英语人>词典>汉英 : 早期艺术家 的英文翻译,例句
早期艺术家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I've just bought a couple of French primitive s .


So the old generation artist devoted themselves into watercolor did a good job.At this exhibition, we can show you many watercolor works whose authors are famous. They are Li Yongsen, Li Jianchen, Guan Guangzhi, Hading, Qin Xuanfu, Zhang Chongren, Dai Bingxin, Yang Tingbao and so on. Wish you enjoy a gorgeous vision.


After introducing the definition of the hero by the German poet Friedrich Schiller and the philosopher G. W. F. Hegel, the article discusses the conception of the heroic artist in two books by Rudolf and Margot Wittkower and the heroization of the artist in early modern historiography as described by Ernst Kris and Otto Kurz.

在引介德国诗人席勒与哲学家黑格尔的「英雄」定义之后,本文讨论Rudolf和Margot Wittkower两本书中的英雄式艺术家的概念,以及由Ernst Kris和Otto Kurz在早期现代史学史中所描述的艺术家英雄化过程。

Over 25 years ago the pioneering artist was influenced by centuries-old frescoed ceilings...


Early works of xingwei yishu such as these clearly exposed painful realities and sarcasm towards social absurdities from behind their deconstructions of individual experience, even if these were marked by a certain restraint widely prevalent at the time and perhaps attributable to the novelty of the form or the Cultural Revolution experiences of its auteurs.


One belonging to an early stage in the development of an artistic trend, especially a painter of the pre-Renaissance period.


I've just bought a couple of french primitives .


In the second half of the 15th century, the spirit of the age spread to Germany and the Low Countries , where the development of the printing press (ca. 1450) and early Renaissance artists like the painters Jan van Eyck (1395-1441) and Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) and the composers Johannes Ockeghem (1410-1497), Jacob Obrecht (1457-1505) and Josquin des Prez (1455-1521), predated the influence from Italy.


In the second half of the 15th century, the spirit of the age spread to Germany and the Low Countries , where the development of the printing press (ca. 1450) and early Renaissance artists like the painters Jan van Eyck (1395-1441) and Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) and the composers Johannes Ockeghem (1410-1497), Jacob Obrecht (1457-1505) and Josquin des Prez (1455-1521), predated the influence from Italy.


In the second half of the 15th century, the spirit of the age spread to Germany and the Low Countries , where the development of the printing press (ca. 1450) and early Renaissance artists like the painters Jan van Eyck (1395-1441) and Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) and the composers Johannes Ockeghem (1410-1497), Jacob Obrecht (1457-1505) and Josquin des Prez (1455-1521), predated the influence from Italy.


更多网络解释与早期艺术家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





under discussion:在讨论之中

Protective adj. 防御用的,呵护的(be protective toward)博物馆藏有几幅代表这个艺术家早期风格(style)的油画. 竹子(Bamboo)在阳光充足的地方长的好. 因为这件事还在讨论之中(under discussion),所以现在还不能明确(definite)答复你.

Eleanor Antin:埃莉诺.安廷

作为一个个人表演的摄影记录,>与70年代由埃莉诺.安廷(Eleanor Antin)、阿德里安.派帕(Adrian Piper)等艺术家所创作的女权主义艺术作品有密切的关系,谢尔曼认为她早期是受过她们的影响.


问:现在人们普遍认为20世纪90年代后期的"音乐电视混音器" (MTV Music Mixer)和"免疫学"(Immunology)等Amaze项目是数码媒体技术发展的里程碑. 那些以及你早期的Amaze项目中你都参与了哪些工作?答:尽管我支持其他网络数码艺术家就数码艺术和设计的定义展开热烈争论,


但是凤凰涅槃之后的重生,注定更加光彩夺目,如果早期作品更多外表的成分,则摆脱罗西里尼之后,以>(Anastasia)重回好莱坞的褒曼,已经成为了真正伟大的艺术家,虽然伊尔莎光芒万丈,但是我更喜欢她后期的形象,>(Indiscreet) ,和加利格兰特的第二次合作,


"古典FM"听众最爱的艺术家:英国男中音歌唱家布伦.特菲尔(Bryn Terfel)特殊成就奖:EMI唱片负责人之一彼德.埃尔沃德(Peter Alward)最佳早期音乐录音:吉本斯>,"幻影"(Phantasm)乐团演奏;


primitive lattice 原始晶格 | primitivism 原始主义,尚古风格,愿始(或质扑)的风格 | primitivist 原始派艺术家,早期艺术家,风格质扑的艺术家


primitivism 原始主义,尚古风格,愿始(或质扑)的风格 | primitivist 原始派艺术家,早期艺术家,风格质扑的艺术家 | princess cut 公主琢型

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man:(青年艺术家的肖像)

他早期的作品,如<<都柏林人>>(Dubliners)和<<青年艺术家的肖像>>(A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man),虽然是用地道的英文写的,但散发出一种大陆欧洲味,同样使人感到新鲜.