英语人>词典>汉英 : 暴君 的英文翻译,例句
暴君 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Caesar  ·  despot  ·  Pharaoh  ·  tyrant  ·  despots  ·  oppressors  ·  pharaoh

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The reason I feel it is unrealistic is because the director never showed why Abelia listened to the crazy ruler.


Being myself a knight of the goose quill, I am under no misapprehension about "winning people"; but I am inordinately proud these days of the quill, for it has shown itself, historically, to be the hypodermic which inoculates men and keeps the germ of freedom always in circulation, so that there are individuals in every time in every land who are the carriers, the Typhoid Marys, capable of infecting others by mere contact and example.


Among these propositions this one has been reported: Any tyrant can and ought to be killed, licitly and meritoriously, by any of his vassals or subjects, even by means of plots and blandishments or flattery, notwithstanding any oath taken, or treaty made with the tyrant, and without waiting for a sentence or a command from any judge.

其中主张此一已报警:任何暴君可以而且应该被杀害, licitly和meritoriously ,由他的任何附庸或科目,甚至透过剧情的花言巧语或阿谀奉承,尽管任何宣誓,或条约,与暴君,并没有在等待一个句子或一个命令,从任何法官。

Justly thou abhorr'st That Son, who on the quiet state of men [ 80 ] Such trouble brought, affecting to subdue Rational Libertie; yet know withall, Since thy original lapse, true Libertie Is lost, which alwayes with right Reason dwells Twinn'd, and from her hath no dividual being: [ 85 ] Reason in man obscur'd, or not obeyd, Immediately inordinate desires And upstart Passions catch the Government From Reason, and to servitude reduce Man till then free.

真自由总是和真理相结合,离开她就不能单独生存了。人的理性减弱了,或不服从了,违法乱纪的欲望,向上爬的情绪便马上攻击理性的政权,本来自由的人就被降到奴隶的地位。因此,自从允许他自己内心不合理的力量统治自由的理性之后,凭正确的审判,上帝判他服从外来的暴君,不时束缚他的外部自由:暴君必然存在,虽然不能原谅暴君。但有时各国降低道德的标准,使毫无错误的理性,受到一些不祥的诅咒:外部自由被剥夺,内部自由消失。你看造方舟者那些不孝不敬的儿子吧,他因为侮辱了父亲,使他那罪恶的家族受到'奴仆的奴仆' 如此深重的诅咒。

A person who wield s power oppressively;a tyrant.


He counters my first couple of guys, but I drop Niv-Mizzet, Simic Sky Swallower, Simic Sky Swallower, Tidespout Tyrant, and then land double Body Double on Tidespout Tyrant. That, as they say, is that.


War, imprisonment, exile--we are seeing in operation, yet once again, the old tactics of the Catholic tyrant: Constantius against St. Athanasius, Constantine IV against St. Martin I, Justinian against Pope Vigilius, Leo III against Gregory II; no repudiation of the spiritual, but violence until the spiritual consent to be an instrument of the tyrant's government.


Calixtus II was no despot ordering submission to novelties now decreed, but the victorious leader of the episcopate, and the representative of other leaders now departed, thanks to whose intelligence and fortitude the episcopate everywhere had been liberated from the thrall of tyrants indeed, its dignity restored and its spiritual prestige renewed.


Not all tyrants manifested so clearly their intention to effeminize their victims; but in fact, what the aforementioned despot publicly proclaimed and put into effect, most of the others have pursued secretly as an end.


Two years on, his successors were still trying to immortalise him by honouring his corpse, yet here was a poem denouncing Mao to his embalmed face and declaring that he was dead, quite dead, and that all he stood for was either dead, or dying.


更多网络解释与暴君相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The avaricious tyrant dies:贪婪暴君死期已到

Whiplashes, sword strokes皮鞭飞舞,利剑破空 | The avaricious tyrant dies贪婪暴君死期已到 | Shining axes and shining spears锋利的战斧与长矛

The Tyrant of the Chersonese:凯尔索涅斯的暴君

Were still, at least, our countrymen. 更何况,至少是我们自己的族人. | The Tyrant of the Chersonese 凯尔索涅斯的暴君 | Was Freedom's best and bravest friend; 是自由最好最忠勇的朋友

the concupiscence of theoppressor:强烈的暴君的邪望

我们的不诚实的否定, our dishonest mood of denial, | 强烈的暴君的邪望. the concupiscence of theoppressor. | 假如有些独裁的痕迹 If some traces of the autocratic pose,

the concupiscence of the oppressor:强烈的暴君的邪望

我们的不诚实的否定, our dishonest mood of denial | 强烈的暴君的邪望. the concupiscence of the oppressor. | 假如有些独裁的痕迹 If some traces of the autocratic pose


纵使最高层出了一位荒淫无道的"暴君"(despot),他想透过层层金字塔,一竿到底,奴役全国人民,亦殊不易. 因为暴君之出现,他第一步必须破坏他自己的法统. 法统既失,则统治机器失灵,在那交通和资讯都相当原始的硕大帝国之内,


tyrannically /暴虐地/专横地/ | tyrannicide /诛弑暴君/诛杀暴君者/ | tyrannize /施行虐政/压制/欺压/


在参考了"暴君试作型"等资料后继续进行研究的结果,是令T病毒发挥特效的"究级生命体". 代号为"T-002"的暴君成为了之后各种暴君的原型,是以人类为基础开发出的最强生物兵器. 因此,它在诞生时便被冠以了"暴君"(Tyrant)之名,这也是T病毒真正的名称.

Only tyrants:只有暴君

I would be foolish to ignore it.|不理睬这个迹象将是很蠢的做法 | Only tyrants|只有暴君 | need worry about tyrant killers.|才需要担心暴君杀手

Oh, it's Latin. "Sic semper tyrannis:是拉丁文"暴君下场

- That's not Spanish. - Let me see it.|-不是西班牙文 -我看 | Oh, it's Latin. "Sic semper tyrannis."|是拉丁文"暴君下场" | "Thus always a tyrant."|意思是"暴君之道"


1951年的<<暴君焚城录>>(QuoVadis)记录的就是尼禄的种种暴行,该片由茂文.李洛埃执导,罗伯特.泰勒、黛勃拉.蔻儿主演,票房1000万,为当年冠军. 经过暴君的折腾,罗马国势一落千丈. 此时,又有几个雄才大略的皇帝出来拯救罗马,