英语人>词典>汉英 : 方才 的英文翻译,例句
方才 的英文翻译、例句


a short while ago
更多网络例句与方才相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was effaced as easily as it had been evoked by an allocution from Mr Candidate Mulligan in that vein of pleasantry which none better than he knew know to affect, postulating as the supremest object of desire a nice clean old man.


It was effaced as easily as it had been evoked by an allocution from Mr Candidate Mulligan in that vein of pleasantry which none better than he knew how to affect, postulating as the supremest object of desire a nice clean old man.


In the history of the Anglophone world, it is not the ability of local authorities to check the central government, but rather a balance of power between local authorities and a strong central government, that is the true cradle of liberty.


Vice-president of strategy of company of ValueClick of network ad firm John Ardis points out, what suffer numerous lock to already exceeded surely 10 years to network individual target is long, but second economy crisis is here medium, each generate strong interest to it just now.


It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you can effectively make him a proposition.


"It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you caneffectively make him a proposition."


This would be an analogous puzzle to what augustine is here raising.


You must seek a larger kingdom that will be worthy of you.


He released the sea elf and realized, belatedly, that he was naked.


They promised to have stroller for baby like me but all the personels pointed to different places, some said in boarding area, when we got there after 10 min walk, they said that there should be in the luggage area. So Papa Mama said WTF then we walked on. French airports are so not baby-friendly! I was so tired and fell asleep on mama's laps but soon I was awaken because we needed to board on the plane.


更多网络解释与方才相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a moment ago:方才

Just当刚才或方才(a moment ago)解释时,英式英文用现在完成式,美式英文用简单过去式. 但ju时时态要用过去完成式,并用before, 否则他可能是两年前或三年前告诉(told)我,加两年或三年便是四

a tempo:回原速

最后介绍一下回原速(A TEMPO)演奏的小窍门. 顾名思义回原速就是在渐慢渐快之后恢复到原来速度上的意思. 回原速时要注意的一个问题就是不可以在标有回原速字样的地方才开始准备,一定要在之前的小节里就开始做准备,

all this clutter:是啊 看这里一团糟 呃...印象深刻

I'm a pack rat,I never throw anything out.我就像耗子 从来不扔东... | Yeah, all this clutter,it's, uh... overwhelming.是啊 看这里一团糟 呃...印象深刻 | You should see my apartment.你要看看我住的地方才好...

Boogie Nights:不受束缚夜

他的代表作其实是另外一部1997年拍摄的>(Boogie Nights). 那年他27岁,方才在影戏圈立足. 安德森用本身全数的才调,以非常呕心沥血般的工作立场拍摄了这部关于性欲情绪影戏业的故事片,实现了本身少年时代的胡想.


(Quarto)、"对开"(Folio)的古文本莎士比亚集,比现在学校用的那些有详序、有细注、有校勘记的本子,方才可以知道整理古书在教学上的重要了. □工具书是任何知识分子所必备的书. 像辞典、年表、年鉴、百科全书、手册、索引,


陈白他们的寝室位于整栋楼的东侧,造型别具一格,有两扇窗,住五个人,侧门朝西. 方才目睹了两股强风(gale)从西门而入,忽如债主而至,陈白将画命名为>.


当四周恢复光明与嘈杂时,我业已没有再呆下去的心情,便撂下棋盘上的残局,拉起黄河贼似地跑了,连声道别都没有. 若是平时,我同她之间总得道上好几个"古德拜"(Goodbye)方才惜别. 而今天,我只听到她在我背后隐约说了句"明天再过来玩"之类的话,我都没往心里去.


聆听必须心耳并用. "聆听"(listening)不仅仅是"用耳听"(hearing),而是心里愿意用耳听. 当你聆听时,沟通的线路才会真正打开,对方才会对你打开心窗,做你的朋友.



You will always find something in the last place you lock:你丢了什么东西,到处找遍,总要找到最后一个地方才找得着

The other line always move faster(... | All warranties expire upon payment of invoice(... | You will always find something in the last place you lock你丢了什么东西,到处找遍,总要找到最后一个地方才找得着. )