英语人>词典>汉英 : 数目 的英文翻译,例句
数目 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
number  ·  numbers

更多网络例句与数目相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result: The nm-HAP-sol present the dispersed and uniformity needle. A431cells inhibition ratio was maximizing at the 5 day in the 400mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, the 200mg/L nm-HAP-sol group and the 100mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, inhibition ratio of the 400mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, the positive control group and the 50mg/L nm-HAP-sol group was respectively (77.89±6.29)%,(77.46±8.26)% and (1.23±0.15)%. It was detected that the number of A431 cells were persistently increasing in the 50mg/L nm-HAP-sol groups while decreasing in the 400mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, the positive control group and abidingly increasing for 4 and 3 days then decreasing in the 100mg/L and 200mg/L nm-HAP-sol group by inverted microscope.

结果:超声乳化法配制的HAP纳米溶胶呈均匀分散的针状;400mg/L、200mg/L和100mg/L溶胶组对A431细胞抑制率在第5天达到各组最大值,此时400mg/L溶胶组与阳性对照组的抑制率分别为(77.89±6.29)%和(77.46±8.26)%, 50mg/L溶胶组抑制率为(1.23±0.15)%;倒置显微镜下见50mg/L溶胶组细胞数目持续增加,聚集成簇,细胞呈现多角形或梭形,胞浆透亮,而100mg/L 和200mg/L溶胶组的细胞数目分别增加至第4天和第3天开始下降,400mg/L溶胶组和阳性对照组细胞数目持续减少,细胞体积缩小,漂浮细胞增多。

Long int readData(Buffer * pBuffer,/* pointer to the abstract buffer */ byte * pOutput,/* pointer to the output byte array */ long int offset,/* offset of the output byte array */ long int arrayLength /* size of available output byte array */){ while (there is something more to read and there is room for output){ read from the first memory block; if (the first memory block is empty){ delete the first memory block from the linked list and free its memory

在 清单 5 中,该函数销毁性地从 pBuffer 所指向的抽象缓冲区最多读取 arrayLength 个前导字节,并在内存块变为空时从链表中删除它们,然后返回成功读取的字节数目。如果需要,您可以实现一个类似 readData 的函数来允许非销毁性的读取。实现一个函数来返回当前存储在抽象缓冲区中的字节数目,这样可能会带来好处。清单 6。返回抽象缓冲区中的字节数目

4DRG was co-culture with sciatic nerve segment in 10鸖 DMEM;the axons were longer and surround the sciatic nerve segment which was regard as anew evidence for chemotropism.


This paper used Elman neural network to establish the model of irrigation water use prediction, having four importing units and exporting units. The determination of concealed level neural single number used the cut-and-try method, ten units were used.


For example, if the haploid number is 7, the euploid number would be 7,14,21,28, etc, and there would be equal numbers of each different chromosome.


In many cases, when the source number is not known in advance, the selected number in model may not be equal to that of the actual one. In respect of this problem, a calculation is also carried out, and a discrimination criteria is proposed based on results of inverse calculation.


Using potato tubers of Irish cobbler variety naturally infected with X- and Y-virus, the writer compared the concentrations of X-virus in the young sprouts of different seed pieces longitudinally cut from the same tuber and subjected to various temperatures, light and darkness, normal and dereased oxygen tensions during the period of germination.


If the number of variables or arrays being added with ADDITIVE plus the number of existing variables exceeds the variable limit, Microsoft Visual FoxPro brings as many variables and arrays as possible into memory from the variable file or memo field.

如果使用 ADDITIVE 时,要添加的内存变量或内存变量数组的数目加上已有内存变量的数目超过了系统对内存变量数目的限制,Visual FoxPro 将从内存变量文件或备注字段中恢复尽可能多的内存变量和内存变量数组。

