英语人>词典>汉英 : 无效能的 的英文翻译,例句
无效能的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
powerless  ·  unbusinesslike

更多网络例句与无效能的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The efficacy of presently used therapeutic oximes (such as pralidoxime, obidoxime, HI-6, etc.) as reactivators of inhibited AChE is different for various organophosphate. Moreover, the used oximes are hard to resolve in human blood and can t penetrate center nerve system easily. So many researchers work hard to seek for a broad-spectrum oxime suitable for the antidotal agents of poisoning with all organophosphorus.


I think it was this ineffectuality that left him to seek the limelight with statements that were striking but not team-coordinated.


Objective To compare masticatory efficacy between children with and without caries, and to explore the impact of dental canes on children' a masticatory efficacy and body growth.

目的 比较患龋儿童与无龋儿童咀嚼效能之间的差异和龋病充填治疗前后咀嚼效能的变化,探讨龋齿对儿童咀嚼效能及生长发育的影响。

This ideal input current will make sure nearly with between phase and undistorted wave of input voltage.


Modifying the shapes of unit cell or pore, there were no obvious difference in mechanical performance of the scaffold.


Boilerless steamers are most efficient and produce enough steam quickly enough for almost all steamer needs.


On the basis of participants, responses to the stage of smoking measure, 84.9% were in acquisition precontemplation, 2.2% in acquisition contemplation, 0.7% in acquisition preparation, 4.4% in cessation precontemplation, both 1.4% in cessation contemplation and cessation preparation, 1.2% in cessation action and 3.7% in cessation maintenance.


Gender role traditionality, as measured by attitude toward women's gender roles, and parental attachment were found to influence directly one's career decision-making self-efficacy.


The result indicated that the service quality of engine overhaul shop v.s customers' satisfaction had significant difference;the interaction of service quality and organization performance of engine overhaul shop v.s customers' satisfaction had significant difference;and different service point distance、organization scale and customers' military rank v.s service quality 、organization performance and customers' satisfaction all had no significant difference.


Models of physical activity, functional fitness, and the number of fall, and the fall efficacy among elderly according to different living arrangement and health status perceptions were identified.


更多网络解释与无效能的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


本刊讯 波音公司研究的"先进战区运输机"(ATT)概念飞机的7%缩比模型准备今秋进行非系留试飞. 以前的试验仅停留在系留试飞. 据悉这种采用倾转机翼的无尾运输机设计速度在试验指标之下就获得了升力,而且试验还验证了稳定的"飞行"及俯仰操纵效能.




如此一来,比传另外, Landstrom 提出一种无偏颇( unbiased )的最大相 似性讯,然而其复杂度在相同的系统效能之下,却比有偏颇(biased)的最大相似性中,由於增加资料(data aided)的演算法需要大量的试验来解决频率偏移问题,


°无与匹敌的价格/效能组合,实现创造性破坏的(disruptive)资料中心经济,包括高密度128线路速度(512 oversubscribed) 10-Gigabit埠和864线路速度Gigabit乙太网路埠.


所以,正确的叫法是"发光(辐射) 效能(efficacy) ". IEC 则用较大篇幅提到这一点. 其一,指出辐射强度的测量定位应是机械轴方向(法向辐射强度) ;其二,提到要用无光谱选择性的探测器如热电偶堆等热电探测器作为标准探测器:其三,

reluctance motor:磁阻马达

近几年来,高效率直流无刷马达已被进一步的改良,在日本,结合磁阻马达(reluctance motor)原理,发挥磁阻扭力(reluctance torque)之效能的直流无刷马达,已被大量使用在新型式的小型空调机上.


无效率地inefficiently | 无效能的unbusinesslike | 无效审判mistrial


unbusiness /非企业/ | unbusinesslike /非实事求是的/无组织的/无效能的/ | unbutton /解开/