英语人>词典>汉英 : 新闻节目主持人 的英文翻译,例句
新闻节目主持人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与新闻节目主持人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was watching a news show last week when the anchorman calmly announced that they were about to project a three dimensional hologram of one of their reporters into the newsroom.


How did you manage to become a television anchorwoman?


When they turned on the TV,they saw Maggie become an anchorwoman then.


Kafudi made public CNN compere to publish the evil-minded opinion on public affairs of disgrace China in news program recently.


As network news programs strive to reinvent themselves, the grandfatherly Bob Schieffer seems like an unlikely choice to anchor the CBS Evening News.

CBS 电视网新闻节目为彻底改版而做着努力,因此给人祖父感觉的 Bob Schieffer 显然不太可能成为 CBS 晚间新闻主持人的候选人。

Wang-Ning, News network host hastened home by motorcycle after work., his girlfriend Liu-Chunyan sat behind him on the pillion, who was dainty and cutechildren program hostess.


If the newspaperman becomes a news program host, canned develop more strong advantage so,Because the news sensitive of the reporter and the confidence of the news the spot are all stronger.


He helped thousands of people who pursuing beauty to look more pretty and benefited lots of people who had been suffering alopecia .The patients come from home and abroad such as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,the US, Canada, Germany, France and so on .He ever successively implemented hair transplantation or cosmetic surgery for some domestic city leaders, renowned actors, the television program director as well as the literary college students .He also conducted hair transplant repair surgery for some people who failed to the surgery from other hospitals.His successful cases once reported by nearly 100 media such as"the CCTV News","the Dragon TV","Chinese Television Newspaper","Health News","Jiefang Daily","Wenhui Daily","Youth Daily","Xinmin Evening News","The Evening news","The Morning news","the Eastern Morning paper","The Noon News","Labor News","Macao Daily","Tianfu Morning paper","Shantou Metropolis Newspaper" and so on .Up to March 24, 2009, there were 276 reports released. It is worth mentioning that he offered to implemented hair planting for Lin Hao for free.

他为近万名爱美患者带来美丽,为脱发者带来福音,患者遍及美国、加拿大、德国、法国及港澳台等地;为国内众多的市领导、著名演员、电视节目主持人以及文艺院校的学生们成功地实施了整形美容及毛发移植手术,并为多名外院植发失败患者进行完美的修复手术,手术成功案例多次被《 CCTV 新闻》、《东方卫视》、《中国电视报》、《健康报》、《解放日报》、《文汇报》、《青年报》、《新民晚报》、《新闻晚报》、《新闻晨报》、《东方早报》、《新闻午报》、《劳动报》、《澳门日报》、《天府早报》、《汕头都市报》和《人民网》、《新华网》、《东方网》、《文新传媒》、《东方宽频》、《中华现代外科学杂志》等一百余家媒体报道,至2009年3月24日,共收录了276篇报道。

But in China, TV News Emcees are somewhat newly-emerged things. There are a lot of requirements of actually influential emcees.


During the three-day siege of Mumbai, an Indian television news anchor took a call from one of the suspected attackers, a young man who identified himself as Imran Babar.

在孟买的三天围困期间,印度电视台的新闻节目主持人接到了一名恐怖嫌疑分子的电话,这位年轻男子自称叫做 Imran Babar 。

更多网络解释与新闻节目主持人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其后转到[[巴尔的摩]](Baltimore)WJZ-TV成为"[[六点钟]]"(新闻)的主播之一. 然后又被招募至理查德.舍尔(Richard Sher) 麾下成为WJZ的地方脱口秀节目[[人们在说]](People Are Talking)的主持人之一. 奥普拉因其涉及"拥抱自由主义"遭到了保守派的批评.

in reserve:留下的, 备用的

anchorman: n. (汇编各地采访人员的资料并进行综合评价的)新闻节目主持人 | 5:Bruce, We'll keep your story in reserve. 布鲁斯,你的报道我会留着后备. | in reserve: 留下的, 备用的


2006年4月,有着美国新闻界"打工皇后"美誉的NBC金牌女主播凯蒂.考瑞克(Katie Couric)跳槽CBS,引发了美国主流新闻媒体前所未有的主持人"大洗牌". 考瑞克掌舵早间综合类新闻节目>(Today)节目长达15年,以亲民、活泼的金发美女形象享有盛名.

more or less:多多少少

他最近离开了>(More or Less)的主持工作,这是英国广播电台(BBC)4台一个关于新闻里的数字的系列节目. 我被聘为新主持人,所以我已做好了接受说教(甚至是更糟)的准备. 我完全是杞人忧天:当他跨进房间时,他笑得很诚恳...

nightly news:夜间新闻

例如,美国广播公司(ABC)>(News Tonight)节目的主持人彼得詹宁斯(Peter Jennings), 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的>(Evening News)节目的主持人丹拉瑟(Dan Rather),美国全国广播公司(NBC)>(Nightly News)的汤姆布洛考(Tom Brokaw),

a TV series:电视连续剧

人口负增长 negative population growth | 电视连续剧 a TV series | 新闻节目主持人 anchorperson,anchorman,anchorwoman


四年一度的美国总统竞选(presidential election campaign)又拉开了帷幕,候选人(candidates)各个摩拳擦掌,蓄势待发,其中不乏信誓旦旦、志在必得者. 近日偶尔在电视上看到一则有关美国总统竞选的新闻,节目主持人用retail politics来形容候选人马不停蹄的竞选活动.

Robyn Malcolm:最佳女演员

最佳男演员:Antony Starr | 最佳女演员:Robyn Malcolm | 最佳新闻节目主持人:Simon Dallow