英语人>词典>汉英 : 数次 的英文翻译,例句
数次 的英文翻译、例句


several times
更多网络例句与数次相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aeschylus traveled to Sicily several times during his life, and on his last voyage he did not return.


But the Heaven and Kismet Theory said by Confucius and Mo-zi have different connotation.


Mr. Moynihan's trip is the latest of several overseas visits since he was promoted to chief executive.


Simeoni attacked to catch a group that had broken away from the main peloton.


3 Reweigh, dilute to volume, stopper, then mix by inverting the flask several times.


Doctors were gods in the Shetty household, swooping in to save his restaurateur father who suffered from chronic diabetes and fell into diabetic comas several times in the young boy's life.


Mao took the country down several blind alleys. Millions died through famine in the Great Leap Forward or were brutalised in the Cultural Revolution.


Being different from what previous feudalists had done, it was an important legislation, which greatly changed the original legal system after Qing government experienced several war defeats in the middle of 19th century and confronted the danger of national subjugation.


And then playing to a 6-7 point feed, feed for about half an hour sleep wake up to give him a bath .7-8 points, finished after the first stool, and then is probably about 8-8 points to his half-fed milk, feeding a total of about an hour (median urine once cough shot several times) about 9-10 points and then to bed.


The different set-up changes caused several lengthy turnarounds in the morning before Lewis could concentrate on a single long-distance run in the afternoon – which was punctuated by several late red-flag periods.


更多网络解释与数次相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

an average of:是一个固定词组,意为"平均有. . . "后一般跟数次

Elephants would die out if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.如果允... | ▲ an average of是一个固定词组,意为"平均有. . . "后一般跟数次 . | An average of ten students are absent each day.每...


biquadratic | 双二次的,四次的,四次方程,四次幂 | biquaternion | 复四元数,八元数 | biquinary | 二元五进制的,二元五进位的

Digital Simulation:数次模拟

digital signature 数字签名 | digital simulation 数次模拟 | digital sonar 数字声呐

emu udunggeri:几遍,数次

emtenggeri 各一次. 各一遍. | emu udunggeri 幾遍. 数次. | [55] tome 毎字. 在句中単用. 乃重上字之詞.

Don't worry, bro.|Think about Evander Holyfield:别担心,想一想艾万德.霍利菲尔德|(被泰森数次咬到耳朵的重量级拳击手)

I feel like I can smell it.|我想我都闻得见血腥味 | Don't worry, bro.|Think about Evander Holyfield.|别担心,想一想艾万德.霍利菲尔德|(被泰森数次咬到耳朵的重量级拳击手) | You can't even tell.|看不出来的

If you visit the same rock-pool several times:如果你数次来访同一岩石

[21:18.24]All the creatures by the shore live in s... | [21:23.22]If you visit the same rock-pool several times, ;如果你数次来访同一岩石 | [21:27.12]you will get to know its inhabitant--but you must be...

second derivative action:二次导数作用

second derivative 二次导数,二阶导数 | second derivative action 二次导数作用 | second derivative gravity anomaly 重力二次导数异常

several times each week:每周数次

other interest that they can write a few hundred words about其他利益,他们能写... | several times each week.每周数次. | And yet, so many people choose to write about their families.然而,让许多人选择去写...

Minor Cycles:次圈数;次周期

Minimum Subdivison Levels最小细划分值;最小细分级别 | Minor Cycles次圈数;次周期 | Minor Radius次半径;较小圆半径

force field:全身被能量球保护,使伤害减小,但受到数次攻击后会消失

Fireball-----火球术. 在爆炸点产生一定的伤害面积 | Force Field-----全身被能量球保护,使伤害减小,但受到数次攻击后会消失 | Fumble-----使敌人放下手中的物品,当然包括武器