英语人>词典>汉英 : 日新月异 的英文翻译,例句
日新月异 的英文翻译、例句


change rapidly · alter from day to day · bring about new changes
更多网络例句与日新月异相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Even in these days of rapid technological change , the abruptness of this transition was unusual


It is the simplicity, and as if it were abstractedness to our feelings in youth, that identifies us with


However, the traditional accelerograph's appling range is confined and lack of exactness. Under the constantly-changed situation for the development of the vehicle electronic technology, EGAS emerges at the right time.


In todays ever-changing technology, man and nature is growing alienation , which is contrary to the human nature .


As Joie Chen found out a much ballyhooed high-tech device is helping at least some of those tourists get back in gear .

正像Joie Chen看到的,众多日新月异的高科技产品也正为招揽游客贡献着力量。

With the continuous development of Internet and changing of application based-on Internet[1], We must[2] give prominence to the security problem of information.


The worldchanges quickly, and tactics that once were successful may no longer beas effective.


The Beatles performed in an era of rapid changes in technology as well as music.


Bookbinding machine. printer toner and other products sales and agent, in the ever-changing technological age, we would like to sincerely held to the letter, the spirit of "Service-oriented, common development" principles and set up new and old customers a wide range of cooperative relations, and we hope you get your trust and support.


My glory is fresh within me, and my bow is renewed in my hand!


更多网络解释与日新月异相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anything should be rid of quicker:全盘更新丢弃

世界日新月异, The world moves faster, | 全盘更新丢弃, Anything should be rid of quicker. | 硬件软件 Hardware and software,

ever-changing information:日新月异的信息

社会各界来宾 the guest from various circles | 日新月异的信息 ever-changing information | 知识更新 technological innovation


3. 日日夜夜 day and night | 4. 日新月异 fast-changing | 5. 日以继夜 night and day; day in and day out

See the land with new look:看大地日新月异

Let water clean in river. 让绿水长流如彩. | See the land with new look, 看大地日新月异, | Like flowers in bloom. 美丽鲜花处处开.

progress with each passing day:日新月异

trade and investment liberalization贸易投资自由化 | progress with each passing day日新月异 | knowledge economy知识经济

change with each passing day:日新月异

人类很喜欢用日新月异(change with each passing day)之类的形容词来说明自己所取得的进步,但事实上也许离原地并不远. 10月16日是世界粮食日,但是我们全球的粮食现状又是如何呢?粮食与安全紧密相关,"粮食安全不仅仅是食品,它事关整个安全,

change with each passing day:最快捷的变迁:日新月异

26、最忙碌的工作:日理万机--attend to numerous affairs of state every day | 27、最快捷的变迁:日新月异--change with each passing day | 28、最有效的治疗:手到病除---bring back life to a patient

advance with each passing day:日新月异

突飞猛进 advance with leaps and bounds | 日新月异 advance with each passing day | 当务之急 the priority

develop with each passing day:日新月异

推动建立...中发展积极作用: play a significant role in promoting the development | 日新月异: develop with each passing day | 注入新的活力: bring fresh vitality to...

to give us the city a new look with the passage of time:城市的面貌日新月异

迅速发展:to develop rapidly | 城市的面貌日新月异:to give us the city a new look with the passage of time | 郊区:outskirts