英语人>词典>汉英 : 无赖 的英文翻译,例句
无赖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blackguard  ·  bummer  ·  cad  ·  hoodlum  ·  outcast  ·  ragtag  ·  rascal  ·  rotter  ·  roughneck  ·  ruffian  ·  scoundrelism  ·  sinner  ·  vagrant  ·  varlet  ·  yap  ·  skellum  ·  mugg  ·  rascaldom  ·  roughie  ·  yapping  ·  blackguarded  ·  blackguarding  ·  blackguards  ·  yaps  ·  bummers  ·  cads  ·  curs  ·  knaves  ·  rascals  ·  rotters  ·  scuzzball  ·  tricksters  ·  vagrants  ·  varlets  ·  hoodlym

更多网络例句与无赖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is no simple story of a rogue trader falling afoul of the authorities, however.


BERLIN-NOVEMBER 5-General Goring, Premier of Prussia, Reich Air Minister, Speaker of the Reichstag, General of Reichswehr and Police, shouting,"You'll be sorry yet if I catch you when you come out of prison, you crook!"


Red lights should be blinking and alarm bells ringing in every nation, because World Government will not leave any country out; and any country not wanting to "voluntarily join" this World Government geared on US, UK and Israeli global interests, will be automatically branded a "Rogue State","antidemocratic","contrary to humanity","anti-Semitic", and when that happens, we all know what comes next...


Sun Wukong's life , is a reduction of historical Chinese thought consciousness developing course, is portraiture of hooligan rascal life,is denotation of country quality and humanity of life appetence consciousness accumulating.


The rogue took the money, re-threw it at the young man's feet and said arrogantly:"This is your money, you have to accept it!"


He struck a fatal blow at the rascal.


To tell the truth he was mean in fortunes and for the most part hankered about the coffeehouses and low taverns with crimps, ostlers, bookies, Paul's men, runners, flatcaps, waistcoateers, ladies of the bagnio and other rogues of the game or with a chanceable catchpole or a tipstaff often at nights till broad day of whom he picked up between his sackpossets much loose gossip.

实言之,彼身无长物,与人贩子、马夫、赌注经纪人、二流子、走私者、徒弟、暗娼、妓女以及其他无赖为伍,多在咖啡店及小酒馆中盘桓。或经常与萍水相逢之法警及巡警狂饮蛋糖白葡萄酒[117] ,自午夜至天明,探听众多黄色丑闻。

You are too intelligent a person to be taken in by such a rogue.


Soon after the departure of the couple, a gang of miscreants made their appearance, behaved boisterously, ate and drank without making payment


I would like to remind you,my king. Do not ever let any of your concerns show, act as ruthlessly and immorally as possible.


更多网络解释与无赖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a man of Belial:无赖,堕落者

Belial n. 彼列(撒旦的别名,林后6:15) | a man of Belial 无赖,堕落者 | benediction n. 礼拜末尾的祝福和感谢

bezonian:无赖汉 恶棍

bezoar | (反刍动物胃中的结石)胃石, 牛黄 | bezonian | 无赖汉 恶棍 | bezugs schein | 购物证,日用品配给证

Punk-Ass Bitch:(无赖而满腹牢骚的白痴)

Transformer (改革者) 150-199 | Punk-Ass Bitch(无赖而满腹牢骚的白痴) 200-239 | Sucka (烂人) 240-269

He is a blackguard and always blackguards others:无赖,滥骂

9.black dog 沮丧,情绪低落 Cheer up! Don't be under the black dog. | 10.blackguard 无赖,滥骂 He is a blackguard and always blackguards others. | 11.black letter day 倒霉的一天


significance:意义,意味,重要性 | bounder:粗俗无教养的人,无赖 | it is the seat of government:是政府所在地


bumf 纸 | bummer 无赖 | bump into 撞击

canaille n.f:恶棍,无赖

canadien, ne n. 加拿大人 | canaille n.f. 恶棍,无赖 | canal n.m. 运河


如在>中,中间段落里有较强的节拍,铜管的重音在第二拍,加上持续不断的鼓点,迎,如>(Yesterday Once More)、无赖(Desperado)等都是传唱一时的经典之作.

Fucking motherfucker! Dipshit:你这个无赖,贱人

- Do you understand? - No, I don't understand at all.|- 明白吗? - 不,完全不明白 | Fucking motherfucker! Dipshit!|你这个无赖,贱人! | Rachel, what are you doing?|瑞秋,你干吗?

scoundrelism:卑鄙, 无赖 无赖的

led captain 追随者, 拍马者 | scoundrelism 卑鄙, 无赖 无赖的 | semireniformis 半肾形的