英语人>词典>汉英 : 无一例外地 的英文翻译,例句
无一例外地 的英文翻译、例句


to a man
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Our country'S traditional social security fund raises the mode,does not divide the nature of ensuring the proj ect,the accounting on a cash basis of implementation without exception,one that is with the reform of the social security system and social security system is sound,range and enlargement of scale of social security,single accounting on a cash basis already unbearable social security complicated request of situation.


According to the pattern, the traditional judgment logic phalanx may find out the equivalence description in uniting calculation. In addition, all efficient formulas of traditional lexical logic become the external true formula without exception, and the inefficient become the external false.


E. Cummings, Malcolm Cowley, and many other novelists, dramatists, poets, and critics who tried to find their souls in the Antibes and on the Left Bank, who directed sad and bitter blasts at their native land and who, almost to a man, drifted back within a few years out of sheer homesickness, to take up residence on coastal islands and in New England farmhouses and to produce works ripened by the tempering (they lived there and got a kind of practice in critical thinking) of an older, more sophisticated society.


As one of the names that have become synonymous with quality vodka, Grey Goose is a brand that all others are compared to, for an obvious reason: it's that good.


But I feel it's worthwhile to try to live by the words of English author John Cowper Powys:"No one can consider himself wholly civilized who does not look upon every individual, without a single exception, as of deep and startling interest."


But I feel it';s worthwhile to try to live by the words of English author John Cowper Powys."No one can consider himself wholly civilized who does not look upon every individual,without a single exception,as of deep and startling interest."


Much has been lost in this worship of futurity, as the suffering of the last century proves (more people died violently as a result of political conflict—roughly 180 million—than were alive on earth in 1500), and artists were uniformly energized by this shocking disproof of 19th century optimism.


It's easy to fit the data perfectly, but if you do that you invariably end up just fitting to the flukes.


From then on, every time when the students wrote composition, they have to pay much attention and gingerliness choosing the suitable materials and words to make up their sentences, in order not to get hurt for another time. But every time they got hurt without exception.


Five years later those who had passed in the upper ten percent all, without exception, had executive positions, while not a single young man of the lower twenty-five percent had become an executive.


更多网络解释与无一例外地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

applicable law:适用法律

其中最重要的原因之一就是,在非涉外仲裁中,目前不存在可适用法律(applicable law)的确定问题,也即中国内地仲裁机构受理的非涉外仲裁案件将无一例外地适用中国内地法律,而中国内地仲裁机构受理的涉外仲裁案件却都不可避免地要面对可适用法律的"三部曲"问题,

cheap money:低息借款

许多国家在战后奉行了"低息借款"(cheap money)政策. 这样的国家无一例外地经历了公开的通货膨胀,或者采用一揽子措施来平抑通胀的压力,这些措施部分有效,部分无效. 事实证明,没有国家能在不采取控制货币存量增长措施的情况下,


几乎无一例外,学生们用的词是"震惊"(shocked),"失望"(disappointed),"愤怒"(angered)和"不公平"(unfair). 这位教授小心翼翼地问我,其实西方媒体错误或偏袒的报道历来有之,并不只是针对中国,甚至他们自己的政府都遭殃,为什么偏偏你们那么大反应呢?

distributive justice:分配的正义

于是,正义理论由"交换的正义"发展为 "分配的正义"(distributive justice). 中国的自由主义者都几乎无一例外地接受了"分配的正义"观,他们在强调自由 的同时,也十分重视正义的问题. 正义,在当时主要被表述为"社会公道"或"经济 平等"这样的说法,

All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them:全体工人无一例外地要求加工资

All the workers want a pay increase ,every man Jack of them.全体工人无一例外地要求加工资. | Jack of all trades and master of none.万事皆通而一无所长 | a Jack on both sides . 模棱两可,两面派

All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them:全体工人无一例外地要求增加工资

all the workers want a pay increase, every man jack of them. 全体工人无一例外地要求增加工资. | every man jack 或every jack one是"每个人"、"人人"... | jack of all trades and master of none 万事皆通而一无...

Life In Cold Blood:冷血生命

>(Life in Cold Blood)这也是一本BBC2007年末推出的由大卫.艾登堡爵士编著的图文并茂的好书,讲述的是两栖爬行动物的故事. 艾登堡主持的所有野生动物节目几乎无一例外地都很成功,伴随着出版的书籍也名列图书排行榜的前茅.

Jennifer Lopez:詹妮弗.洛佩茨

看好莱坞最耀眼的明星--包括詹妮弗.安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)、妮可.基德曼(NicoleKidman)、查莉兹.塞隆(Charlize Theron)和詹妮弗.洛佩茨(Jennifer Lopez)--她们无一例外地选择了能够完美衬托出个人风格、造型新颖别致的硕大钻石首饰,


几乎无一例外,学生们用的词是"震惊"(shocked),"失望"(disappointed),"愤怒"(angered)和"不公平"(unfair). 这位教授小心翼翼地问我,其实西方媒体错误或偏袒的报道历来有之,并不只是针对中国,甚至他们自己的政府都遭殃,

KungFu Panda:功夫熊猫

<<怪物史莱克>>(Shrek)、<<功夫熊猫>>(KungFu Panda)以及<<马达加斯加>>(Madagascar)无一例外地被打造成了风靡全球的系列动画电影;作为一个动画制作电影公司,梦工场也许没有老牌劲旅迪士尼动画公司(Walt Disney Animation)的历史悠久,