英语人>词典>汉英 : 无可争议的 的英文翻译,例句
无可争议的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无可争议的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These were thought to be " beyond dispute ".


With its traditional Parma yellow box and classic bottle, Colonia Intensa is a brand icon; an indisputable pinnacle of Italian luxury.

传统帕尔马黄色盒子和经典瓶,Colonia Intensa 是一个品牌,一个无可争议的意大利奢侈品巅峰之作。

There is no doubt that we have reached the leading position in this field according to technology and strength.


That they need more capital is incontestable.


It caused him to seek to embellish his most incontestable achievements.


She is indisputably a woman of genius.


And that is why the Reds are justifiably top.


You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads.


In 1998, Gay are the development of the inflection point is indisputable.


To say that X educates or is educating Y is to say at least that X is fostering desirable and morally unobjectionable dispositions in Y by the use of methods that are also desirable and morally unobjectionable, or at least that X is cultivating dispositions in Y by certain methods.

我们说 X 教育或正在教育 Y ,意味着至少 X 正在使用无可争议的符合意愿的和道德的方法,在 Y 身上培养着无可争议的符合意愿的和道德的性状,或者至少 Y 用某种方法正在培养 Y 的性状。

更多网络解释与无可争议的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His honesty is beyond dispute:他的诚实是无可争议的

26. beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议 in dispute 在争议中 | His honesty is beyond dispute. 他的诚实是无可争议的. | The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. 事故的真正起因仍有争议.

His honesty is beyond dispute:他的老实是无可争议的

26. beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议 in dispute 在争议中 | His honesty is beyond dispute. 他的老实是无可争议的. | The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. 事故的真正起因仍有争议.


在JBoss项目,这个人叫弗勒里(Fleury). 在MySQL是两位程序员,蒙蒂维德纽斯(Monty Widenius)和大卫米科斯(David Axmark),他们开发了早期版本的MySQL,并选择了温和的马腾米阔斯(Marten Mickos)担任CEO. 罗斯梅森(Ross Mason)是Mule项目无可争议的开发领导,


incontrollably 不能控制地 | incontrovertible 无可争议的 | incontrovertibly 无疑地

Summa Theologiae:(神學大全)

阿奎那说:"在我们的本性里,已被赋予一能力,可一般地和模糊地知道上帝存在"(>(Summa Theologiae),I,q.2,a.1,ad 1). 加尔文则更加明确地认为,"人的心思会本能地觉知上帝,这点是无可争议的. 上帝为免人辩称无从认识他,

The uncontested comfort champion:无可争议的舒适冠军

Features: 特点: | The uncontested comfort champion无可争议的舒适冠军 | The ultimate upgrade a customer can choose without replacing their seat.最终提升客户可以选择,不必更换自己的座位上.


歌曲出自歌手 无可争议 (Undisputed) 的> 专辑中,歌词来自网友整理. 我们提供文本和LRC歌词供用户下载. 我们不能确保每首歌词都是正确的,也无法提供全部歌曲歌词. 我们希望您积极提交歌词来服务更多网友.

unequivocal evidence:无可争议的证据

Krypton 氪 | unequivocal evidence 无可争议的证据 | back-tracking 返追踪

incontrollable:不能控制的 (形)

incontinently 不能自制地 (副) | incontrollable 不能控制的 (形) | incontrovertible 无可争议的; 明白的; 无疑的 (形)


"新左派"的另一个组织"气象员"(Weathermen)在它的宣言中写到:1969年,美国开始从越南撤军对"新左派"又是一次不小的挑战. 越南战争是"新左派"用以反抗美国政治和社会制度的"支撑点". 只要越战不停,"新左派"的造反就有无可争议的合法性和正义性.