英语人>词典>汉英 : 无乳腺 的英文翻译,例句
无乳腺 的英文翻译、例句


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Meanwhile, the immeasurable Amita surprises lies in: it can promote the development of secondary breast on the chest And abdomen without any side effects, And female breast hyperplasia breast disease And improve the role of the prevention of breast hyperplasia, is the international security Breast 100% of the functional bra.


Then, the volume and morphology of grafts were observed and proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression of mammary epithelial cells in grafts was detected by immunohistochemistry. Experiment two: From 2 to 6 weeks after implanting, B-E〓 or NH1996 with respective dosage of 20ug and 100ug were injected muscularly into four groups of host mice once two days, and the control group was designed without treated with hormone.


objective to observe the antitumor activities of different solution extracts of plumbago zeylanica l.in vitro.method mtt method was used to detect the inhibitory effects on four kinds of cancer cells.results chloroform extracts had significant inhibitory effects on the breast cancer cell(bre-04),the nerve cancer cell(n-04) and the lung cancer cell(lu-04),ic50 were 0.2699mg/ml and 0.2634mg/ml,0.4961mg/ml respectively.ic50 of chloroform extract on the hepg2 was 0.9379mg/ml.ic50 of petroleum ether extracts on bre-04,n-04,lu-04 and hepg2 was 0.5902mg/ml,0.5725mg/ml,0.7938mg/ml,0.6374mg/ml;ethyl acetate extracts had fairly inhibitory effects on the lu-04,ic50 was 0.7343mg/ml;n-butanol extracts and water-solubility extracts had notsignificant inhibitory effects on the four kinds of cancer cells.conclusion the antineoplastic effective parts of plumbago zeylanica l.were chloroform and petroleum ether extracts.

目的 探讨白花丹体外抗肿瘤作用的活性部位。方法 mtt染色法对白花丹五种溶剂提取物体外抗肿瘤活性进行了初步的研究。结果氯仿提取物对乳腺癌细胞(bre-04)、神经癌细胞(n-04)、肺癌细胞(lu-04)有较好的抑制生长作用,ic50分别为0.269 9 mg/ml、0.263 4 mg/ml、0.496 1 mg/ml,对肝癌细胞hepg2抑制作用差, ic50为0.937 9 mg/ml;白花丹石油醚提取部位对乳腺癌细胞(bre-04)、神经癌细胞(n-04)、肺癌细胞(lu-04)、肝癌细胞hepg2的ic50分别为0.590 2 mg/ml、0.572 5 mg/ml、0.793 8 mg/ml、0.637 4 mg/ml;乙酸乙酯提取物对肺癌细胞(lu-04)有一定的抑制作用,ic50为0.734 3 mg/ml;水溶性提取物以及正丁醇提取物无明显抑制肿瘤作用。结论白花丹氯仿提取部位、石油醚提取部位体外抗肿瘤作用较好,值得对其提取部位进一步分离纯化并研究其抗肿瘤作用机制。

Results: the 2-d sonography performances of breast cystosarcoma phyllodes larger round or phyllodes tumor with clear border, with or without capsule, as it is of low internal echo, uneven, solution of irregular dark, rare calcification, the rear echo enhanced.


Results Galactophore remained mastocarcinoma 4 cases in non-type galactophore cancer , it did not remain mastocarcinoma in 26 cases


Results Galactophore remained mastocarcinoma 4 cases in non-type galactophore cancer, it did not remain mastocarcinoma in 26 cases; Armpit lymph node transfer of same side were 10 cases, it did not transfer in 20 patients.


High proportion of cells was in Sub-G1 phase of cell cycle and the cells could not grow in soft agar to form colonies. On the contrary, the three breast cancer cell lines, Bcap-37, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, are anoikis resistant, as indicated by DNA laddering and FCM assays.


To address this question in an unbiased and genome-wide manner, we developed a new method, methylation-specific digital karyotyping, and applied it to epithelial and myoepithelial cells, stromal fibroblasts from normal breast tissue, and in situ and invasive breast carcinomas.


Results:Serum CYFRA21-1 level was significantly higher in the patients with protopathic breast cancer before operation(the positive rate was 21%)than the patients with benign breast diseases (serum CYFRA21-1 were all negative).

结果:乳腺良性疾病无1例阳性;乳腺癌术前阳性率仅21%,但两者血清 CYFRA21-1 水平有明显差异;47例乳腺癌患者手术前与术后 4周血清 CYFRA21-1 水平相比有显著差异;56例乳腺癌患者术后随访 8例转移复发者中 6例阳性,无转移复发者均阴性,转移复发者血清 CYFRA21-1 水平较无转移复发者明显增高,两者相比差异有极显著性。

Results Use this method to examine 90 cases fast specimen of breast neoplasm during operation,and contrast with pathologic diagnosis.the overall accuracy rate is 98.7%,among them there have 60 cases malignant tumor but have not one pseudo positive,and 29 cases benign tumor have not one pseudo negative,1 cases of undefined was diagnosed mucus adenocarcinoma by pathologic examination.

结果 该方法共检查乳腺肿瘤术中快速标本90例,与病理学诊断对照。准确率98.7%,其中60例恶性肿瘤无一例假阳性,29例良性肿瘤无一例假阴性,1例未定病例为粘液腺癌。

更多网络解释与无乳腺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


天青azur | 无发育agenesis | 无乳腺amastia

atypical hyperplasia:非典型增生

2.4非典型增生(Atypical hyperplasia) 的主要超微结构改变. 这是乳腺癌发生发展中的一个要害性的过渡阶段,可分为三级. 4.3.B超(B-us)对于囊性乳腺增生和单纯性乳腺增生可以较清晰地予以鉴别,注重对低回声和无回声区的确定,

glabrous skin:无毛皮肤

无乳腺amastia | 无毛皮肤glabrous skin | 无孔肛门imperforate anus


乳头状瘤病(Papillomatosis)一词首先由Foote和Steward于9年提出使用. 是指乳腺中小导管上皮的乳头状增生,部分或全部填充乳管的管腔,并使其不同程度的扩张,细胞排列有极性,无异型,无坏死,存在肌上皮细胞. 亦有学者将其一并归于导管上皮增生性病变.

amastia:乳腺缺乏, 无乳房(畸形)

amasthenic lens | 共焦点透镜 | amastia | 乳腺缺乏, 无乳房(畸形) | amate | 使挫折, 使懊恼


无发育agenesis | 无乳腺amastia | 无毛皮肤glabrous skin

amastia; amazia:无乳腺畸形

\\"喉鳍鲳科;无囊鲳科\\",\\"AMARSIPIDAE\\" | \\"无乳腺畸形\\",\\"amastia; amazia\\" | \\"环纹蝶科\\",\\"AMATHUSIIDAE\\"

amazia; amastia:无乳腺畸形

\\"黑蒙性白痴\\",\\"amaurotic idiocy\\" | \\"无乳腺畸形\\",\\"amazia; amastia\\" | \\"裸头双边鱼;眶棘双边鱼\\",\\"Ambassis gymnocephalus \\"

Amasty; Absence of breast:无乳腺(畸形)

Alveolar sarcoma 泡状肉瘤 | Amasty; Absence of breast 无乳腺(畸形) | Ambulatory typhoid; Walking typhoid fever; Peripatetic typhoid 最轻伤寒; 逍遥伤寒

Cyclopic anophthalmia:并眼无眼球(畸形)

Cyclomastopathy; Eccyclomastopathy 结块性乳腺病 | Cyclopic anophthalmia 并眼无眼球(畸形) | Cyclopic monster 并眼畸胎; 独眼畸胎