英语人>词典>汉英 : 曲线形 的英文翻译,例句
曲线形 的英文翻译、例句


curvilinear figure · shaped form
更多网络例句与曲线形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A large curved retort was boiling furiously in the bluishflame of a Bunsen burner, and the distilled drops were condensing into a two-litremeasure.


The chaise longue features an extended curved base with the main frame of the piece being constructed out of two timber pieces form the sides and are CNC'd to a precision shape to give a perfect curve.


From this chart, we see the time was also described as a curved line.


Analyses of loci in the π plane and meridian line s show that the parabolic and hyperbolic type failure envelopes have no influences on the shape of the.


Some effective measures were presented to solve bigger prestress loss of mid span in overlong frame and it is suggested that prestressed reinforcement with curve linetype should be adopted ...


And local dark focal spots may be obtained, the focal spot may evolve into a circle, a two-peak spot, or a curve line, which indicates that the combination of nonspiral and spiral phase plates can be used to form novel focal spots.


This popcorn appearance is almost pathognomonic; other patterns of calcification include curvilinear and stippled.


Old gears are usually spoked, sometimes curved spokes.


In this dissertation, we focus on the design of the CPW-fed meander line slot antenna array for operational frequency band from 38 to 38.5 GHz.


The drift of wind and rain in the air and the existence of inhomogeneous medium make the locus of lightning behaving as irregular curve.


更多网络解释与曲线形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


那些点称为"锚点"(anchor) 锚点间的线段称为"片断"(segment) 刚才我们绘制的那些锚点,由于它们之间的线段都是直线,所以又称为直线型锚点. 现在我们来绘制曲线形锚点昨天下午,北服-佛莱士国际学院电脑美术设计专业的五位应届毕业生来工作室参观.

arrondissement:法国的行政区, 郡

arrondi | 曲线形的, 弧形的 | arrondissement | 法国的行政区, 郡 | arrosion | 磨损, 磨耗, 溃蚀 残蚀作用

curvilinear figure:曲线图形,曲线形

curvilinear equation 曲线方程 | curvilinear figure 曲线图形,曲线形 | curvilinear function 曲线函数

curvilinear integral:线积分

curvilinear gudie way 曲线导轨 | curvilinear integral 线积分 | curvilinerar figure 曲线图形,曲线形

hyperbolic magnetic axis:双曲线形磁轴

hyperbolic logarithm 双曲对数 | hyperbolic magnetic axis 双曲线形磁轴 | hyperbolic magnetic lens 双曲磁镜透


archtype sheet pile 拱形板桩 | archwise 成弓形的;拱廊似的 | archy 拱形的;曲线形


arrogation | 诈称, 霸占, 篡夺 | arrojadite | 钠磷锰铁矿 | arrondi | 曲线形的, 弧形的


douchesolution 灌洗剂 | doucine 反曲线形装饰 | doughbatch 打面机

TOMAS SARACENO:未来就是一个夜晚,仰望即可

没有我们,未来哪也去不了--PAUL CHAN | 未来就是一个夜晚,仰望即可--TOMAS SARACENO | 未来将是曲线形的--OLAFUR RLIASSON

exponential tool table:指数曲线形工具架

exponential time delay ==> 指数特性时间延迟 | exponential tool table ==> 指数曲线形工具架 | exponential transform ==> 指数变换