英语人>词典>汉英 : 春节 的英文翻译,例句
春节 的英文翻译、例句


Chinese New Year · Spring Festival · the Spring Festival
更多网络例句与春节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But do you really know how to behave properly at such an important meal?


When the festival comes, some politicians in other countries will pronounce address or call to our chairman to felicitate us.


The eyebrow and orbital design of Da Nian adopts mask characteristics of the Beijing Opera. On the back is the transfigured Kui Dragon which is deal with transfiguration, while the picture on the back arm uses the drawings of firedrake to reference on bronzes of Zhou Dynasty.


My favourite holiday is the Spring Fastival. When the Spring Fastival comes, I can gohome to reunite with my family and friends.


Annual the tall hair that Spring Festival long holiday is virus period, during virus uses the Spring Festival, people each other sends a blessing, scanty to virus at the space that be on guard, send the link that contains virus or document through QQ or MSN, and once the user is clicked,the file is met toxic, toxic hind virus can send same instant message to all and online good friend, create instant news report user interlink infection.


Hainan's most popular season is, of course, Spring Festival, when legions of mainlanders shuddering from sub-zero winter temperatures spend Chinese New Year on the invitingly temperate beaches of the tropica island.


Hainans most popular season is, of course, Spring Festival, when legions of mainlanders shuddering from sub-zero winter temperatures spend Chinese New Year on the invitingly temperate beaches of the tropica island.


Spring Festival is China's traditional festivals, but also to the arrival of spring to the levy.

春节 春节是我国的传统节日,而且是春天将要到来的向征。

Whenever Chinese spend Spring Festival,a plateful of steaming hot dumplings is a must. While foreigers also have dumplings as we chinese do during Spring Festival. But their making and eating shows characteristic and originality.


Spring festival is the most important and traditional in china , spring festival Gala is a ceremonious artistic dinner to Chinese and foreigners. our China always appeal to faking ,if all the singings in spring festival Gala are mock, what are the feelings of audience?


更多网络解释与春节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese New Year:春节

指导学生用已学过的语言知识描述西方节日"Christmas",制作圣诞卡、问候卡,并实现能力迁移,介绍中国传统节日"中秋节"(Mid-Autumn Festival)和"春节"(Chinese New Year).

Happy Chinese New Year:春节快乐


February February:是二月, 二月February有春节

January, January是一月, 一月January有新年; | February, February是二月, 二月February有春节; | March , March是三月, 三月March 妇女节;

Spring Festival:春节

但他也建议为了避免其他族裔人士批评华裔强求自己的传统节日订为公众假期,有心人士在推动该项进程之时,最好以庆祝"春节"(Spring Festival)为名,而非局限单一族裔的"中国新年".

Spring Festival:春节[中国]

Zhoton Festival雪顿节[西藏] | Spring Festival春节[中国] | on Christmas Day 在圣诞节上

Spring Festival:春节实用词汇

春节实用词汇 Spring Festival | 春节 The Spring Festival | 农历 lunar calendar

Lesson Fifteen:春节到了

Lesson Fourteen 圣诞节到了 | Lesson Fifteen 春节到了 | Lesson Sixteen 与孙辈的老师见面

Greeting season:(春节)

Greeting Season(春节): | 春节 The Spring Festival | 农历 lunar calendar

Happy Spring Festival:春节快乐

今年是第一次在新加坡过农历春节,在与各国朋友互致新年问候的时候,我脱口说出的总是"春节快乐"(Happy Spring Festival),但本地人和其他外国人异口同声的回应都是"华人新年快乐"(Happy Chinese New Year).

Happy New Year to Elderships:春节英文祝福语 给上司/长辈

春节英文祝福语 给上司/长辈 Happy New Year to Elderships | 春节英文祝福语 给上司/长辈的祝福语 Happy New Year to Elde... | For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!值此佳节,老板,献给您及...