英语人>词典>汉英 : 暗视力 的英文翻译,例句
暗视力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与暗视力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vitamin A not only can synthesize inspect amaranthine qualitative, it is clearer to still can make the eye sees a thing below dark light, accordingly, green tea not only can eliminate computer radiant harm, still can be protected and raise eyesight.


Dimness of vision without apparent organic pathology .


Vitreous changes such as vitreous loss or ruptured anterior hyaloid face during cataract surgery, or posterior vitreous detachment etc., were noted in 11 eyes who had cystoid macular edema. The clinical findings and vision recovered in 12 eyes after administration of indomethacin or prednisolone in 4 cases and without treatment in 8 cases.


Some of them with visual loss, optic papilledema and orbital mass. B-scan ultrasonography revealed a cyctic tumor and a strong echo spot with spontaneous movement. On CT scanning, found was a well-defined hyperdensity mass in which there was a low density area. On MRI, the signal intensity of T1WI of cystic fluid was low or moderate and of T2WI was high, while the signal intensity of T1WI and T2WI of surounding scar tissue was still low.

结果 22例有反复的眶内炎症史及占位性病变体征,如眼睑及结膜充血水肿,眼球突出,眼球运动受限;6例有视力下降和视乳头水肿,并扪及肿物。B超示占位性病变内有液性暗区及自发运动光斑;CT扫描示高密度块影中央部有低密度区;MRI检查示囊液信号强度T1WI为低或中信号,T2WI为高信号,其周围的纤维瘢痕组织T1WI和T2WI均为低信号。

Vitamin A can not only of rhodopsin, but also in the dark to light under the eyes to see things more clearly, therefore, green tea will not only eliminate computer radiation hazards, but also to protect and enhance vision.


The visual acuity and light sensitivity were altered by TTT in the eyes with absolute scotoma.


Results Absolute scotoma appeared in 7 eyes and relative scotoma in 6 eyes before TTT. Among the 6 eyes with relative scotoma, the visual acuity was improved over 2 lines in 4 eyes after TTT, descended 1 line in I eye and unchanged in 1 eye. The light sensitivity of the irradiated retina was increased in 5 eyes and decreased in 1 eye.


LEDs are also good for monochromatic displays where certain wavelengths are better for the Photopic and Scotopic response of the eye.


After acquiring a wavefront image and entering the manifest refraction, the surgeon is able to visualize the default scotopic pupil size ,ablation optical zone size on a graphic map, and the overall ablation zone size.


But in fact, vitamin A effects on vision has nothing to do with myopia, which mainly affects the eyes in the dark light, vision (so-called "dark adaptation"), vitamin A deficiency can lead to a reduced ability to dark-adapted (the worst case, can cause night blindness), but also will lead to eye conjunctiva (commonly known as "white eye" part) or the cornea (commonly known as "black eye" part) of the damage, but does not cause myopia.


更多网络解释与暗视力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amplify Damage:加大伤害--傷害加深;简称

Curses--诅咒系技能树--詛咒 | Amplify Damage--加大伤害--傷害加深;简称: Amp/Ad | Dim Vision--视力模糊--微暗靈視;简称: Dim


白内障摘除后的无晶体眼(aphakia)呈高度远视状态,一般达+8D-12D,须矫正视力. 人工晶体(IOL)后房型IOL仅使物象放大1%-2%,是无晶体眼屈光矫正的最好方法. 视力恢复迅速,有双眼单视和立体视觉,无环行暗点,周边视野正常. 联系电话:+86830 8888999 (FAX) 门诊电话:+86830 2392239、医教科电话:+86830 3161913、急诊科电话:+86830

dark color:暗色[色相发暗]

dark adaptation (视力)黑暗适应性 | dark color 暗色[色相发暗] | dark infra-red oven 暗红外线炉


11、暗点(scotoma) 指视野内的异常视觉减退区或视觉消失区,即该区域与其四周相邻区域比较,光敏感度下降. 除了生理盲点以外,视野中所有的暗点都属异常. 12.中心暗点(central scotoma) 覆盖注视点的暗点,伴有视力减退,

central scotoma:中心暗点

12.中心暗点(central scotoma) 覆盖注视点的暗点,伴有视力减退,表明病变累及视网膜的黄斑中心凹或视神经的黄斑纤维束. 13.盲中心暗点(centrocecal scotoma) 覆盖生理盲点的中心暗点,提示视盘黄斑纤维束损害.


scotophor 暗迹粉 | scotopia 暗视力 | scotopic 暗视的

scotopic vision:暗视力

Scorpio 天蝎座 | scotopic vision 暗视力 | scout 侦察,搜索,侦察机,侦察舰,侦察艇


Dim Vision--视力模糊--微暗靈視;简称: Dim | Weaken--弱化--削弱; | Iron maiden--钢铁处女--攻擊反噬;简称: IM