英语人>词典>汉英 : 无衰减的 的英文翻译,例句
无衰减的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
unattenuated  ·  zerodecrement

更多网络例句与无衰减的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The compensator was H = 2370s . The results of simulation showed that attenuation factor of the first order of the third control system was as much as ten times of the value of the system without controller.


Methods 16 patients who were diagnosed as myasthenia gravis with initial head and neck symptoms were determined by a pure tone audiometer and acoustic immitance measurement and then the acoustic reflex was reexamined 30 min after injection of Neostigminum sulfate 0.5~1?


Grado owners, if you want to experience what I mean, put your hands on the open back of your cans... I think the problem here is simple with the 271S: the closed chamber is completely undamped and it is unbearable!!!


The resultant audible frequency when two sources of unequal undamped electrical oscillations of constant amplitude act simultaneously in the same circuit.


Cauline leaves sessile and auriculate, sagittate, or amplexicaul at base, rarely petiolate and attenuate, entire or dentate.


In the telecom devices and digital networks, it can guarantee the digital or analogy signal which is transformed has low attenuation and unconspicuous distortion. All of these requests determine the important status of transmission line transformers in modern telecommunication.


The computationresults show that for a organ-pipe nozzle with a given configuration size, the nondimensional axial velocity attenuates slower with the increase in stand-distance, and the nondimensional axial velocity attenuation pattern remains the same, and the nondimensional axial velocity along the jet centerline attenuates slower with the increase in distance between the nozzleexit and the impinging plate.


The theories of cuneiform prism and series neutral glass slices used as laser attenuator are analyzed in this paper. An aberration-free laser quantitative attenuator made of cuneiform prism is adopted and a series of neutral attenuated slices are used for adjusting laser-beam enegy at the same time.


Using Field single ignition experiments of the four unconfined volume dispersion and small dosage solid FAE and TNT bombs experiments, we got the peak overpressures of solid FAE at different distances. Compared with TNT, The overpressure of FAE is 1.14~1.6 times higher than that of the TNT. Based on the theory of the air shock wave overpressure, the FAE relativity TNT mass is evaluated. At the edge of the explosive field, the number is 3.88. Pictures of high speed photography indicate that the duration and the most effect area of the FAE and TNT. Compared with TNT, obviously the FAE has more advantages. And, based on the theory of the critical concentration of dust explosion, the radius of dust explosive zone is evaluated. The phenomenon that the overpressure decays rapidly with distance is analyzed. It is suggested that the explosive temperature should be increased as the main approach to improve the FAE explosive capability in the condition when the over pressure is invariable.


The frequency-dependent sensitivity coefficients with respect to the parameters of the radial layers are computed quantitatively. Comparing the horizontal permeability with the vertical permeability, the horizontal mobility plays the predominant role over the entire frequency range. The Stoneley wave is more sensitive to the velocity of the horizontally propagating SH wave than the flexural wave.


更多网络解释与无衰减的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



zero decrement:无衰减的

zero-crossing method 零相交法 | zero-decrement 无衰减的 | zero-deflection method 零偏移法


纯净化(Depuration)是指将生物置于无毒物环境中后毒物从生物体内衰减的过程. 清除(Clearance)是物质转移率,规范化为浓度的最佳表示,并具有流的单位,如ml/h. 它可以描述生物机体内部分室间物质的转移.


我公司主要从事于研发生产和销售各种光器件和光通道模块,公司现有主打产品是受美国数项专利保护的全固态磁光开关、可调光衰减器和由一端出口的光环行器. 此外还可大量供应各种光开关(机械或磁光)、隔离器、DWDM、CWDM、FWDM、WDIH、热稳定标准具(Etalon)等各种光无源器件及模块以及高速光开关(


主要有套管(Ferrule)、跳线(Jumper)等. 随着全球光通信产业的飞速发展,光通信无源器件技术和生产的发展日新月异,本企业的主导产品是单模、多模活动光纤连接器中核心零件二氧化锆陶瓷套管(即连接器精密插针),同时生产和发展各类光纤活动连接器、衰减器,


b) "等级"(Level)四相相移键控(QPSK)调制的传输效率高,抗误码性能较优,其调制信号是包络恒定信号,传输信道中的幅度衰减对其性能无影响,非常适合卫星信道(因卫星传输信道衰减很大)但其信道利用率不高,仅为0.5Hz/bps.

Normalize Intensity:(平均化强度)--平均光源发现的光线

Ignore light normals (忽略法线方向)--忽略法线,向各个方向发射光线. | Normalize intensity (平均化强度)--平均光源发现的光线. | No decay (无衰减)--关闭灯光的衰减效果.

uncompensated flowmeter:无补偿流量计

uncompensated attenuator 未补偿衰减器 | uncompensated flowmeter 无补偿流量计 | uncompensated germanium 未补偿的锗


undamped 无阻尼的 | undamped 无阻尼的无衰减的未受潮的等幅的 | undated letter 无日期的信

undated letter:无日期的信

undamped 无阻尼的无衰减的未受潮的等幅的 | undated letter 无日期的信 | undated 未注明日期的不限定日期的波状的