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无特徵的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
characterless  ·  nondescript

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A review of the literature in Taiwan revealed a lack of recent systematic analysis on dysphasia. The purpose of this article was to discuss dysphasia within the concept analysis framework provided by Walker and Avant (2004). This article verified and confirmed the conceptual characteristics of dysphasia; identified antecedents and consequences; and elaborated on previous cases (including model, borderline, contradictory, and related cases).


The delivery package includes a library of high-resolution gauges such as sliders, dials, thermometers, switches, buttons etc. Double buffering provides flicker-free animation of the gauges and that is an essential feature of Pocket PC components.

交付Package包括一个图书馆的高分辨率压力表,如滑块,转盘,温度计,开关,按钮等双缓冲规定,无闪烁动画的仪表,这是一个基本特徵的Pocket PC组件。

And through "games," the playground seeks out the combined impulse of adventure, stimulation and amusement, as if a hallucination of an outer-space suspension of gravity, regardless of differences in age or gender, inventively serving as a symbolic expression of the state of uncertainty that exists regarding the goal of game-playing.


"One of the difficulties — still — is in making the clinical decision of whether a child has type 1 or type 2 diabetes," Dr. Bennett explained. There are several characteristics that differentiate the two. Dr. Bennett reported that among the Pima, 92% of children with type 2 diabetes also had a family history of type 2 disease, most often in the mother. Other features include obesity (body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or greater),(68%), being asymptomatic (78%), and ketoacidosis (about 10%). These children and adolescents are not insulin-dependent and may stay that way for years, he said. They are also glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody– and islet cell antibody–negative.

Bennett博士解释道,在临床上决定孩童是第一型或是第二型糖尿病是有困难的,两者之间是有不同的特点,Bennett博士提到,在印地安人身上,92%的孩童发生第二型糖尿病是有家族史的,且与母亲有关,其他特徵还包括肥胖(身体质量指数大於等於30 kg/m2)占68%、无症状占78%、酮酸血症约占10%;Bennett博士指出,这些孩童与青少年并非胰岛素依赖型且持续好几年,他们在麸氨酸脱羧酶抗体与胰岛细胞抗体是呈阴性反应。

Features:covered with white dorsal stripes, there are also black spots in stripes, and some had no,common features in the bottom of prothorax and back between the lower edge of a thin black horizontal line, at both ends of bending backward.


Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis (Madelung's disease ) is characterized by diffuse symmetric deposits of non-encapsulated fat, affecting the suboccipital area, cervical and upper trunk.


The result of clustering based on quantitative data of vessel elements suggests that the Sonneratia species evolved into two clades, one including S. caseoalris and S. paracaseolaris that has the wider vessel and lower pore density suggesting a high conducting efficiency, the other including S. alba, S. ovata, S. apetala and S. hainanensis that has the narrower vessel and higher pore density resulting in high conducting safety.


The spatial structure character of tree populations in a natural Sonneratia caseolaris + S. apetala forest in Futian, Shenzhen was investigated using position index, mixture index, differentiation index, and Ripley's K-functions.

采用位置指数、混交指数、分异指数以及Ripley's K-方程,探讨了深圳福田红树林保护区海桑+无瓣海桑自然林的空间结构特徵。

Different chemicals have different spectrographic signatures, but those of water and hydroxyl are very similar. Therefore, the scientists can't exactly distinguish whether it is a hydroxyl or water at this point. Nevertheless, the findings overturn long-held beliefs that the surface of the moon was dry and further pave the way for scientists to one day set up a permanent research base on the moon.


The O-glycans of RSL mucins were found to contain exclusively core 3 and 4 types extended with sialylated type 2 backbone chain, but not sulfated.

利用质谱分析得知鼠舌下腺醣蛋白的O-glycan结构特徵为core 3 或 core 4 为主的核心结构,延伸出去的是type 2 LacNAc醣链骨架且其末端有唾液酸修饰、无硫酸根修饰。

更多网络解释与无特徵的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


characterize /记述...的特徵/表现特徵/赋与特色/ | characterless /无特征的/平凡的/无人物证明书的/ | characters /字符/


Pfeffer及其同事的研究更指出青少年自我伤害者的特殊自我防卫机制最可能的是内化作用(introjection)(Pfeffer, 1986). 内化作用较强的人,是容易无意识地将别人的看法、感受、特徵当作是自己的看法、感受、特徵的人,


长芒扁雀麦小穗外稃具长於 5mm的长芒,大扁雀麦外稃则无芒或具 5mm以下短芒;此外,长芒扁雀麦的小穗为长椭圆形(oblong),与小穗椭圆形(ellipse)的大扁雀麦不同(Jung et al., 2006a) ,利用前述特徵可与其他雀麦属植物加以区分.


代表种的特徵是身上有1或3条纵向黄色或红色条纹,条纹(Stripe)之间夹著方格斑. 条纹不明显或无条纹的种类通常称草蛇. 袜带蛇为加拿大至中美洲一带最常见的蛇类之一.


摘要: 从认知观点上来看,动作的主要特徵,也就是动作的时间特徵上有"有界"(bounded)与 "无界"(unbounded)之分,这种认知对立反映在语汇语法上,形成了汉日语研究中各家的动貌研究.


蜴蜥亚目(Sauria)蛇蜥科(Anguidae)蛇蜥属(Ophisaurus)的爬虫类. 因尾易断而得名. 东方脆蛇蜥(O. ventralis)产于北美洲东南部,体长约105公分(41吋),无足. 与蛇不同的特徵是有耳,眼睑可活动,上、下腭可扩大,背、腹鳞片大小相同;


有循环系统. 一般认为纽形动物是最高等的无体腔动物的一个独立的门. 纽形动物用以分类的重要特徵是脑与口的相对位置,吻上有无小针刺及侧神经与肌肉层的相对位置. 某些环形动物门(Annelida)的血虫(bloodworm)亦称吻虫.


即为肌电图.睡眠研究者应用肌电图区分各个睡眠分期(sleep stage),如快速动眼睡眠(rapid-eye-movement sleep, REM sleep)时肌电图呈现几为零电位,因此时肌肉处於极度松弛,无张力(atonia)状态.符合睡眠电生理特徵的状态.睡眠电生理特徵可由脑电图(EEG),


龟鳖目(Chelonia)爬虫类,主要特徵为身体的重要器官藏在一保护壳内. 无齿,行动缓慢,无攻击性,体长从不到10公分(4吋)至2公尺(6.5呎)以上都有. 四肢粗壮、适於爬行,脚短或有桨状鳍肢(海龟),具有保护性骨壳,覆以角质甲片. 壳分为上、下两半,


CopyrightEBInc.蛇(蛇亚目(Serpentes))EBInc.蛇亚目(Serpentes)中约2,900种爬虫类动物的统称,特徵为无四肢,以及极大地延长了的躯体和尾部. 与蜥蜴同属有鳞目(Squamata),蛇与蜥蜴在进化过程中分道扬镳,经历了结构上的减少、简化、丧失和特化等过程.