英语人>词典>汉英 : 易货交易 的英文翻译,例句
易货交易 的英文翻译、例句


barter business · barter transaction
更多网络例句与易货交易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Note that all barters are taxable transactions and have to be reported to the IRS as income.


Logically speaking, a letter of extreme market, there will be a barter transaction.


The strike movement 1997 relatively Russia coal industry began to step forward 1994 the reform of dimension difficult and the strike movement dimensions at the beginning of changing a course demesne already had fall after a rise, but the remonstrant activity of this kind of form still exists after all, continue action is mixed at reform change a course demesne.


Therefore,based on afresh annotating the farmers consumption behaviors of agriculture insurance,this ...


At first, bartering took place as an exchange between two people.


I knew their prices weren't fixed so I always haggled until they reduced them.


Compensatory arrangement is goods exchange or purchasing back between purchasers and bargainers, this kind of trade is also regarded as distribution between related parties.


Payment for goods or services in currency or by check.An axe-head tribe trading with a cowry's shell tribe has to revert to barter, if neither currency is acceptable within the other society.


For income tax purposes, issues include whether an exchange intermediary or broker should be accounting for inventory, and what amount of information reporting should be required for low-value bartering transactions, and how such transactions should be valued.


"Government-to-government deals will increase in number," said Concepción Calpe, a senior economist at the FAO in Rome."The lack of credit for trade could lead also to a resurgence of barter deals between countries," she added.

联合国粮农组织驻罗马高级经济学家Concepción Calpe表示,&政府间易货贸易交易将增加,&她补充称,&贸易信贷的缺乏也可能导致国家之间易货贸易的重新抬头。&

更多网络解释与易货交易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

barter business:易货交易

barter agreement 易货协定 | barter business 易货交易 | barter trade 换货贸易;易货贸易

barter business transaction:易货交易

barratry of master and mariner 船长船员的无法行为 | barter business transaction 易货交易 | be entitled to 有权享受......


除货币交易之处,国际贸易中还有对等贸易(Counter Trade)或易货交易(Barter). 有些国家以本国产品换取进口产品,并不发生货币交易. 例如,百事集团曾经在波兰就以百事可乐饮料换取可用在美国必胜客餐厅的木椅.

barter trade:换货贸易;易货贸易

barter business 易货交易 | barter trade 换货贸易;易货贸易 | barter 交易

barter system:易货 交易制

barter arrangement 易货 协议 | barter system 易货 交易制 | basic price 底价

barter system:易货方式

barter scheme 易货方案 | barter system 易货方式 | barter trade 易货交易,易货贸易

Barter transaction:易货交易,实物交易

Bargain成交,交易 | Barter transaction 易货交易,实物交易 | Batch 一批

Barter transaction:易货交易,以物换物交易

bank statement 银行对账单 | barter transaction 易货交易,以物换物交易 | basis of audit 审计依据


barterdeal 易货交易 | barterer 进行易货贸易者 | barterexchange 易货汇兑

bartering deals:易货交易

Baosteel宝钢 | bartering deals易货交易 | BAS Basic Accounting Standard基本会计标准