While the tissue spaces surrounding a few blood vessels wasAl and Fg positive,no Al or Fg positive cells were observed.In antemortem injurygroup,diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage,cerebral edema,swelling or pyknotic neu-rons could be observed.The axons showed irregular swelling and disconnection at1~3h,marked swelling and disconnection at 6h,and retraction ball at 15h whichwas more remarkable at 24h after injury.The space between myelin sheaths andaxons was increased at 3~6h after injury.Tortuous and wavelike myelin sheathswhich adhered on axons incompletely,or even peeled off could be found from 15hto 24h after injury.Perinuclear lysis of Nissl bodies began at 24h after injury.Thenumber of GFAP positive cells in cerebrum and brain-stem increased significantlyfollowed by decrease,and then increased again,but the time courses of the changesin different areas of brain were not same.Al and Fg positive neural cells,mainlysurrounded blood vessels,with diffuse or peripherally distributed positive matter incytoplasm could be observed at 0.5h after injury.The number of Al or Fg positivecells and the intensity of immunoreaction increased with the time of injury.The areaof SYN positivity in medulla oblongata and pons decreased notably 3~6h afterinjury,then return to normal levels and continued to 24h after injury.


The morphology and structure of reconstructed tissue was detected by microscope and scanning electron microscope.Results:(1) Compared with the control group, the cellular proportion of laminin group increased in 62 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly. As shown by the microscope, the cells of control group were in low density. The cells in mass connected tightly. The microfilament appeared reticular formation. The nucleus were the same in size. The cells of laminin group were in high density and put out so many lamellipodia, filopodia, which connected with the surrounding cells. The microfilament increased, elongated, and changed from reticulodromous to sarciniform, which reached to the pseudopods. The nucleus were different in size .(2) As shown by the inverted microscope and the cell growth curve, comparing with the controlgroup, cells of each test group increased evidently. The cellular proportion of each test group increased in S phase and G2 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly, but there was no considerable interations between LN and EGF;(3) As shown by the morphological observations, the cultured cat corneal endothelial cells formed an integrated membrane, and attached to the Descemets membrane closely, which was similar to the natural tissue. The cells connected tightly to each other, and some of them arranged in hexagon approximately.


更多网络解释与数目相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CARY CAPACITY:持有物品数目/总共可持有物品数目

INVENTORY:物品信息栏 | CARY CAPACITY:持有物品数目/总共可持有物品数目 | WEAPONS:武器栏,整个武器都放这里


Mid)粒细胞数目(Gran)淋巴细胞百分比(Lymh%)中间细胞百分比(Mid%)粒细胞百分比(Gran%)红细胞数目(RBC)红细胞压积(HCT)血红蛋白(HGB) 平均红细胞体积(MCV)平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC) 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)红细胞分布宽度变异系数(RDW-CV) 红细胞分布宽度标准差(RDW-SD)血小板数目(PLT) 平均血小板体积(MPV) 血小板


淋巴细胞数目(Lymph)中间红细胞数目(Mid)粒细胞数目(Gran)淋巴细胞百分比(Lymh%)中间细胞百分比(Mid%)粒细胞百分比(Gran%)红细胞数目(RBC)红细胞压积(HCT)血红蛋白(HGB) 平均红细胞体积(MCV)平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC) 平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)红细胞分布宽度变异系数(RDW-CV) 红细胞分布宽度标准差(RDW-SD)血小板数

ip inspect one-minute high:数目 '控制一分钟最高连接数量

ip inspect max-incomplete low 数目 | ip inspect one-minute high 数目 '控制一分钟最高连接数量 | ip inspect one-minute low 数目

Parked Domains:包域名数目

Add-on Domains 加入顶级域名数目 5 | Parked Domains 包域名数目 20 | Subdomains 子域名数目 20

errors PHY:层发现的错包数目

CRC 非超长但校验错的报文数目 | errors PHY层发现的错包数目 | overruns NP队列满,失败的报文数目


Unknown community name 收到错误团体名的报文数目 | supplied 收到团体名对应权限错误的报文数目 | Encoding errors 收到错误编码错误的SNMP报文数目

unpriced tender BOQ:不祭价投标数目单

276. 合同数目单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ | 277. 不祭价投标数目单 unpriced tender BOQ | 278. 标价投标数目单 priced tender BOQ

No. of unvoiced segments:无声段数目

音声中断数目No. of voice breaks | 次和谐音段数目No. of subharmonics segments | 无声段数目No. of unvoiced segments


multicasts 组播报文的数目 | broadcasts 广播报文的数目 | MulticastOctets 组播数据报文字节数目