英语人>词典>汉英 : 早期收缩 的英文翻译,例句
早期收缩 的英文翻译、例句


premature contraction
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In particular, the basis for the Kelvin and Laplace equations in early age shrinkage stress development is presented.


It was suggested that aging did not only influence diastolic filling period, but also influence STI. 3. With increasing age, whether at rest or during exercice, fractional shortening of minor semiaxis, mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening, cardiac index and ejection fraction did not change, but immediately post pacing, PEP prolonged and PEP/ LVET increased in elderly group and did not change in young group. It was suggested that STI was sensitivity in detecting systolic function of LV. 4. There was a good correlation between aging and decreased compliance and diastolic function of left ventricle which was manifested by a reduction of early diastolic peak folw velocity, time-velocity integral of early diastole, 1/3 filling fraction (1/3FF)(r=-0.958,-0.875 and -0.937, P<0.01~0.001) and a significant compansatory increase in peak flow velocity of atrial contraction, time-velocity integral of atrial contraction, the ratio between APFV and EPFV and the ratio of ATVI and Total TVI (r=0.958, 0.956, 0.966 and 0.986, P<0.001) and the prolongation of Dec T and RFP with increasing age. It was particularly true for the subgroups above the age of 50 years.


Influence of sodium sulfate on the cracking of concrete correlate with different curing styles.


Effect of sodium sulfate, with a dosage of 1 % and 2 % to blender respectively, on autogenous shrinkage and cracking of fresh concrete were investigated.

研究了分别掺加占胶结料质量分数1 %,2 %的硫酸钠对混凝土早期收缩开裂的影响。

Regional tardokinesis was identifiedin 48 of 150 segments: 27 segments had a normal magnitude ofwall motion, 18 were hypokinetic, and 3 were severely hypokinetic/akinetic.


There was no statistically significant difference in parameters of IVS motion between obstructive and nonobstructive HCM.The data of hypertrophic LVPW motion were lower than those of normal subjects,as well as those of nonhypertrophic LVPW in HCM group.


Results Compared with normal myocardium, the peaks of strain rate curve at systole, early diastole and late diastole of ischemic myocardium all reduced, the postsystolic shortening wave appeared before operation.


This article is about adoption of Watson's caring theory for a 38-year-old primigravida, who presented with early uterine contraction and was hospitalized for tocolysis. Clinical data was collected and assessed by interview, observation and body assessment during October 17th and November 15th, 2006. We found the client worried about the fetal health owing to premature labor and felt frustrated about limitations and demands of learning and accomadating herself to high-risk labor, resulting in anxiety, constipation and health-seeking behaviors.


Rats were anesthetized with halothane and monitored continuously for arterial blood pressure and premature ventricular contractions.


In HHD, diastolic insufficiency appears in early stage, and systolic dysfunction in late stage, the dilatation of left atrium and ventricle goes first followed by total cardiac enlargement in advanced stage.


更多网络解释与早期收缩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pcental Abruption:胎盘早期剥离

Patent Ductus Arteriosus 动脉导管未闭 | Pcental Abruption 胎盘早期剥离 | Peak Systolic Velocity 收缩期峰值流速



polyvinyl carbazole:聚乙烯基咔唑

Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯 | Polyvinyl Carbazole 聚乙烯基咔唑 | Premature Ventricular Contractions 心室早期收缩

cold compress:冷敷

1.冷敷法冷敷(cold compress)能降低局部组织温度,使血管收缩,减轻局部充血,抑制神经的感觉,具有止血、镇痛、防止或减轻肿胀的作用. 常用于急性闭合性软组织损伤的早期,伤后立即使用,冷敷后应加压包扎并抬高伤肢.




F是战士(NGHTER),而P一定就是驾驶员(HUT)吧. 注一:云球(globule)即为天空种巨大分子云的内部气体灰尘开始收缩、聚集在一个小范围内,并逐渐收缩成恒星,是恒星诞生最早期的阶段.

heart attack:心脏病发作

在美国,约25%的心脏病发作(Heart attack)病患,有糖尿病;心脏血管疾病的愈后也较差. 有心肌梗塞病史中,如果病人合并有左心室收缩障碍、心室性早期收缩的频率每小时大於10次及心室频脉,心因性猝死的机率会增加. 心肌梗塞后,


已有研究显 已有研究显 已有研究显 已有研究显 示心房早期收缩是心房颤动之前驱物 (Precursor) 示心房早期收缩是心房颤动之前驱物 (Precursor) 示心房早期收缩是心房颤动之前驱物 (Precursor) 示心房早期收缩是心房颤动之前驱物

AR.-aortic regurgitation:主动脉瓣反

APC atrial premature contraction 心房早期收缩 | AR aortic regurgitation 主动脉瓣反 | ARF acute renal failure 急性肾衰竭

sinus tachycardia:心搏过速

心悸(palpitation)是一种病人主观地感到心跳快速及心律不规则的现象,而医学上多用来指一些心搏过速的情况,如早期心房收缩(Premature Atrial Contractions),早期心室收缩(Premature Ventricular Contractions),或运动后之窦性心搏过速(sinus tachycardia)等.