英语人>词典>汉英 : 暖的 的英文翻译,例句
暖的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
warm  ·  calefactive  ·  warmed  ·  warms

更多网络例句与暖的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fly column sign: Coldest days arrived, household edition group was rolled out January this year " warm house " design program is revealed, a theme is circled all round every, introduce the program that makes winter bedroom calefacient .


Images of deglaciation, thawing tundra, coastal inundation, early bloom, drought, and dying coral bring the headlines on global warming to life. Images are available on global change themes in Antarctica, Alaska, coastlines, England, oceans, polar thaw, temperate zone, tropics, and weather. Copyright notices are conspicuously posted.


Global Warning Global warming is the hot topic around the world at this time but there is also dissention about the evidence being presented to support the argument.


That's like saying proof that Nicole was murdered proves that OJ did it.


The planet is experiencing a global climate changing, global warming affects distribution, penology and breeding of wildlife. Metrological records indicate that the Qinghai Lake drainage area is also experiencing such a climate change.


It was found that the climate was cold and humid comparatively in 1970's, the climate was warm and droughty comparatively in 1980's, the climate became warmer and doughtier in 1990's than before.


According to a new study, heated debates over global warming are the leading cause of global warming.


According to a new study, heated debates over global warming are the leading cause of global warming.


Do not drive a hard bargain Let me how do I now穷得连northwest wind都喝not on the Sister heart of good will not drive a hard bargain: As you work on it at home, we can let you fill穿暖, but we will not give you the wages.


But two points should be noticed: the first is that there was a relatively warm phase of 8400~8100 yr B.P.


更多网络解释与暖的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"尿结石\\",\\"calculus,calculi,urinary\\" | \\"使暖的,发暖的,发暖药\\",\\"calefacient\\" | \\"犊\\",\\"calf\\"


calefacient 增温物质 | calefacient 变暖的 | calefacientcalefactory 增温的

calefactory:寺院内的取暖房 发暖的

calefactor | 发暖器 | calefactory | 寺院内的取暖房 发暖的 | calefy | (使)变暖

The warm sunshine is as glamourous as the freshly picked strawberry:那溫暖 的陽光 像剛摘的鮮艷草莓

初戀的香味就這樣被我們尋回 That is how we found... | 那溫暖 的陽光 像剛摘的鮮艷草莓 The warm sunshine is as glamourous as the freshly picked strawberry | 你說你捨不得吃掉這一種感覺 You tell me it would...

Okay, Global Warming Grinch:好吧 全球变暖的格林奇 (Grinch是偷走圣诞的怪物)

Who Wants Chestnuts Roasted On An Open Fire When It Feels Like Flo... | Okay, Global Warming Grinch.|好吧 全球变暖的格林奇 (Grinch是偷走圣诞的怪物) | I'm Just Saying, Christmas Should Be White And Snow...


Taj-Mahal 黃金珠光亮麗焦橘色. | Taos 溫暖的沙漠玫瑰紅. | Torrid 黃金珠光溫暖杏黃色.


coldish 略寒的,稍冷的 | warmish 稍暖的 | oldish 略老的,稍旧的

calefactive:暖的, 温的, 升温的

calefaction | 加热,发暖,温暖, 发暖作用 | calefactive | 暖的, 温的, 升温的 | calefactor | 发暖器

A shellboy wades through shallow warm tide:拾贝的男孩淌过浅而暖的潮

nurtures the hometown that nurtures me. 养育了养育了我的... | A shellboy wades through shallow warm tide, 拾贝的男孩淌过浅而暖的潮 | with sunset behind, his prolonged shadow fore-side. 身后有日落,拉长的...

(I) remember that starry sky, the tightest right hand, the warmest chest:記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口

我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌 = I remember the birt... | 記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口 = (I) remember that starry sky, the tightest right hand, the warmest chest | 誰 記得 誰 忘了 = who has rememb...