再加强中西对本体与诠释理论的认识,必能更进一步地带动学者对目前中西诠释理论的兴趣,也更能裨益中国诠释学的深度与更大幅度的发展,自然也将促进学者对"本体诠释学"(Onto-Hermeneutics)与"哲学诠释学"(Philosophical Hermeneutics)的比较认识及其对重


Weick 更进一步指出,组织并不只是只对环境做出反应(react ),而是可以积极地构建(construct )和参与"制定"(enact )他们的环境. "制定"过程是一个"主体部分地与客体互动并构成客体"的过程(Weick ,1979,p.165). 也就是说,


PDA和移动电话之间建立无线连接.为了支持这种应用,蓝牙还定义了"微网"(Piconet)的概念,同一个PAN内至多有8个数据设备(1个"主设备"(Master)和7个"从设备"(Slave))共存.蓝牙标准还更进一步地定义了"网络接入点"(Network Access Point)的概念,

even more fundamental:更进一步的基本问题

...it poses still others...|...同时却提出了... | ...even more fundamental.|...更进一步的基本问题 | We will continue to listen closely...|我们将继续专注地聆听...