英语人>词典>汉英 : 新闻广播的 的英文翻译,例句
新闻广播的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
headlines  ·  newscasting

更多网络例句与新闻广播的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

British Broadcast Company, BBC in short, established in 1922, is one of the world biggest news broadcasting organization.


On basis of the principle of the study of Chinese rhythm and news title, this paper widely reviews the news titles of newspaper, television and broadcasting and analyze various presentations of rhythms in news titles, such as, pause and delay , cadence, stress, tune and cockneyism.


How successful the instruction will be depended upon the same factors that influence the success of a television newscast.


A presentation of such information, as in a newspaper or on a newscast.


Media journalist, design English, computer, news editing,news composition news generality, news interviewing news evaluation art of singing, Comparison between Chinese and western culture, appreciation of movies and TV plays,yoga thesis: The discussion of backgrounds and reason for emergence and existence of Pazzi Broadcast program: female for new era achievements character: active,lively mild and strong resistance for pressure and adaptability hobby: movie music literature,etc.


And never before were there networks that tailored15 their broadcasts as platforms for American righteousness (Fox News Channel16, most bombastically) or the U.S.'s tactical and moral fallibility (al Jazeera17 and al Arabia).


This thesis explores the features of broadcast English news lexicons in a quantitative approach and qualitative approach.


To crack down on fakes, inferiors and piracies and protect IPR, the Chinese government adopts a series of publicity measures, which mainly include: intensify legal publicity activities ( especially for new laws and regulations) via news coverage, television and broadcastings, and symposiums, and make legal education concerning intellectual property as part of national legal publicity work simultaneously, strengthen the supervision of public opinion, expose some influential typical cases through news media and constantly bring to light the top 10 cases damaging market economy for many years, which has produced an awful and preventive effect upon future criminal activities and malpractice.


Some market research suggests that viewers like to see stories of crime and violence, which increases the ratings of newscasts.


With the advent of network-sponsored online newscasts, figuring out how many people are watching TV news isn't as straightforward as it used to be.


更多网络解释与新闻广播的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


headline 压头线;标题;新闻广播的摘要 | headman 组长 | headmaster 校长


lifespan 存在时间; 平均生命期; 寿命 | late-breaking (广播节目后或报纸付印绑的新闻、消息)刚收到的,最新的(最新消息~) | drench vt. 使湿透,使充满


老牌重金属乐队"克鲁小丑"(Motley Crue)主唱文斯-尼尔(Vince Neil)在接受美国广播公司(ABC)新闻广播的独家采访时说,63岁的前奥斯卡影帝沃肯将在影片>(The Dirt)中饰演奥斯伯恩,有了沃肯出神入化的演技,相信影片定不会让影迷和歌迷们失望.

Newsbreak:有报导价值的事情 (名)

newsboy 报童, 送报人 (名) | newsbreak 有报导价值的事情 (名) | newscast 新闻广播 (名)


12.headline (報紙的)標題 | 13.newscast 新聞廣播 | 14.periodical 雜誌;期刊

newscast:新闻广播 (名)

newsbreak 有报导价值的事情 (名) | newscast 新闻广播 (名) | newscaster 新闻广播员, 新闻评论广播员 (名)

news broadcast - newscast:新闻广播

Our six-year-old is at school. 我们六岁的孩子在上学了. | news broadcast - newscast 新闻广播 | parachute troops - paratroops 伞兵

on the news:在广播或电视新闻中

No news, good news. (=No news is good news.) [谚]没有消息, 就是好消息. | on the news 在广播或电视新闻中 | spot news 最新消息; 出人意料的新闻

TV News:电视新闻

按传播工具,可分为报纸新闻(newspaper coverages )、杂志新闻(magazine coverages)、广播新闻(radio news)、电视新闻(TV news)、有线电视新闻(cable news)和通讯社新闻(news agency尽管新闻的种类繁多,分类的标准各异,但是,

VOA Voice of America:是世界上最大的新闻广播机构之一

WC water closet 厕所 | VOA--Voice Of America,是世界上最大的新闻广播机构之一. | 4)American born Chinese美国的土生土长的华人