英语人>词典>汉英 : 新闻局 的英文翻译,例句
新闻局 的英文翻译、例句


information bureau
更多网络例句与新闻局相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CONTAINERS unloaded at the new Nghi Son port in Thanh Hoa province may face a new terminal handling charge levied by conference-like international shipping agreement groups, reports the Vietnam New Agency.


An information bureau collects and keeps various facts.


Eg. An information bureau collects and keeps various facts.


The ethnic breakdown is Kpelle 20 percent, Bassa 16 percent, Gio 8 percent, Kru 7 percent and 49 percent spread over 12 other ethnic groups.


Its predecessor was the International Press Bureau of the Central People's Government Press and Publication Administration, set up at the same time as the founding of


The China International Publishing Group is the largest and the most authoritative foreign language publishing and distribution establishment , its predecessor being the International Press Bureau of the Central People's Government Press and Publication Administration .


Ministry of Education issued "Secondary Hortation Law of Media Production and broadcast of Lifelong Education Programs" in 2003, and jointly issued two branch laws with News Bureau of "Methods of electronic media offering channels for lifelong learning programs at fixed hours" in the same year.


The copyright is owned by the Government Information Office, Executive Yuan, or in the case of some materials, third parties who have licensed the use of their works on this website. Users may use and distribute the content freely for non-profit purposes within the confines of the law, provided, the content may not be altered, derogated, or diminished, and the source must be acknowledged and cited as the "National Audiovisual Information Service."


Arkansas News Bureau - Water temperature is just one factor in this variation.


Arkansas News Bureau - Water temperature is just one factor in this variation.


更多网络解释与新闻局相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Off Beat:最後一次心動

>(Off Beat)是今年台北电影节的「观众票选最佳影片」,但最近竟被新闻局列为限制级!发行公司对此感到遗憾,并表示近日将重新送审. >是德国新锐导演亨德利克荷斯曼在20几岁时的毕业作,


曾执导>与>纪录片(中影),并担任金马奖、金钟奖、金曲奖多届评审,曾获新闻局16mm最佳动画与最佳实验电影金穗奖. 文化没有明确的定义,就整个文化讲,它是一个多样化的过程. 文化旨在改善(betterment)生活,追求更有价值的生命意义.

Clockwork Orange:发条桔子

在>(Clockwork Orange)中,库柏力克以优美的古典音乐、大胆的暴力镜头,大剌剌的讽刺国家政府才是最大的"暴力制造者". 当初片商送"台湾新闻局"受检时,即以"暴力"为由一此外,>(The Exorcist)当年因过于暴力而遭受禁演,

Dust in the Wind:风尘

>(Dust In The Wind)即刻划出青少年面临成长抉择的电影作品. 上映前,导演及编剧联名致函中华民国行政院新闻局掌宋楚瑜,请求协助军方支援拍摄. 而且,中央电影公司也曾检附剧本,申请军方支援,前往金门实地拍摄. 但是,

information bureau:新闻局

information area 信息区 | information bureau 新闻局 | information desk 服务台

Government Information Office:新聞局

台湾新闻局(Government Information Office)一位不愿透露姓名的官员表示,上述十个基建项目中的一部分属于政府早些时候宣布的12大基建项目范围内. 该官员称,这十个基建项目的支出需获得立法机构批准.

Government Information Office:行政院新聞局

行政院新闻局(Government Information Office)在10月4日下午举办国庆相关活动记者会,立法院长王金平以国庆筹备委员会主委身份出席,在接受媒体询问有关为何今年举行国防展出活动时表示,这次国防展示定位为展览表演,并无所谓阅兵,所有展示过程中,

government official:政府公报

新闻局 Government Information Office | 政府公报 Government Official | 政府采购法 Government Procurement Act

International Press Bureau:国际新闻局

新闻出版署 Press and Publishing Administration | 国际新闻局 International Press Bureau | 印刷厂 Printing House


>是一部台湾行销到"全世界"(worldwide)的电影,亚洲是第一站,接下来还要环游美洲和欧洲(若能到非洲也不错). 不知道这样新闻局有没有奖金可以颁发?