英语人>词典>汉英 : 日报 的英文翻译,例句
日报 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
daily  ·  diurnal  ·  journal  ·  dailies

daily paper
更多网络例句与日报相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In recent years, depending on its authoritativeness and its multiple branding strategies, Nanfang Media Group...


Its leading journalists resigned after it was sold to a London-based company, Blackfish Capital, which declines to say whether it is the ultimate beneficial owner.


People's Daily, voice of the Communist Party of China and the most influential newspaper in the country, will expand its print edition into 20 broadsheet pages on Wednesday.


During the Exhibition, many exhibitors hold technical lectures and exchanges information with other enterprises. As the sponsor of the Exhibition, CETA invites experts to deliver lectures every year.


International Law on Application of Civil and Commercial Law, coauthor, People's Daily Press


When the Journal of Commerce arrived in Boston by mail, merchants would fight to see it: one eyewitness reported seeing "crowds, in Topliff's News-room in Boston, disagreeably elbowing each other around the file of the Journal of Commerce, on the arrival of the New York mail."


Such domestic famous media as Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, Technology Daily, China Economic Times, China Commercial Daily, The First Financial Daily, Consumption Daily, Takungpao, Wenhui Daily, China Auto Daily, China Industry Daily, China Auto Circle, Auto Group, Auto Observation, Auto Friend reported the exhibition; over 20 domestic famous gateway websites including Sina, Sohu, Yahoo, Netease, Tencent QQ, TOM, Mop, People, Xinhua, China Automobile, Pacific Auto and BitAuto.com, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning TV, Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin TV, all TVs in Heilongjiang including Daqing and Qiqihar TV, main newspapers, journals and magazines in Northeast conducted tracing report.

新华社、中国日报、科技日报、中国经济时报、中国商报、第一财经日报、消费日报、大公报、文汇报、中国汽车报、中国工业报、中国汽车界、汽车族、汽车观察、汽车之友等国内知名媒体对车展进行了报道;新浪网、搜狐网、雅虎网、网易、腾迅 QQ 、 TOM 、猫扑、人民网、新华网、中国汽车网、太平洋汽车网、易车网等二十几家国内著名门户网站,黑、吉、辽电视台,沈阳、长春、哈尔滨电视台,大庆、齐齐哈尔等黑龙江省内所有电视台以及东北地区的主要报刊、杂志,都对车展进行了跟踪报道。

Such domestic famous media as Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, Technology Daily, China Economic Times, China Commercial Daily, The First Financial Daily, ConsumptionDaily, Takungpao, Wenhui Daily, China Auto Daily, China Industry Daily, China Auto Circle, Auto Group, Auto Observation, Auto Friend reported the exhibition; over 20 domestic famous gateway websites including Sina, Sohu, Yahoo, Netease, Tencent QQ, TOM, Mop, People, Xinhua, China Automobile, PacificAuto and BitAuto.com; Jilin TV, Liaoning TV, Inner Mongolian TV, Shenyang TV, Changchun TV, such newspapers as Liaoshen Evening, Shenyang Evening, Dalian Evening, Inner Mongolian Daily and Changchun Evening conducted report.


Such domestic famous media as Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, Technology Daily, China Economic Times, China Commercial Daily, The First Financial Daily, Consumption Daily, Takungpao, Wenhui Daily, China Auto Daily, China Industry Daily, China Auto Circle, Auto Group, Auto Observation, Auto Friend reported the exhibition; over 20 domestic famous gateway websites including Sina, Sohu, Yahoo, Netease, Tencent QQ, TOM, Mop, People, Xinhua, China Automobile, Pacific Auto and BitAuto.com; Jilin TV, Liaoning TV, Inner Mongolian TV, Shenyang TV, Changchun TV, such newspapers as Liaoshen Evening, Shenyang Evening, Dalian Evening, Inner Mongolian Daily and Changchun Evening conducted report.

其中新华社、中国日报、科技日报、中国经济时报、中国商报、第一财经日报、消费日报、大公报、文汇报、中国汽车报、中国工业报、中国汽车界、汽车族、汽车观察、汽车之友等国内知名媒体对车展和论坛进行了报道,新浪网、搜狐网、雅虎网、网易、腾迅 QQ 、 TOM 、猫扑、人民网、新华网、中国汽车网、太平洋汽车网、易车网等二十几家国内著名门户网站全程跟踪报道,吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、沈阳、长春电视台和辽沈晚报、沈阳晚报、大连晚报、内蒙古日报社、长春晚报对展会进行了报道。

The People's Daily, Guang Ming Daily, China Civilization News, Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Po, Universal Daily News,Tong Hua Daily News, Sing Sian Yit Pao,China National Radio,China Center Television Station, Xin Hua News Agency ,China News Agency and others reported about these


更多网络解释与日报相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Check production daily report and make backflash on system:检查生产日报,做反冲

Data on info boards 各种信息板记录 | Check production daily report and make backflash on system 检查生产日报,做反冲 | 5. IN-process check过程检查

China Daily:《中国日报>

由南京邮电学院英语协会及二系英语俱乐部主办,"中国日报"(China Daily)江苏记者站赞助的"21世纪杯"新生英语演讲比赛经过精彩激烈的初赛,于12月6日在教二400再掀波澜.

the China Daily:中国日报

中国官方的英文报纸中国日报(the china daily)在周二的一篇社论中,引用的另外一个调查表明,91%的受访者怀疑国家的统计,而这一数字在07年是79%. " 尽管受限于可用的资源和经济体本身的复杂度,国家统计局还是只用15天的时间就调查了一个拥有13亿人的经济体的发展状况,

Daily Star:<明星日报>

该机构的数字显示,除了针对低端市场的>(Daily Star)以及新近从大报改为小报的>(Independent)和泰晤士报(Times)之外,所有全国性日报的发行量都呈下降趋势.


显然,在西方"晨报"这一概念着重是时间上的界定,与之相对应的则是日报(DAILY)和晚报(EVENING PAPERS). 这种差别不能等同或涵盖高级报纸(即严肃报纸)与低级报纸(大众化报纸、通俗报纸)之间的差别.

daily paper:日报

special issue 特刊 | daily paper 日报 | evening paper 晚报

Lloyd's List:劳依兹日报

劳依兹法律公报 lloyd's law reports | 劳依兹日报 lloyd's list | 劳依兹日报法律报导 lloyd's list law reports {= ll. l. rep.}

People's Daily:人民日报","中文

,"Nan Fang Daily","南方日报","中文" | ,"People's Daily","人民日报","中文" | ,"People's Daily Overseas Edition","人民日报海外版","中文"

the People's Daily:人民日报

16. 中国日报 China Daily | 17. 人民日报 The People's Daily | 18. 不同的意见和观点被包容 different views and opinions are tolerated

daily newspapers:日报

这一趋向还会被以需求定印刷(print-on-demand)的模式所强化. 但英国竞争委员会已经关注到图书零售市场的垄断趋势,并对一些同业并购案展开调查. (1)日报(daily newspapers). 近年来,英国多数全国性日报发行量出现下降势头. 以发行量排序,