英语人>词典>汉英 : 日记 的英文翻译,例句
日记 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diary  ·  journal  ·  diaries  ·  jour.

更多网络例句与日记相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diary of separation' is a diary addressed to you ......


The genuine Kersten diaries which Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper saw in Sweden were never published,perhaps because of the political dynamite they contained on Sweden's elite including publisher Albert Bonnier,alleged to have offered Himmler the addresses of every Jew in Sweden in return for concessions in the event of a Nazi invasion.


Internal control is enhanced by separating the function of recording revenue transactions in the revenue journal from recording cash collections in the cash receipts journal.


But having gotten over these things in some Measure, and having settled my houshold Stuff and Habitation, made me a Table and a Chair, and all as handsome about me as I could, I began to keep my Journal, of which I shall here give you the Copy (tho' in it will be told all these Particulars over again) as long as it lasted, for having no more Ink I was forc'd to leave it off.


The birth of her son in 1952 goes unrecorded; he makes his first appearance in an aside.


As to this bilingual blog, it's borrowed from a friend of mine, who's using English and Japanese to publish his blogs, and claims that it'll be trilingual within 5 years, using English, Japanese and Chinese. I really love his bilingual design, and also want to beat him for his 5-year plan. so I decided from now on, if it's not a long entry, I'll do it bilingually. another purpose is also to let my friends who doesn't know English to read my blog. as to the long entries, or something that I can't find a proper interpretation of either language, then I'll use the one that I feel most comfortable. how about the one about anime and/or manga?


Part Two(historic track of diary teaching)systematizes enlightenment on writing given by ancient rudimentary writing instruction, some experience in modern diary teaching and the requirements of the pupils" diary teaching prescribed in "Criteria of Chinese Course and the teaching material of Chinese in primary school.


Wednesday, 13th February 2008Klaus Mann's Journals don't pretend to be a work of literature; they are jottings, records of day-to-day existence, full of names many of which will mean nothing to readers today, even, I suppose, to German ones. 'I suddenly thought,' he wrote in January 1933, 'that these notes could seem terribly superficial to anyone who chanced on them, since they consist of no more than facts such as they are, in no way developed.


I managed to persuade Novak to write it. He promised he would, and he finally did!:- Thanks to the rain in Paris for that! Enjoy the following lines that Nole wrote especially for you from the capital of France!


In writing this biography however I did obtain a significant number of authentic,little-known diaries of the people around Hitler,including an unpublished segment of Jodl's diary;the official diary kept for OKW chief Wilhelm Keitel by his adjutant Wolf Eberhard,and Eberhard's own diary for the years 1936 through 1939;the diary of Nikolaus von Vormann,army liaison officer to Hitler during August and September 1939;and the diaries kept by Martin Bormann and by Hitler's personal adjutant Max Wunsche relating to Hitler's movements.


更多网络解释与日记相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cash journal posting:现金日记帐过帐

cash journal number 现金日记帐号 | cash journal posting 现金日记帐过帐 | cash journal 现金日记

cash journal number:现金日记帐号

cash journal document 现金日记帐凭证 | cash journal number 现金日记帐号 | cash journal posting 现金日记帐过帐

cash journal document:现金日记帐凭证

cash journal business transaction 现金日记帐业务事务 | cash journal document 现金日记帐凭证 | cash journal number 现金日记帐号

Journal daybook:分录日记薄

Journal 日记帐;日记薄;分录薄 | Journal daybook 分录日记薄 | Journal entry 分录;分录记录

Journal daybook:分录日记帐;日用流水账

journal day book 分录日记帐 | journal daybook 分录日记帐;日用流水账 | journal entry 分录;日记帐分录


diarial 日记的 | diarist 日记作者 | diarist 负日记专责的人

diary:日记 ","日记

书面表达解题策略:日记 日记(Diary) 日记是把自己在当天生活中经历的有意义的事以及见闻感受记录下来的书面形式. 文体自由,不拘一格. 通常用第一人称记写. 英语 日记的格式与汉语相同. 在正文上方自左起顶格写上日期、星期几和天气情况.

Sales Journal:销售日记帐

现金付款日记帐 Cash disbursements journal | 销售日记帐 Sales Journal | 购货日记帐 Purchase Journal

Purchase Journal:购货日记帐

销售日记帐 Sales Journal | 购货日记帐 Purchase Journal | 普通日记帐 General Journal

Diarios de motocicleta/Carnets de voyage:摩托日记/机车环游日记/哲古华拉少年日记 /骑士日记

585.真爱至上/真情角落/真的恋爱了/爱是您,爱是我Love Actually (200... | 586.摩托日记/机车环游日记/哲古华拉少年日记 /骑士日记Diarios de motocicleta/Carnets de voyage (2004) | 587.毕业生 The Graduate (1967...