英语人>词典>汉英 : 数学公式 的英文翻译,例句
数学公式 的英文翻译、例句


mathematical formula
更多网络例句与数学公式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The absolute coding model360°angle sensor is us ed for inducing the angles and positions of the track type sphere welding machin e.Knowing the distances from two end points of the track to the weld-groove w e calculated,mathematics formulas of the distance of the any position of track to weld-groove.


By using the mathematical method of curve integrals,it derives the mathematical formula to calculate the cross-section ductile coefficient of RC ring section member.


In the layout analysis, we chose a bottom-up algorithm based on nearest neighbor connect-strength and line confidence to segment the image area, table area and text area; In the printed Chinese character recognition module, we calculate the degree of incorporative difference to match the character, also define a refusal class which could orientate the mathematical expression automatically; Put the expression into the formula processing module, then we chose the character segmentation method based on connectivity and the template match method to recognize the character in the mathematical expression and at last we used the structure analysis based on the character to transform the two dimension formula into one dimension Word EQ expression.

在版面分析中,采用基于最近邻连接强度和行列可信度的自底向上的版面分析算法,分割出图像区域、表格区域和文本区域;在汉字识别模块中,采用回溯切分方法切分出字符段,计算合并差异度与特征字典比较,通过引入汉字的拒识类,从而实现了公式的定位;将定位后的数学公式送入公式识别器,在公式识别器中采用基于连通域搜索的字符分割方法和模板匹配方法对字符识别,对于识别出的字符,再采用基于特征字符的结构分析方法,从而将二维的数学公式转化为一维的Word EO域语句。

However, each factor has its marked feature, it is difficult to use an accurate mathematical formula or statistical formula to ...


But because of the planar structure of mathematicsformulas, recognizing by merely enlarging the symbol library will not record the image infor-mation completely.


Optical Formula Recognition is not only the sign of formula recognition, but also include the extraction of the formula, the record of two dimension structure of the formula and so on.


The mathematical structure can be the mathematical formula, the algorithm, the form, the sketch and so on.


" In 1981, the Supreme Court stated that "a claim drawn to subject matter otherwise statutory does not become nonstatutory simply because it uses a mathematical formula, computer program, or digital computer" and a claim is patentable if is contains "a mathematical formula and implements or applies the formula in a structure or process which, when considered as a whole, is performing a function which the patent laws were designed to protect.

& 1981年,最高法院指出,&索赔提请法定事由,否则不会成为非法定仅仅是因为它使用了一个数学公式,计算机程序,或数字电脑&,并要求具有专利性,如果是包含&一个数学公式,并在实施或适用的公式的结构或过程,当作为一个整体考虑,是履行这一职能的专利法是为了保护。

In this paper,the whole recognition process was studied in detail,using character over-segmentation method and BST character structure analysis algorithm,the general formula could be recognized and remerged successfully,and the recognition ratio is very high.


Aformula which describes the transient process from beginning traveling waveto steadytraveling wave was deduced and the concept of initial traveling wave stagefirst was defined and its duration was given. It leads to a conclusion that reflectionfactor is a time dependent function, and variation range and reflection factor atdifferent stage were presented .Based on unified traveling wave theory andtransmission line model of reflective terminal with energy storage element , powerpolarity of initial traveling wave was analysed with both physical and mathematicalmethod.


更多网络解释与数学公式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biotic index:生物指数

生物指数法 生物指数(biotic index)是指运用数学公式反映生物种群或群落结构的变化以评价环境质量的数值. 生物测试方法有静水式生物测试(static bioassay)和流水式生物测试毒性试验(toxic test)是指人为地设置某种致毒方式使受试生物中毒,

cosine formula:余弦公式

而考生较常记错的公式是希罗公式(Heron's Formula)及余弦公式(Cosine Formula). 数学公式繁多,又有很多相类的地方,考生很易混淆,朱镜江建议考生平日多做数学练习,将公式内化,便可自然地应用,「像踩单车一样,只要多练习,便懂得踩」.

Mathematical expectation:期望值

mathematical constant 数学常数 | mathematical expectation 期望值 | mathematical formula 数学公式

formation rule:形式规则

数学公式 mathematical axiom | 形式规则 formation rule | 原子公式 atomic formula

mathematical formula:数学公式

也只字不提"思维过程"或"机械操作过程",而是用"算法"(algorithms)来概括上述权利要求,并在"长话短说"的判决理由中将"算法"与"数学公式"(mathematical formula)等同.此外,最高法院在解释"工序"专利时援引的四个先例都是上一世纪的,

Chemical and mathematical formula:化学和数学公式

46、 Arabic number 阿拉伯数字; | 47、 Chemical and mathematical formula 化学和数学公式 | 48、 Nucleotide and amino acid 核苷酸和氨基酸

Mathematical Formula Markup Language:数学公式加成语言

数学表式 mathematical expression | 数学公式加成语言 Mathematical Formula Markup Language | 数学函数 mathematical function


适用於含有多种主要因素的试题反应模式,便叫作多向度(multidimensional)模式. 多向度模式的数学公式复杂难懂,而且模式也还在发展中,本系列文章不拟介绍,有兴趣的读者可参阅McDonald (1981)和Ackerman (1989)的文章. 这条公式即是说明,

rule of thumb:经验公式

不过支持者们指出,EVT有着健全的(sound)的数学基础,而不仅仅是经验公式(rule of thumb). 1980年,日本巨型散装船Derbyshire(德比郡号)在一次台风中沉没,44名船员失踪. 由此造成了长久的争议,到底该船是因为设计失误而沉没,还是因为船员操作不当?

wavelet transforms:小波变 换

小波变换(Wavelet transforms)是一系列可表示图形的复杂结构的数学公式,通过这些公式可将极大量的图形数据压缩为相对少量的压缩数据. 这种压缩技术允许应用程式能以比其他任何当前正在生产的软体更高的压缩比和更好的图像品质保存压缩后的图形.