英语人>词典>汉英 : 明确的提示 的英文翻译,例句
明确的提示 的英文翻译、例句


straight tip
更多网络例句与明确的提示相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared with the control groups, it suggests amination is very important for the anti-RSV effect of AGM.


Clear Tip Nasal Aspirator: The Clear Tip Nasal Aspirator quickly and conveniently removes excess mucus so your baby can breathe comfortably again.


If the scope of entrustment is not clear, the lawyer shall point it out initiatively.


The distinction is not always clear and there can be recommendations only, not rules. When the reference is to sth regular or habiyual, the use of do for neg and interr is to be preferred.

用do与不用do的区别不太明确,并无规则可循,仅有下列的提示可供参考:指通常或习惯上的动作时,在否定或疑问句中多用do;指一特殊事例时,多不用do,并且在口语中多与got 连用。

Although the biological effects of lanthanides in integral organisms and in cells were shown to be diversified, there must be general molecular mechanisms, which are account for these biological effects.


Therefore, grade III CT signs were unequivocally predictive for type 1 MCA occlusion.


Radioimmunoassay was used to examine the blood and urine aldosterone and plasma rennin activity.


This paper reviewed its pathogenesis, forms, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Here a case of neonatal hypophosphatasia is reported. This baby was female (30 minutes old). Prenatal ultrasound showed disproportionate biparietal diameter and long bones of limbs in the baby. After birth, she presented with obvious craniomalacia, respiratory distress and cyanosis. Serum alkaline phosphatase level was significantly reduced. Both X-ray and autopsy showed extremely insufficient skeletal mineralization. Four days later she died of respiratory failure.

该文对其发病机制、分型及临床表现、鉴别诊断、治疗和预后进行了综述,并介绍了在该院诊断明确的1例新生儿型的罕见病例,患儿为出生30 min女婴,产前B超提示胎儿双顶径与四肢长骨不成比例,生后即有明显的颅骨软化、呼吸困难和紫绀等表现,血碱性磷酸酶显著低下,X线表现及尸检结果均提示骨骼矿化极度低下,4 d后因呼吸衰竭死亡。

Grade II CT signs resulted from various sites of occlusion, whereas grade III was unequivocally predictive of proximal occlusion to all of the lenticulostriate arteries.


The results suggest that ACTH〓 can also antagonize the μ-opioid analgesia at the supraspinal level, without changing the basal pain shreshold.


更多网络解释与明确的提示相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在解释结果和下结论时应非常慎重,提示存在与干预措施效果相关的、重要的、潜在的偏倚因素,需进一步明确争议的来源. 除了定义目标人群(Population),干预措施(Intervention)以及预期结果(Outcome)外,Meta分析中的纳入标准应同时定义方法学标准.


用酶免疫测定法(EIA)评估M3R抗体水平,光密度(OD)临界值基于健康对照者的EIA结果. 意大利佛罗伦萨大学风湿病学部马图奇-切里尼(Matucci-Cerinic)医师:导致SSc者自主神经系统受损的病理机制尚不明确. 该研究提示抗M3R抗体在其中可能起一定作用,


页最多欲浏览的笔 限制、以及呈现提示(hightlight)检 款目的各种方法间以逗号(Commas)区隔. 找到每次最新(latest)的资. Explode 延展功能其实就是将所有的narrower term 全部集(ORed)起的药(zantac) 葛素(glaxo),已有明确药名,那麼则以药名为主