英语人>词典>汉英 : 普遍的 的英文翻译,例句
普遍的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ecumenical  ·  general  ·  global  ·  pervasive  ·  prevalent  ·  universal  ·  wide  ·  widespread  ·  Catholic  ·  generalised  ·  catholic

更多网络例句与普遍的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared with the Western Dividend theory and practice, there are some common characteristics in Dividend Policy of the listed companies in China: a smaller number of companies that pay Cash Dividend; a low level of cash distribution; widespread of non-distribution of listed companies; a narrow mind of listed companies on Dividend Distribution, which lacks of continuity and stability in dividend policy.


I found adulteration is extremely widespread: urea, soap powder, starch are very popular additives.


As a universal form of the World-Spirit, Stoicism could only appear on the scene in a time of universal fear and bondage.

贺译( p134):作为世界精神的普遍形式,它只有在存在着普遍的恐惧和奴役的时代才能够出现

""There is no universal church, no universal body of politic; but there is an universal Fraternity, that Freemasonry; and every Brother who is a worthy member, may feel proud of it.


296Reason, in observing organic Nature, attains only to a contemplation of itself as universal life as such, it comes to see its development and realization merely in the form of systems distinguished quite generally, whose essential character lies not in the organic as such, but in the universal individual ; and it sees that development and realization among these differences belonging to the Earth in the form of arrangements which the genus attempts to achieve.

贺译( p197):观察的理性在观察有机物时所直观到的事实上仅仅是作为普遍生命一般的理性自身;而且,它之所以能直观这普遍生命的发展与实现,仅仅因为它是根据着那些完全普遍地区别了的系统,这些系统的规定与本质是不存在于有机物本身,而存在于普遍的个体、地球中的;而在地球的这些差别之中,它之所以能直观这普遍生命的发展与实现,又完全因为它是根据着类属所企图建立的那些系列。

As the historian Kong Marg said:"They are for U.S. children, the apparent lack of something today, that is the general allusions knowledge, experience and self-consciousness of the general ."--


State of names 名字的状态 America's Social Security Service keeps a register that contains the 100 most popular names in each state every year and the number of babies given them.


Kant ; the universality of history ; belief in universality of history ; teleology


The investigation of universal structures can be traced back to Cantor[6] who showed that the chain is both universal and homogeneous in the class of countable linear orders.

调查普遍结构可以追溯到康托尔[ 6 ]谁表明,链是普遍的和均匀的类数线性订单。

对温度的响应(E2)植物与水(D2)温度与物种分布(E3)动物与水(D3)生态系统格局(S1) High temperatures may lead to enzyme inactivation or the unbalancing of components of metabolism; for example, in plants, respiration may proceed faster than photosynthesis, leading to death, however, the most frequent effect of high temperature on ectotherms is dehydration.

Heat exchange 温度阈高温可能导致酶失活或代谢组分不平衡,例如植物的呼吸作用快于光合作用而导致死亡。然而高温对外温动物最普遍的影响是引起脱水。

更多网络解释与普遍的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all-pervading:普及的, 普遍的

all-party | 各党派的, 各党派一致的, 超党派的 | all-pervading | 普及的, 普遍的 | all-pervasive | 遍及各方面的, 无孔不入的

universal intellect:普遍的理智

universal hypothesis 普遍性假设 | universal intellect 普遍的理智 | universal knowledge 普遍的知识


vicious邪恶的,堕落的 | pervade;pervasive弥漫,遍及;普遍的 | renowned有名的

pervasive: a.1:到处弥漫的,渗透的 2.普遍的,流行的

pertinent: a.有关系的,与......相涉的èì÷?÷L?... | pervasive: a.1.到处弥漫的,渗透的 2.普遍的,流行的èì÷?÷L?O?.forum.liuxuehome.comih ??AR3 | pervasive: a.1.到外弥漫(或渗透)的,弥漫(或渗透)性的 2.遍布的,流...

pervasive: a.1:到外弥漫(或渗透)的,弥漫(或渗透)性的 2.遍布的,流行的,普遍的

pervasive: a.1.到处弥漫的,渗透的 2.普遍的,流行... | pervasive: a.1.到外弥漫(或渗透)的,弥漫(或渗透)性的 2.遍布的,流行的,普遍的èì÷?÷L?O?.forum.liuxuehome.comih ??AR3 | pessimism: n. 悲观, 悲观主义èì÷?÷L...

predominant a.1:占主导(支配)地位的 2.占绝对优势的,普遍的,显著的

paradoxical: a.1.似非而是的,佯谬的 2.自相矛盾的 3.悖理的,反常的 | predominant: a.1.占主导(支配)地位的 2.占绝对优势的,普遍的,显著的 | tranquil: a.1.平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,静止的


社会现象可以一针见血地提出来,即社会上非常普遍的(prevalent)偶像崇拜,即追星现象. 紧接着举两例说明,贝克汉姆代表了体育方面的偶像,其招牌是英俊的外表和高超的球技. 当然,还要结合中国现实提一下典型的超级女生大赛,


43. sensational轰动的 | 44. prevalent普遍的、流行的 | 45. imperative重要的、必要的

prevalent adjective:普遍的,流行的

pressing adjective 紧迫的 | prevalent adjective 普遍的,流行的 | rot verb 腐烂/败


根据他的理论,能表征发展成就的这些领域,是一个从"普遍的"(universal)到"泛文化的"(panculture),到"文化的"(culture),到"训练为基础的"(discipline based),到"特殊的"(idiosyncratic),到"惟一的"(unique)连续体.